View Full Version : Nintendo Wii

03-11-06, 07:56 PM
Anyone else getting one?
I can't wait! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaoJArDxTlA)

04-11-06, 09:10 AM
Remember reading on the Register you can network them? You could have a wii wii lol

04-11-06, 11:11 AM
i've seen this on southpark !! haha


06-11-06, 09:27 AM
I can't ruddy wait for them to come out!!:D
I've bought a wireless router so that the house is all wireless and ready for it to connect to. Im also thinking about buying a mini-mac. Only recently found out that they are now unix based, which is nice.

06-11-06, 09:42 AM
i looked at the game selection for the wii... looks a tad too kiddy for my liking lol

06-11-06, 10:33 AM
ill wait for the playstation 3 methinks

06-11-06, 10:52 AM
i looked at the game selection for the wii... looks a tad too kiddy for my liking lol

Ahh the good ole Nintendo games are too childish for me attitudelol
You should try playing some Nintendo games and rediscover what game play is all about :thumb:

And the PS3, we will see, but at ?550 is a tad expensive. Its also HUGE!! Roughly twice the size of the first PS2. The spec does sound sexy but im not sure that all that processing power will equal better games. Time will tell.

The Wii is very cheap compared to its competition and the games still look next generation. Plus with the new controller the games should be more fun to play. Again we will see. I still can't wait for it to come out.

06-11-06, 11:04 AM
the wii looks pretty cool but ive got a psp and aperently you can use it as a wireless controler with info and other cool stuff coming up on the screen.

?550 has put me of it a little now though. are you sure thats how much they cost?

06-11-06, 11:21 AM
Yup PS3 (http://www.play.com/Games/PlayStation3/4-/1032615/-/Product.html?searchstring=ps3&searchsource=0)
You can do the same with the Wii and the DS as well. Infact you could connect up the GameCube and the gameboy advance.

Im also sure that Sony are trying to copy the Wii remote idea as well. This made me chuckle as well.

The PS1 controller was swiped from the Super Nintendo. I hope everyone with a PS3 enjoys their controller frankenstein rip-off

Personally, not the fact they kept/or change the design, but the fact you know they only reverted to the old controller and shoved in gyro movement at the last moment in an attempt to compete with Nintendo. Sony has no business ethics whatsoever, they are the scavengers of the gaming industry.

lol Looking for this sony copy of the Wii remote and I found this (http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=7813)

06-11-06, 12:28 PM
And the PS3, we will see, but at ?550 is a tad expensive. Its also HUGE!! Roughly twice the size of the first PS2. The spec does sound sexy but im not sure that all that processing power will equal better games. Time will tell.

Fooook, ?550, think i'll wait a few years till there ?90,Lol.

paul james
06-11-06, 01:56 PM
But the Wii is just a gamecube with a new controller, and ?180 for that seems way too much to me. The games nintendo made for gamecube wernt that great, mario kart and zelda were dissapointing, they need to do a lot more to make the Wii worth buying.

But if the new controller works really well, at least thats something different, the ps3 and 360 just have pretty graphics and thats it.

06-11-06, 04:43 PM
The Wii is quite far removed from the GameCube. For a start it is fully wireless, that includes connecting to the net and downloading stuff. Its got lots of new stuff packed in there. Just checkout the Wii Channels (http://wii.nintendo.com/channel.html).
Its also designed to stay on 24/7 and has very low power consumption. The controller is also very cool.

I also beg to differ on the Wind Waker(Zelda) and Mario Kart, they where awsome fun! and better than their previous versions, and that is some feat for Mario Kart. I know that some people didn't like the sailing in the Wind Waker but most loved it.

What i've found with all the consoles on the market now and previous (I've got the lot! except the X360) is that although you don't get as many games for the Nintendo stuff, the games that you do get you usually play them to the end and still keep playing them after you have completed them. This is simply not the case on other consoles. Apart from a very few games. Its not the console that makes the game, its the game that makes the console and this is where Nintendo excell.

Another example of this is in the portable stuff. I have a DS Lite & a PSP. The PSP is great but the DS Lite is sooo much more portable and better to use on the move. The games are just a piece of memory so they don't break easy and are very small. The PSP games are small discs, easy to break once in your pocket and quite big to carry more than a few around. Thats just one example.

Im looking forward to the PS3 as well, but I think Sony have just gone for more computing power. To be honest I haven't read much about the PS3. I will do when its closer to its launch date.

06-11-06, 06:09 PM
I think the whole X360 and PS3 battle will be won when their corresponding formats take battle in the mainstream video market. IMHO, Sony is going to kick **** with the Blu-ray format, as their disks can hold twice the amount of information as Toshiba's HD-DVD.

