View Full Version : howwwwwwwww much

25-12-06, 07:01 AM
well after being woken up by 2 screaming kids (age 3 and 6) and being up for about 2 hrs now http://www.vauxhallsportforum.com/phpBB2/images/smiles/089.gif i have confirmed i need a bigger house lol lol .

I've been told we were conservative and only spent about 400 quid on each child but i never imagined it would be enough to take over my whole lounge http://www.vauxhallsportforum.com/phpBB2/images/smiles/sm_ponder.gif But the look on their faces this morning has been a picture to behold.

when we were kids ourselves we never had anything like this as toys/money was never as readily available so its nice to spoil our own off spring but it comes at a price http://www.vauxhallsportforum.com/phpBB2/images/smiles/100.gif lol

just thought i would share that whilst in my own little escape into internet oblivion http://www.vauxhallsportforum.com/phpBB2/images/smiles/005.gif

25-12-06, 08:11 AM
just wait till you have to tidy it all up. And where to put all the kids toys thats the challange.

25-12-06, 12:30 PM
Lol, good to hear you enjoying xmas day Dan :)

25-12-06, 01:36 PM
Glad every1s having a good xmas,

i kno what you mean about the xmas thing when i was little, mom could only work a few hours aweek and my dads got a gammy leg so is classed as disabled and only gets a bit of money, and with bills etc to pay there never realy was much money left over but now i'm working i like to spoil my mom and dad (havent got my own kids yet)

imo tho having a bit of a hard childhood does you good, and you never expect to much and when you get alot more then you expectd its always good..

just wish my nan could be here for this xmas(1st one with out her)

Hope you all have a good day, and a happy new year..


25-12-06, 01:39 PM
imo tho having a bit of a hard childhood does you good, and you never expect to much and when you get alot more then you expectd its always good.

Completly correct!! My dad is an EX sqauddie, so getting up early and doing what your told is the law in my house. The same way id bring up kids if i had then, with respect or courtesy, politness etc

But yeah, glad to hear that everyone so far is having a good christmas

25-12-06, 03:16 PM
Completly correct!! My dad is an EX sqauddie, so getting up early and doing what your told is the law in my house. The same way id bring up kids if i had then, with respect or courtesy, politness etc

My dad's similar. But not an ex squaddie, a farmer lol

I was woken up by my sister at 6 this morning going "wake up it's christmas!"
She's 14. lol

25-12-06, 04:08 PM
I was woken up by the kid next door driving up and down in their new electric car ! How exciting !

25-12-06, 04:27 PM
400 notes on each child!!!! Your bloody looney.

25-12-06, 04:42 PM

I aint even had ?400 :( lol

25-12-06, 05:40 PM
i didnt think 400 notes was to bad tbh lol, missus normally keeps an eye out for the odd present jan onwards so spread over the year its not alot, esp with what some of the toys cost (not like each item only costs 20 quid etc)

Anyway, its far worse now pfffft :tard: after visiting both sets of grandparents, and then great grandparents things are defo looking far worse for my sanity and breathing space lol lol

25-12-06, 05:59 PM

p.s dan, can you pm me some pics of you rdash pod thing please.. i'm going to atempt something simlar lol


28-12-06, 11:11 AM
Dan, it'll get easier when they get older. A couple hundred quid on the latest gadget and you're done - minimal hassle - though the spending will be the same lol.

Xmas day at my uncles house made me realise just how expensive it must be for parents these days. I've got three cousins, 15, 12 and 8. The 15 year old gets a new phone every christmas, among other things - then aunt and uncle argue over her 12 month old one lol. Not sure actually what the 12 year old got this year, but she's got simpler tastes and doesnt go for flash expensive stuff so much - and the 8 year old lad, well, he got a shiney new PSP, with 5 games and 3 UMD movies... and a whole heap of other stuff that he didnt give a stuff about lol

Having said that - without really noticing i spent a few hundred quid on the wife this christmas, and we were supposed to be being a bit tight this year. Oops lol. Though she did spend almost 300 quid at the Next sale yesterday... but "most of it's going back anyway, so its not that bad is it?"

28-12-06, 11:29 AM
lol yorus does that too. Goes and buys stuff then takes it back.
She refuss to let me go shopping now as i just say "yeah thats nice but i bet ?20 your bring it back"

28-12-06, 01:52 PM
best is when she buys stuff that she doesnt want, because she's got a money off coupon or something, so buy that thing with loads of stuff you do want, then return that thing, and keep the discount you received on it against the other stuff you bought. Its complicated, but in a lady-brain it makes perfect sense.

craig green
28-12-06, 03:07 PM
I was behind a teen mum in Woolworths on Xmas eve, she was telling her mate how she'd spent over a grand on her kiddy (my estimate 6 or 7 yrs old) I was totally shocked tbh. Its horrendous to spend that much on a child & it just makes you wander what it will expect as the years go by & it develops expensive taste. Spoilt brat!

btw she was still searching for presents obviously..

lee 16v
28-12-06, 04:10 PM
i sold my sri and spent all the money on my girl friend for x mas last yer, i think mug comes into it some where lol not doing that again

craig green
28-12-06, 05:16 PM
i sold my sri and spent all the money on my girl friend for x mas last yer, i think mug comes into it some where lol not doing that again

I notice you didnt say ex girlfriend. thats gotta be a good sign, surely? lol

28-12-06, 05:23 PM
a lad i know sold his car, motorbike, xbox 360 and spent the lot on his kids, his ex missus didnt even bother buying him something from them, the evil wench

and i saw loads of chav mums/dads spending shtloads on there chav brats, glad to see my taxes go far lol

me a nd the missus agreed to spend ?250 on each other then have a good xmas going out etc, altho i blew ?450 on her :eek:

hey ho, only comes once a year :thumb: