View Full Version : My letter to the council about the roads

07-12-06, 07:44 PM
copied and pasted from word but is set out well in word first draft I know it needs improving ie grammar but I just had to share it before I had time to correct the errors!!

Mr Morris


Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to you in absolute disgust at the appalling state of the road leading from the top of Brynhyfred St and finishing at the bottom of Brondeg St Tylorstown.

Every time I leave my house I am forced to travel down this rugged track due to the new one way system which I will come onto later. My vehicle is not equipped to travel on such atrocious trails it is of standard manufacturing specification and thus should be suitable to drive on any road I seem fit but in this case I am forced to travel down into this abyss every time I leave my home and take pot luck on damaging my vehicle again which, I will come onto later.

It seems to me that this street is long forgotten by civilization or has been stuck in a time warp and is really thousands of years old and now resembles a roman cobble road, but saying this would be a great insult to the roman road builders which, even with primitive equipment can construct a road which far surpasses anything it seems can be produced by the responsible parties, I even truly believe that the original roman roads are in better condition than this stinking excuse of a road.

On the 5th December I decided to carry out an analysis of the street in question. I dared to travel to the street, again risking life and limb in the process to try to take some photographs of this gorge you call a road. I tried to photograph the bad areas but after some investigation I realised that I would need to photograph every single square inch of the ?street? to truly highlight this disease. Every part of the street seems to be as rugged and un-maintained as the last part.

I summoned all my courage and left my car hoping I would not fall into one of the chasms commonly known as ?pot holes? possibly spraining my ankle. Upon close inspection of this trail I was truly horrified by its true state holes all over the place and bits of stone which one day made up the roads surface I know it is hard to believe that this road was ever safe to drive on due to its state for so many years. I finally realised that I would try to put how horrified I am by the state of the road into words as photographic evidence could not do the job although I do have my own personal photographs.

Now with your permission, I am going to go onto my second point which is the new one way station running through Parry St which, coincidentally the residents had no say in. I am now forced by law to park my car facing up Parry St hill which I profoundly disagree with due to the fact if for some reason my car will not start I would be forced into calling a breakdown service where as before I could just conventially bump start my car down the hill. There is also the issue of water running into my car through means where it would not if my car were parked down the hill but this is not the real issue.

Although the parking of my car up the hill is not my real concern, it is of life or death which I bring up this issue. You may be or not be aware that cars are now forced to pull out of Brondeg St if wishing to go up Penrhys hill at a hideously dangerious junction which I will point out has already lead to one near fatality and the system has only been in use for a maximum of 8 months. I will agree though that not enough time has elapsed since the one way system has been introduced to draw up some graphs and analyse the evidence of Crash/time ratio to see what the average crash ratio is per year on this chancy junction however I do stress that one near fatality in 8 months is far too many.

I would now like to come onto my third point which is, last year through no fault of my own went on a one way voyage down a pot hole located in Ferndale which left me with no car and a 300+ pounds repair bill which to no surprise to me the council failed to reimburse me on even upon the presentation of a bill and photographic evidence. I will now state that I have given a copy of this letter to my solicitor which He is keeping very safe. In the event that any damage of any shape or form comes to me or my vehicle from traveling down the stated street occurs You have been pre-warned of

its state of disarray and I will use everything in my ****nal to extract a full refund for any works which may need to be carried out to me or my vehicle.

I now would like to come onto my fourth and final point which is, the truly horrific job that the work men/women have inflicted on the stretch of road leading through Duffryn St Ferndale. I must point out that when I first saw the road I thought that maybe just maybe some form of road improvements were going to be carried out in this forgotten town, But needless to say upon driving down the road I immediately noticed the white line dividing line was completely off centre of un-square. I then noticed that the quality of the tarmacking was horrendous still leaving bumps and a generally uneven surface. I would think that with the thousands of pounds of equipment at their disposal they could at least have created some form of even surface but, I was wrong my initial thought was that it must have been the first road they had laid or that some joke was being preformed.

I would like to end my letter be firstly thanking you for your time to read my letter, and I hope that someday I can write to you thanking you for the new tarmacking of the Brondeg and Brynhyfred.

