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18-06-01, 05:46 PM
What colour car goes fastest?

18-06-01, 06:31 PM
transparent aluminium is the quickest metal to use for building a car

BEng Hons Automotive Electronics Engineering :) worship my electronics skills :D

18-06-01, 06:47 PM
Black with a red stripe and stickers!

Thrust 2 is fastest car.

B-)As long as people are still having promiscuous sex with many anonymous partners while at the same time experimenting with mind-expanding drugs in a consequence-free environment, I'll be sound as a pound!

18-06-01, 08:05 PM
I always thought red ones go faster-my mates 106(piece of poo 1litre) flies, my novas red,n faster than my mates almost identical 1.2-but thats white...

18-06-01, 09:55 PM
make sure ur seats are blue though that adds 10bhp


18-06-01, 11:20 PM
bummer.....if your seats have to be blue to make it go quicker, do my red ones make it go slower :(
It is red on the outside though ;)

18-06-01, 11:28 PM
Red followed by white ;)......
Actually on 2nd thoughts
Probably white followed by red cos white is lighter, hahaha! :D

18-06-01, 11:36 PM
blue ones or maybe green then again could be black but could also be red.
ermm i aint too sure but will someone tell me so i can spray me car that colour?


19-06-01, 01:38 AM
lol at CP.

Take a pin hammer to your paint and create a dimpled effect like on a golf ball. They have that so they can fly faster and further. Something to do with turbulance and surface air speed.


Whoopass! :D

19-06-01, 09:54 AM
Just have a multitone flip then u have all the colours in one!!!

19-06-01, 11:18 AM
i just read mc's post about the dimpled effect and tried it. It looks kinda wierd, im not sure if I did it right cos it hasnt made it any faster , it seems to be the time for mods at the moment for me, thats the second one Ive done this week after the full respray.:)

19-06-01, 11:51 AM
lol, has anyone else tried it? I would be interested to hear the results.


Whoopass! :D

19-06-01, 11:51 AM
black will be faster if it's sunny
proven fact!!!

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19-06-01, 12:10 PM
well my new colour will be fastest!

19-06-01, 02:18 PM
I was saying that to the Missus last night Ste.

On a Sunny day a black car would absorb more of the suns heat. As the surface would then be hotter, the air passing over it would cool down less. Gasses travel faster when warm, so in theory and fact a black car would be fastest.

The missus didnt sound to interested in this theory, so I just shut up, and carried on thrusting away! lol

The last bit was a joke by the way.


Whoopass! :D

19-06-01, 02:24 PM
LMFAO @ last line.

Glad to see you finally came to the conclusion I made in the second reply.

B-)As long as people are still having promiscuous sex with many anonymous partners while at the same time experimenting with mind-expanding drugs in a consequence-free environment, I'll be sound as a pound!

19-06-01, 02:33 PM
lmao at the same as fenix

I will laugh 4 ages about that.

19-06-01, 02:59 PM
lmao @ MC

"Thrusting away"...classic...your girlie must have been having fun, you discussing scientific reasons why a black nova is faster during sex...lmfao...I'll try it sum time !!!...:p

Smoke that valver
Email ged@roybacer.co.uk
Visit www.roybacer.co.uk

19-06-01, 03:06 PM
not with your bird of course

19-06-01, 03:18 PM
wot you sayin about mc's bird ged?

19-06-01, 03:18 PM
Why whats wrong with Donna?

Fenix passes Ged a spade and say "go on, keep digging!"

B-)As long as people are still having promiscuous sex with many anonymous partners while at the same time experimenting with mind-expanding drugs in a consequence-free environment, I'll be sound as a pound!

19-06-01, 07:59 PM
Yeah Ged! What ya saying?

19-06-01, 08:59 PM
Rob loans Ged a JCB... and instead of accidentally putting his foot in it,he takes a running jump too...

20-06-01, 12:35 AM
This is funny.....reminds me of something to do with holes on another forum :D