View Full Version : chassy leg ajustment

26-11-06, 05:18 PM
hey, my car is gettin the bay strengthned on friday so wile the mans at it im going to get the leg ajused to take a big block as it may happen in time to come

pics etc would be great, cheers

lee coley
26-11-06, 05:29 PM
cant get picture up but theres a picture in projects,on a blue nova with the 2ltr red top in it!sory about the pic!!

26-11-06, 05:45 PM
cheers man

26-11-06, 06:58 PM
The pikey way is to hit it with the biggest lump hammer you can find and thus smash your chasis leg out the way.

The proper way to do it is to cut out a U shape and push it all back out teh way and then weld it all up. A picture would explain it much better though lol

lee coley
27-11-06, 05:16 PM

Karl M
27-11-06, 05:34 PM
Have you got the size of the hole that needs to be cut out please ? :thumb:

28-11-06, 08:02 PM
dose anyone see anything wrong with this yway of doing it? any other tips before all happenes?? cheers

29-11-06, 08:36 PM
anyone any advice?


30-11-06, 06:00 PM
The pikey way is to hit it with the biggest lump hammer you can find and thus smash your chasis leg out the way.

Best bit about doing a conversion on a Nova is being allowed to beat it with a hammer! Nowt wrong with it if you have a nice clean dent!

Ive bought them with no chassis leg modifing lol thats fun!

Disclaimer: cutting section out and welding IS the preffered way just a tad boring!

30-11-06, 07:38 PM
lol yeah hitting novas is mucho fun. I too have had the pleasure of coming across novas with no modification on the chasis, the guy had dropped right down on the drivers side so engine was almost dragging along the floor on one side.

30-11-06, 09:41 PM
tbh Id rather hit the chassis leg rather than cut and weld a section in as it is reducing the area of the top of the leg , this would weaken it i would have thought? could be wrong plus a nice smooth hollow would look better

30-11-06, 09:58 PM
No, a chop and well will weaken it less than belting it with a lump hammer, if you want a smooth look then oversise the cutout slightly and use filler to smooth it off.

01-12-06, 09:55 AM

That cut looks nasty... hope you sought medical attention.

01-12-06, 11:03 AM
theres a neater way, just 2 cuts with a grinder, a small 2cm x 8cm plate and some hammering , tapping & welding:


01-12-06, 08:01 PM
We had one with no leg mods, drove it for ages, just a few sparks on right hand bends lol

02-12-06, 01:50 AM
We had one with no leg mods, drove it for ages, just a few sparks on right hand bends lol
Thats exactly how my 1st XE was, i just messed with the mounts till i had enough clearance.

It did wear on hard cornering and a few months of use led to this (and i would imagine some bearing damage to the 'nator

02-12-06, 07:28 AM
na 1 cut bash below the cut then knock the top over n weld it up job done ,no fuss no muss,!

04-12-06, 08:45 PM
cheers for the pics lads. its hard to know whats the best way to do it. all different ways so whats the best one??

cheers, i know im draggin it out a bit but want the best way of doing it and not leavin it lookin like ****

04-12-06, 08:48 PM
best way imo is do a cut out and then weld it back up.

04-12-06, 09:04 PM
a neat version of the pic at the top then? how deep dose it need to be to be any good?

05-12-06, 01:49 PM
its depth can vary on lots of things.
Type of pulley used (ive seen one with multi rib set up that needed a large one)
orginal manufacturing tollereance of engine mounts bolts/holes, chassis leg etc etc.
When i fitted mine in the red one pictured above i slotted the holes on the read gearbox mount to allow me to slide the engine a few mm further over, i also played around with the pulley on the 'nator so it sat as far in as i could get it: - you can see how close the pulley is to the 'nator.


The general rule is to get it to align with the turret vertically. Also, less clearance is needed if you are using uprated engine mounts as the engine will shift less, in fact i believe if i'd been using uprated mounts on the red one, it would not have rubbed.

05-12-06, 06:27 PM
Yeah but that belt is pulling way offline as seen in that pic.

05-12-06, 08:56 PM
Actually, just looking at those Pics, my Altinator pulley on the X14XE sits as close as that does, might just do a bit of modding myself while the bays getting sorted.

05-12-06, 09:02 PM
Are you still using the Vee belt though Dod?

05-12-06, 09:13 PM
No its the huge awkward ribbed Pulleys found on the XE Engines and MPI Astras. I know i could use the smaller pulleys but its probably less work and more benificial to mod the Chassis leg anyway.

05-12-06, 09:18 PM
No would be damn sight easier to change the pulley.

05-12-06, 09:24 PM
Yeah but it'd be one less thing to do if i ever decide to Stick a big block in though.

05-12-06, 10:11 PM
Yeah but it'd be one less thing to do if i ever decide to Stick a big block in though.

thats why im doing it now cause id like to do a blg block conversioin in a few years. so im going all the prep work i can now

05-12-06, 10:26 PM
thats why im doing it now cause id like to do a blg block conversioin in a few years

Pah it will be rotten by then, its a bonus its lasted this long!

05-12-06, 10:40 PM
Thats another good point, changing the belt (even the smal type) was a pain without the chassis leg mod.

05-12-06, 10:43 PM
Yeah but that belt is pulling way offline as seen in that pic.
If your talking about mine then its mainly the angle of the picture, it was only very slightly miss aligned but only by a mm or 2 (which over the distance it travels is not an issue),
You cant move it too far in or it catches the cambelt cover.

05-12-06, 11:03 PM
Pah it will be rotten by then, its a bonus its lasted this long!

lol, its in very good nic so im doing a full restore to try and make it last a good bit longer

08-12-06, 01:43 PM
Here's my 2p's worth (what I did to mine!)



08-12-06, 06:06 PM
^ that is a very neat way of going about it tbh, bring the entire panel back as oppose to cutting out a smaller section

very tidy that is :thumb:

08-12-06, 09:03 PM
Yeah thats a nice job.

lee coley
08-12-06, 09:27 PM
That cut looks nasty... hope you sought medical attention.

no mate because its not mine!just found it on another thread!:D

09-12-06, 04:58 PM
Cheers michelinman, that looks ace. think thats the way i will do mine. u take it in about 20mm then at that deepest point or si it more?


09-12-06, 07:44 PM
Cheers michelinman, that looks ace. think thats the way i will do mine. u take it in about 20mm then at that deepest point or si it more?


No worries lad! Here's an excerpt from my WIP thread on JOV. Hopefully this explains it better - basically I clamped the section that I cut out until it touched the inside of the opposite face of the chassis leg and then welded it along the seam underneath the strut turret (to strengthen it at the same time)

Took a few measurements from the Cav donor 2.0 16v and here's where I reckon it could foul.

I then cut the chassis leg and teased it into a more acceptable position!




Welding the leg in its new location...



I then made up some plates to box the depression in and welded them in place.


The joints were then sealed using a liquid metal bonding adhesive.



09-12-06, 07:45 PM
Cheers for the comments lads.

12-12-06, 09:01 PM
Thank YOU very much lol, thats about the best way to explain it i have to say. it looks ace for srue and i think i will do exacly the same. thanks again man, cheers

13-12-06, 01:21 PM
.......but you don't need to go as far back (towards the bulkhead) as the one pictured above...

13-12-06, 07:29 PM
stop it 20 or 30mm shorter than shown then?