With Regards

Mr Morris

07-12-06, 07:51 PM
sounds good mate, got roads of that description round this way aswel, let us kno if they take notice of u. good luck :thumb:

07-12-06, 07:56 PM
councils would rather get letters like this stating that the roads are funked than to be sued all the time for new wheels (as that money comes form the road repair budget)

07-12-06, 08:07 PM
Nothing like laying it on thick lol

Let em have it!

07-12-06, 08:08 PM
Ive been laughing my head off for 2 hours writing that and it isnt finished yet still got some work to be done!

07-12-06, 09:47 PM
Wheres the pics of the road?

Kinky Monza
08-12-06, 12:00 AM
Yeah. as Mark said, pics please?

Good job on the letter, it's not too bad round here, but when a friend was taking me for pizza, he hit a speed bump in his VX 220, and ripped his indicator out, and that happened because of poor lighting and no road markings! dreading driving the Monza round here!

08-12-06, 09:50 AM
Put a few pictures in with the letter and reference them. Theres a few Spelling and grammar changes that need sorting, but good job, I like the bit about the road being a joke!!

08-12-06, 09:59 AM
Makes the road to Alex's farm look like an autobahn lol

As said, fix up some of the grammar and spelling and it'll be good. Might also be worth sending a copy, or threatening to send a copy, to the local papers as well; see if you can get the media to make a big fuss over it too :D

08-12-06, 10:05 AM
Yeah as said I know it needs improving but this is only the first draft and I needed to share it, the final letter wont be sent until monday along with some photographs lol and yes I will threaten to send it to the local press,

By the time its ready to go I will have to send it in a parcel because it wont fit in an envelope!

08-12-06, 10:28 AM
I would also add at the very bottom something like.... "please be courtious enough to reply to this letter within 7 days of receipt."

Otherwise it might just be filed without reply.

08-12-06, 11:22 AM
Maybe attach a petition to improve the road!!!

craig green
08-12-06, 12:04 PM
Sounds like the state of roads round here. Some of them feel like your driving through a mine field.

Was a lot worse in the days of the mk1 with the plastic dash board.

08-12-06, 12:29 PM
I dont think my coilovers help lol lol

08-12-06, 01:30 PM
I dont think my coilovers help lol lol
Ditto - I have had 2 blow outs on my Eagle F1 GR3? 225/35/18's before on the A1M, it was on the expansion join? where a bridge connects to the road. I was doing around 80mph (obviously I said 65-70mph in the letters....) but I ended up having to go over that section of road in the oustide lane at no more than 55mph - hazzard lights on lol
My coilovers are very firm for UK roads though :S
I They were very expensive tyres at the time, I wrote letters off and got no joy, hope you have better look mate! They also cracked my Raceline RL7's - not the same road I don't think, but the overall state of every road doesn't help, plus as you say, coilovers. Damn council not using their road repair budget to do what it's there for! :roll:
I also think that 'road builder' should have to be a qualified trade and that any new build or repair should be subject to rigorous checks before being declared open for use! If this is how they already operate, then I think the Ray Charles school of road surfacing should call it a day.
Good luck matey :)

08-12-06, 02:34 PM
My vehicle is not equipped to travel on such atrocious trails it is of standard manufacturing specification and thus should be suitable to drive on any road I seem fit...

I dont think my coilovers help

If I understand the first sentence you claim you're using standard suspension. :p I'll laugh if they come to talk to you and take a look at your car lol;)

08-12-06, 03:37 PM
They wont be able to tell my new car looks standard without the bonnet being opened! lol

08-12-06, 04:11 PM
By the time its ready to go I will have to send it in a parcel because it wont fit in an envelope!

And there in lies an area I think you may need to work on. I know there is a lot to put but no matter how strongly you feel about it, whoever reads it will be very busy and may not even finish it.

No matter how articulate the wording, if its too long it wont get noticed. I would suggest bullet points for those four issues, aim to fit it on an A4 page and a half.

And the main thing to remember is always think about what they want and where their interests lie. So tell them implicitly that it’s more cost effective to fix the road than pay for damage.

Good luck.