View Full Version : Your favourite computer game(s)

19-12-06, 08:45 PM
a tad nerdy but whilst clearing out some junk I came across some old computers I had so spent an entire day playing oldies. GOD I cant believe how addictive they were! Yes the graphics and sound were sh1te but the playabililty - fecking hell!

So heres a little survey...complete the following -

What "old" computers/consoles did you own?
Whats your favourite all time "oldie" console game
Whats your favourite all time "oldie" arcade game
Whats your favourite "current" game (console or pc)

To start -

What "old" computers did you own?
Atari 2600, Dragon 32, speccy 128, amiga 500+, sega gamegear, playstation 1

Whats your favourite all time "oldie" computer/console game?
Atari 2600 - "space invaders"
Dragon - "Dungeon Raid",
Speccy - "manic miner/JSWilly",
Amiga - "Walker", Turrican2
Sega game gear - "sonic"
PS1 - "tenchu stealth assasins"

Whats your favourite all time "oldie" arcade game

Whats your favourite "current" game (console or pc)
(totally out of date re these) - need for Speed series.

Who's next...show your age!

19-12-06, 08:55 PM
lmfao I had a Dragon 32! Its older than I am :D

My aunt had some god-knows-what old computer which had some weirdy game called Kingdoms, I think, where you had a village and had to grow crops in the surrounding fields and reinforce levys to stop the river flooding. And bandits would come down from the mountains and steal all your crops... even though each 'year' the bandits would leave the mountains and join your village, they always came back again the following year lol

My personal favourite old-ish PC games though are High Seas Trader, Interstate 76 and of course Terra Nova (which owns Doom lol). Favourite old console games were Alex Kidd on my Master System, and Harvest Moon but I've only really gotten into that on a PC emulator. Favourite arcade game... Tyrian 2!

Current favourite game is Delta Force Team Sabre, and the rest of the DF series. All time favourite series has to be C&C though.

[edit] Just got Tyrian 2 working lol but no sound :(

19-12-06, 08:57 PM
I remember when i was young, my Grandad had an old speccy i think it was, used to load it up with a tape and it always made the weirdest of noises

I also remember a comp my dad had, and it had maybe 10 games on it, ranging from "bar tennis" and space invaders lol


19-12-06, 09:05 PM
My mum had one of the first computers, I can't remember how old I was...but there was this programme, where you could make your own fairy tales! lol
The pixels...thinking back on it, were appauling!

Favourite current games? Has to be the Tomb Raiders! Tomb Raider 1 is pretty old school. And my favourite of the lot, and because my computer is so high tech it won't run it anymore :(

19-12-06, 09:20 PM
I used to have a BBC home computer. You used to load the programmes with tapes, and run them by typing CH"whatever" IIRC, i had a great game called airlift where you had to rescue people using a helicopter whos houses were being blown up by tanks.

The chopper itself was a red blob with a black line above it, and the tanks were green blobs that fired random red blobs at the orange blobs that were the houses. The people were made up of 3 pixles LOL

It was still an awesome game though!

19-12-06, 09:24 PM
Old puters
ZX81, ZX Spectrum & a BBC Micro

SEGA Saturn, Playstation1, N64, Gameboy
SEGA Dreamcast, PS2, XBox, GameCube, GBA, GB SP, GBA, GBA Lite, PSP

Fave game of all time - Elite
Fave arcade game - Starwars
Fave console game - Mario Kart (N64)
Fave current game - LocoRoco (Although completed it all now)

Looking forward to playing on the Wii when it arrives(hopefully tommrow), the Zelda games are awsome.

EDIT: Thrust was fappin great on the BBC Micro as well.

19-12-06, 09:28 PM
Amstrad soming or other, cant realy remember the games..

my fave old skool game is either Rampage or bomerman.. or even worms

now'a days my ps2 take gets used everyday with either toca race driver 3 or Pro evo... been looking at the new worms game :d

captain ash
19-12-06, 09:53 PM
My first console was the N64, some of the best games ever!

Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Zelda: Majoras mask
Perfect Dark

to name a few

Then I got an Xbox, some of my fave games on that being halo 1 & 2, forza motorsport and project gotham 2

Never really been a fan of PC games, always prefered consoles.

19-12-06, 10:16 PM
lol amstrad cpc464 colour with james bond :thumb:

or the atari 2600 with 32 gaees on 1 cartridge i also had an intellevision thing with 2 pads on curly phone cable things which was cool

the just master systems with alex kid on them lol

have been wacthing some snes and mega cd on ebay over the last few days , fancy some mario kart and killa instinkt

19-12-06, 10:36 PM
F*CK YEAH EBAY LINK (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/AMSTRAD-CPC-464-COLOUR-MONITOR-AND-GAMES-PART-BOXED_W0QQitemZ180041867954QQihZ008QQcategoryZ1198 9QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item18 0041867954)

19-12-06, 10:49 PM
also had one of these (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Texas-Instruments-TI-99-4A-basic-computer_W0QQitemZ300061565517QQihZ020QQcategoryZ4 193QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item 300061565517)

20-12-06, 12:46 AM
commodore 64 rocked!!!

outrun, turbo outrun and mazemania were the best games ever!!!!

snes and duck hunt were also class...

20-12-06, 09:07 AM
Lunar Pool on the NES. Its the most addictive game out there and the music is pure 8-bit.

20-12-06, 10:09 AM
Commadore 64, ZX81, Acorn, BBC B, Master System, Megadrive, N64 & PS1.
After that it's been PC gaming.

