View Full Version : anyone got a digital SLR camera?

20-12-06, 07:18 PM
right - been toying with the idea of buying one of these for a while - plenty kicking about but wondered if anyone had one.

Considering the ones with the removeable lenses or the higher end SLR style cameras with fixed lenses

Looking at the Canon Digital Rebel series (300 - 350 - 400) or the Fuji finepix 5600s or 9500s or Nikon D series.

Anyone got one of these and what do you think?

Theres tons on ebay but will prob buy from shop to get guanatee..

20-12-06, 07:29 PM
Although I usually like Canon stuff, I have to say I'm very impressed with the Nikon D80. Had a nose at one in a shop the other day and seemed to take very good pictures, and all the features were relatively easy to use. Really want one myself, but just can't afford it at the moment :(

I would probably shy away from the Fuji one - my S5500 is a great camera but the pictures quite often seem a little overexposed and quite cold. When I worked in boots, we'd find the Fuji single use cameras always gave the same results (touch bright and cyan tint) too for some reason!

21-12-06, 10:23 AM
Ade... you have a pm sir!

21-12-06, 10:57 AM

You know that this is my area. IMHO the Nikon D80 is your best advance amature buy at the min, provided that you don't have any gear for the Canon system. The Canon 400D has a better processor / firmware behind it but feels more clunky to use as the controls are layed out in a less intuative manner. the Nikon looks far superior and handles better. If I had no gear then I would go for the Nikon.

Finepix is a bad buy IMO as you'll find it far to restrictive within a few months.

Get down to Jessops and try them, pay no attention to what the staff have to say as their all useless.

21-12-06, 11:01 AM
What lenses are you going to be using and do you already have them? This will have a great impact on the quality of your pictures.

21-12-06, 06:45 PM
cheers for pm's guys...

not got lenses yet - have a point and click digi camera (fuji finepix) - only 2.1mp (lol) - most phones are more powerful than that!

Canon appealed initially coz of price plus I was told some nikon lenses are interchangeable.

Will be taking various shots - zoom, standard, low light etc...

Have a standard slr camera with standard lens, wide angle and zoom. Its basic but priduces some excellent results (love the night shots when you leave the shutter open and track the stars!)

21-12-06, 06:56 PM
Ive got a Sony A100. its a decnt enough camera and easier to use than the Nikon range (imho) the lenses are a little toss at the moment but next year they are set to release some decent carl zeiss lenses so hopefully that will fix the problem....

The D80 does look ace, jsut the nikon user interface pisses me off.... no point having the best gadget in the world if you cant use it huh ;)

21-12-06, 11:21 PM
Zeiss glass is overrated. It doesn't actually perform any better than Sigma or Tokina glass and the lens cluster arrangement is virtually identical.

Ade, you can get hold of adaperters to convert lenses over, The Canon will win if you have this task in mind as it is backwards compatable with the EF and EF-L series lenses from the film bodies.

Also, all long exposure on digital is crap, the main problem is noise within the image and that cannot be corrected in Photoshop. Holding the shutter open and firing up the sensor eats you batteries, your generally luck if you can get 20 min out of a set. For night stuff keep the film SLR, and if night shoots are really your thing then invest in a 5.4 plate camera.

craig green
22-12-06, 11:09 AM
Some good advice on MIG re these digi SLRs btw.

22-12-06, 12:24 PM
zeiss stuff maybe overrated, but its got to be better than the minolta lenses that sony have at the moment lol

22-12-06, 04:27 PM
True I'll give you that. IIRC Sigma do a Minolta fit that will go on the Alpha.

found them (http://www.warehouseexpress.com/?photo/lenses/tokina.html!GCID=S18120x002&KEYWORD=Tokina+Lenses)

22-12-06, 04:50 PM
noooo dont show me that site again. ill want to spend money lol

22-12-06, 04:59 PM
Ah but you can't fault decent lenses.