View Full Version : stinky seats!!!!!!!!!!!!

24-06-01, 05:01 PM
My seats stink of rank b.o and i cant get rid of the smell ive tried all sorts of cleaners etc bit its still there what can i do???????? every time a bird gets in she asks me what the smell is x-( please help.

24-06-01, 05:22 PM
have a shower lol

try a wet vax type thing!! do it a couple of times.

or just chnage yer seats

BEng Hons Automotive Electronics Engineering :) worship my electronics skills :D

25-06-01, 09:15 AM
have you tried febreeze?

25-06-01, 04:09 PM
i got a drivers seat from a scrappy, it had been out to the elements cos the windows had been put through, it had some pretty grubby stains from the weather and lol, even on the back a little bird poo! only cost me a fiva tho so i can complain.

anyway lol sorry, i used Simoniz Dry Clean for apolhostery. (Sp) it comes in a claret/burgandy spray can, u spray iot on leave it to soak a little, then sponge of, no lie, my seat looks new, it even bought the colours out and resotred them in the stripes again :D

25-06-01, 04:15 PM
u must talk to much while you are sitting on them

:) decisions decisions :)