Duck Hunt was cool as was James Pond (not a typo)
Goldeneye in 4 player mode was a good blast as was Worms 2. Command & Conquer is still superb in network play.
More recently Max Payne, Quake 4 and Doom 3D.

20-12-06, 10:16 AM
Golden Axe - Sega
Streets of Rage - Sega
IK+ - Amiga
Indy Heat - Amiga

20-12-06, 10:17 AM
Commadore 16+4 was my pirst comp,

Games lke , Digger, fire ant, kickstart, mercenary and icicle works were all classics.

Then an amiga for outrun, double dragon and stunt driver

Neo geo, classic, streets of rage etc

Not a big fan of modern games they are all show no go

20-12-06, 10:21 AM
i had a commodore 64, then went straight to megadrive then the playstation group

fave games ???

64 game was a rally game, when you went over bumpsthe boot used to open - i was amazed (might be why i like novas lol)
megadrive - road rash, sonic, that racing game where you could race cows
playstation - time crisis, need for speed
pc - need for speed 2 (the one with the police) roller coaster tycoon

20-12-06, 10:22 AM
super nintendo, morio world, zelda etc
and ofcourse street fighter 2 turbo, cant believe no1 mentiond that game yet???? spoiled myself by buyin 1 on ebay for xmass lol

20-12-06, 10:33 AM
Q: What "old" computers/consoles did you own?

Zx81, Spectrum 48k,128k & +2
Vic 20, commodore 64
Atari ST, Amiga 500,1000,2000,CDTV,600,1200
Atari 2600, Sega master system, megadrive, snes....

Q: Whats your favourite all time "oldie" console game

Mariokart on Snes :thumb:

Q:Whats your favourite all time "oldie" arcade game

Shinobi (sp?)

Whats your favourite "current" game (console or pc)

the ONLY game I play is on the PC, its EvE Online.

20-12-06, 11:43 AM
What "old" computers/consoles did you own?

Atari 2600, Nintendo NES, Amiga 500+(with 1.5 mb of RAM....) Gameboy original.
I still have all but mainly use my PS2, PC or Gameboy.

Whats your favourite all time "oldie" console game
Tetris - Gameboy/NES
Duck hunt - NES
A Train - Amiga (if it wasn't running really slow)
Syndicate - Amiga
Used to really dig Transport Tycoon on my mates 486 as well!

Whats your favourite all time "oldie" arcade game

Burger Time, Zero wing was also quite funny (All your base are belong to us, launch ZIG for great justice....lol) but I cant remeber whether I played it in the arcade or not.

Whats your favourite "current" game (console or pc)
It was World Of Warcraft but it has the capacity to destroy lives and families, so i give that up. Been playing Need for speed as I never finished it but will return to Gran Turismo once Im done and possibly start an Xmas game to play while family is here.

20-12-06, 12:53 PM
First off... Ade... Fantastic thread.

Q: What "old" computers/consoles did you own?
ZX Spectrum
Amiga 1200
486 PC (until started upgrading bits)
PS 1
Brother had an N64 and SNES

Q: Whats your favourite all time "oldie" console game

Mario Kart
One of the wrestling games.. can't remember which. I used to go to great house parties where the "hardcore" few that stay up all night would play royal rumbles for hours on end.

Used to spend a lot of time playing on the spectrum.
Attic attack
Football manager (was this possibly the first ever football management game.. it was ace and then one day the tape got chewed up :()
Ant attack (giant ants chasing stick men around)
Outrun (loved the speeding ticket lady at the end)

Q:Whats your favourite all time "oldie" arcade game

Has to be Afterburner but the one with the jet seat and proper controls... (you really could be a real life top gun on that one)

Q: Whats your favourite "current" game (console or pc)

I completed BLACK a while ago on the Sex Box... haven't tried it on my new T.V yet
My gf is addicted to Need for speed underground 2... so much so that I have yet to complete it lol.

I do love playing Stonghold: Crusader on the PC at the min.

I used to be heavily into networking at the weekends.
Command and conquer Red Alert
War Craft 2
The first ever Grand Theft Auto (top down view)
If I had to volunteer one all time classic game that was responsible for wasting a vast amount of my youth it would have to be........

Those were the days when you could really get down to a proper frag fest. Trick someone into following you then run round a corner and drop a holo duke. Get your jet pack on and fly straight up in the air... and drop a pipe bomb on their head.

The best thing about that game was the level editor.
I used to spend hours designing levels.
I even made a level based on the buildings from Red Alert... I had a Tesla Coil, Flame Turret, Nuke silo etc

20-12-06, 01:54 PM
I had a BBC, all i could do is enter code and draw shapes (photoshop training when i was 6)


SNES - amazing, super mario bros only game worth playing

N64 - Sold it, D'oh i've now got an emulator on the PC, Goldeneye is a classic, super smash bros, F-Zero X, Vigilatante 8, 1080 snowboarding

XBOX - Forza motorsport is taped inside, Halo 2 on xbox live is awesome too.

Also i had the first PC in my school a 286 (something) cant remember any on the names but i played that from when i got home till bedtime.

PC games:

Total Annialation - used to play online on 56k :eek:
Call of Duty 2
C&C: Red Alert
Motorcross mania
big red racing (back in the day)
and used to play the NFS games till i reliesed there gay.
Race - when it come out
Forza 2 - ||
GTR2 - how real!!!
I have every GTA made - love 'em
lol and Quake - it was rated 18, bought it when i was bout 9-10

Phone Games:

Siemans - i had the first 3d game on a phone lol
and Worms 2