Cast your minds back to the big VHS / betamax battle, which is basically whats about to happen between Blu-ray and HD-DVD. Sony's Betamax could only store 1 hour of film whereas JVC's VHS could happily record 2 hours of film. By the time Sony brought out the Betamax 2 which could also hold 2 hours of film, JVC had already figured out Extended Play which allowed for 6 hours recording! Add to that the fact that Sony refused to allow any other electronics companies the right to produce betamax machines, and it died on its feet!!

When Sony invented the DVD, they had learned their lesson, and even though they had no competition at that point, they liscenced the product to be reproduced by anyone very early on, as well as working with the adult industry (which CONTROLLS what formats live or die nowadays).

Also, Sony nearly made it with the Minidisc until MP3's appeared and killed them flat on their face!

Sony will have done their homework VERY thoroughly, and Blu-ray will come out on top, i guarantee it!

As far as the Wii goes, it looks uber cool, but Nintendo will never be up there with the big boys until they start using cutting edge disc technology which would enable the console to multitask such as watch video (as people will be reasoning that the console IS expensive, but at least it will be able to play the new generation of disc format, saving having to buy a new DVD player), not just play games. If they did that, but kept the brilliant gameplay, they would definately make Mr Gates and Mr Harrison sweat!

EDIT: to be totally honest, the whole HD-DVD/bluray debate is actually irrelevant, as we will probably get all of our TV/ Music /Movies over the net in the next 5 to ten years!

06-11-06, 11:19 PM
personally I cant be anussed with the new games colsoles. They come out faster than premier leage football strips!

If I was forced Id get a PS3 in a couple a years - buy one now and youre asking to be hounded by the bug issues (ps1 - power lead meltdown and laser sight dropping, ps2 door jamming, laser dropping, ps3 - feckin blue ray going nuclear!)

At least PS3 can play back catalogue (apparantly) older games.

Lol - dug out my old PS1 for a game a resident evil the other day - scared the living sh1te out meself!

07-11-06, 12:12 AM
Sega Master System 1 all the way lol

The built in snail maze game was mental :D

07-11-06, 10:25 AM
my playstations never malfunctioned and believe me they got some hammer !!

my mum was cleaning their loft out last week and i bought my mega-drive home, bought back so many memories !!

07-11-06, 01:35 PM
Wouldnt grace my property with a dirty sony ps3... xbox all the way.

07-11-06, 02:22 PM
Some wordy replies - so i shall be brief... ish.

Nintendo Gamecube
The choice if you're after something to just kick back, relax, and play some good quality games when you've got a few spare minutes without paying through the nose to do so.

Xbox 360
The choice for you if you want to make Bill Gates even wealthier than he already is. By buying an Xbox 360 you are shaking him by the hand and saying "yes, its ok to give us an inferior product as long as you do so with a smile on your face, and give it to us 12 months ahead of the competition".

This console WILL be the defining console of it's generation, as were the previous versions. Sony might be late bringing it to market, but by being late, they've discovered more of the bugs on the way this time.
Playstation3 is also the ONLY one of the next-gen consoles to be truely next generation. Yes, the Wii and the 360 have more grunt than previous consoles and can spit out pretty looking games all day long - but Sony have broken the mould and done something special. The PS3 will be as important to gaming as the PS1 was back in the day.

The cell chip, combined with the Blueray disk format will wipe the floor with the 360. The Wii isn't even in the same market - Wii is competing with the PS2 in terms of price - and as such, in terms of audience too.

I agree with Ade, if you buy a PS3 now, you've got too much money, and you will experience some problems. But in a couple of years, when the price is closer to ?200 and the first restyled & smaller versions come to market, it'll be a f*cking belter of a machine.

Microsoft have a head-start, and Xbox Live is so popular you'd never expect it to just fade away when PS3 comes along, but PS3 will win in the long run.

Also, in terms of size - consider the size of the 360 along with its external HD-DVD drive cluttering up the place, and i'd rather have one sleek unit that does it all.

PS. HD-DVD is a mouthfull to say, and you sound gay saying it. Blueray is easier, and thus better.

07-11-06, 02:24 PM
my mum was cleaning their loft out last week and i bought my mega-drive home, bought back so many memories !!

why are you buying your stuff & memories from your parents? lol

07-11-06, 02:30 PM
why are you buying your stuff & memories from your parents? lol

there missing all the money the used to charge me in board so thus have to make money somehow :thumb:

paul james
07-11-06, 06:58 PM
Sega Master System 1 all the way lol

The built in snail maze game was mental :D

Master system is the king of consoles!, i have nearly every game ever released for it :)

08-11-06, 09:47 AM
I agree with Ade, if you buy a PS3 now, you've got too much money, and you will experience some problems. But in a couple of years, when the price is closer to ?200 and the first restyled & smaller versions come to market, it'll be a f*cking belter of a machine.

