View Full Version : why the corsa pedal box?

23-12-06, 06:32 PM
just wondering why people fit the corsa pedal box to the nova?

are the corsa brakes better than the novas? :confused:

23-12-06, 06:46 PM
The brakes are not no,but the servo is,something to do with the fact the corsa servo is in direct link to the pedel where as the nova one goes through a linkage bar i belive?


23-12-06, 06:51 PM
ah i see, so a faster response?

captain ash
23-12-06, 06:57 PM
Sounds interesting, is this a difficult mod to do?

23-12-06, 07:00 PM
try posting in the correct forum.

It shouldnt make a faster response at all, there should be no play in your pedal linkage. If there is, I wouldnt be driving it.


23-12-06, 07:00 PM
Well better feel to the pedal and yeah better braking ability,have seen it done to a few novas on hear and on pvg,not sure how hard it is to do though.

Explain it chris im sure you know the full facts,i dont,im just guessing of what ive been told.


23-12-06, 09:20 PM
Not worth doing in my opinion, i've drove a corsa and mk3astra(both have direct servo connection) both seemed no different than nova brakes.

23-12-06, 09:37 PM
A main reason is to lose the weight of the transfer bar (its a beast of a thing), but youll find its only the small block clan who do this in their desperate attempt for less weight lol

tongue firmly in cheek lol

23-12-06, 09:43 PM
A main reason is to lose the weight of the transfer bar (its a beast of a thing), but youll find its only the small block clan who do this in their desperate attempt for less weight lol

lol exactly what i was going to say, plus it gives more room in the engine bay? lol

23-12-06, 11:22 PM
ah i see, so a faster response?

i dont think its so much a faster response as a firmer pedal

25-12-06, 02:21 AM
it gives you a great excuse to move a heavy battery to the rear/boot ;)

tbh its all the reasons above that ive done it, mainly weight tho, the bar arrangement is a good 10 kg, which is 3 bhp (on car that weighs 750kg ish). not much, but do that weight saving in lots of places and its lots of free/cheap bhp.

craig green
26-12-06, 09:33 PM
My reasons for ditching the std remote servo are..

1. Nova brakes lack feel & initial bite. (no matter what disc/pad/fluid combo)

2. The transfer bar behind dash IS heavy & cumbersome. (moving the battery from above the legs has its benefits).

3. Common sense & an understanding of engineering principle would tell you that the bar & pedal assembly must lose mechanical efficiency through its mechanism.

4. All modern cars have a direct acting pedal/mastercylinder. Previous GM models had a midlife upgrade from remote servo to direct acting servos. LHD Corsa A's have the brake pedal acting directly upon the M/C. In the case of the UK Nova the brake transfer bar is clearly a bodge.

5. In everybodys search for one-off, technical modifications to the car, its a great addition.

30-03-07, 12:18 PM
does anyone know were i can find any info on this mod?

any helb would be greatly appreciated.

30-03-07, 12:30 PM
Just put one on my saloon LET i'm building. Will add some pics into my projects post tomorrow hopefully.

I've also done it to make more room in that bay (As I did with my rwd one). I had to chop the battery tray out of the saloon anyway, where a rotten battery tray had been poorly fixed at some point in its life..

30-03-07, 12:37 PM
nice one i will look out for that tomorow. cheers

30-03-07, 12:41 PM
ive got a load of pix that ive saved off the various posts
i hope no one minds me posting them, if they do i will take them down

you have to relocate the battery some where

measure up the holes and drill them
you need to weld up or fabricate an extra support for the clutch pedal as it used the previous brake pedal assebmly for support
shorten the corsa pedal arm (unsure about how much)
remove the transfer bar and nova mastercyl/booster
install the new pedal box/booster/mastercyl
you will need 2 new hard brake lines, im not 100% on the fittings but i THINK you need 10mm x 1mm male on one end and 10mm x 1mm female on the other (male into the corsa servo, female end connects to the brake lines in the engine bay)







And some general corsa mastercyl/booster/pedal box pics





craig green
30-03-07, 12:45 PM
does anyone know were i can find any info on this mod?

any helb would be greatly appreciated.

get the battery out of the way & remove the dash & all the existing pedal assembly etc.

Line up where the pedal/servo needs to go in relation to the other pedals. (note; the actual Corsa pedal needs to be shortened). The base of the pedal will actually locate nicely over a rib in the bottom of the battery tray/scuttle, so you only need to sort the back & forth position. Drill the 4 holes to mount it & then bore the large hole with a hole cutter. Bolt it in & seal it with silicone or seam sealer etc.

Theres more to it like, separating the old pedals & making a support for the clutch pedal & removing the lip in the battery tray that wedges the battery in etc.

More pics & info in my WIP thread.

30-03-07, 12:52 PM
thank you very much guys !!