In the meantime enjoy your 360 for a few years!

08-11-06, 12:33 PM
I'm shunning them all until i've finished my qualifications otherwise i'll never get round to doing any work lol

08-11-06, 12:37 PM
I'm shunning them all until i've finished my qualifications otherwise i'll never get round to doing any work lol

lol thats why I haven't brought my new tv or 360 yet.

I'm currently using a little tiny tv in my living room that only has one scart socket on the back. Even the boggo xbox is unplugged and gathering dust at the min.

Being a temp it would be sooooooooo easy to just decide to not go into work today and have a day on the xbox.

08-11-06, 12:40 PM
Being a temp it would be sooooooooo easy to just decide to not go into work today and have a day on the xbox.
Like its any less desirable when you're permanent full time lol

08-11-06, 12:42 PM
I've been tempted several time to fetch a few games from home. I'm in an office on my own, so could play a couple of hours of ghost recon a day easily without anyone noticing lol

08-11-06, 12:48 PM
I have most of the old consoles and I think the one i have had most fun from is the N64. But that was mainly from Mario Kart. We used to have hours and hours of 4 player gaming on that game.

I got a 360 a while back and the games have been average to be honest. They are mostly rehashes of old games with better graphics but not alot else in terms of new gameplay etc. The only game I have really found that I play over and over again is Dead Rising. Driving through a shopping mall running down tens of thousands of zombies in HD is great! :)

One thing I have just noticed is the november update for the 360 allows WMVHD videos to be played from usb/dvd/computer etc, so you can now get a full 1080i/1080p/720p HD movie onto 1 old DVD and the quality is spot on. I have a few that I ordered from America(T2 is one of them and it looks great, along with the IMAX versions of a few films)

08-11-06, 01:21 PM
Some wordy replies - so i shall be brief... ish.

Nintendo Gamecube
The choice if you're after something to just kick back, relax, and play some good quality games when you've got a few spare minutes without paying through the nose to do so.

Xbox 360
The choice for you if you want to make Bill Gates even wealthier than he already is. By buying an Xbox 360 you are shaking him by the hand and saying "yes, its ok to give us an inferior product as long as you do so with a smile on your face, and give it to us 12 months ahead of the competition".

This console WILL be the defining console of it's generation, as were the previous versions. Sony might be late bringing it to market, but by being late, they've discovered more of the bugs on the way this time.
Playstation3 is also the ONLY one of the next-gen consoles to be truely next generation. Yes, the Wii and the 360 have more grunt than previous consoles and can spit out pretty looking games all day long - but Sony have broken the mould and done something special. The PS3 will be as important to gaming as the PS1 was back in the day.

The cell chip, combined with the Blueray disk format will wipe the floor with the 360. The Wii isn't even in the same market - Wii is competing with the PS2 in terms of price - and as such, in terms of audience too.

I agree with Ade, if you buy a PS3 now, you've got too much money, and you will experience some problems. But in a couple of years, when the price is closer to ?200 and the first restyled & smaller versions come to market, it'll be a f*cking belter of a machine.

Microsoft have a head-start, and Xbox Live is so popular you'd never expect it to just fade away when PS3 comes along, but PS3 will win in the long run.

Also, in terms of size - consider the size of the 360 along with its external HD-DVD drive cluttering up the place, and i'd rather have one sleek unit that does it all.

PS. HD-DVD is a mouthfull to say, and you sound gay saying it. Blueray is easier, and thus better.

Nice brief replylol

Anyhoo - I agree with everything here apart from this :-

Playstation3 is also the ONLY one of the next-gen consoles to be truely next generation. Yes, the Wii and the 360 have more grunt than previous consoles and can spit out pretty looking games all day long - but Sony have broken the mould and done something special.

There are two distinct design philosophy?s here the XBox360 & PS3 are just going for more grunt. That is hardly new and exciting. The CELL chip certainly sounds exciting but then again so did the RISC chips. The CELL chip is only in the PS3 to make it go faster and im sure it does a fantastic job. Im more excited about the CELL chip itself than the PS3 to be honest.

Nintendo on the other hand decided to make the console ?different? from all the rest. They thought that consoles where already powerful enough to display pretty graphics and decided to make the console ?fun? to use (play) as well as making it run on less electricity, so it runs cooler with all the benefits that, that gives you. Not only that but they have put a whole host of other bits in to the interface, like global weather reports, a news channel and a internet browser to name a few. Its also designed to stay on 24/7 and will keep you up to date when you next use it.

The PS3 comes with the same sort of interface as the PSP. The Wii interface does look better and easier to use though. It will be interesting to see what Sony finally come up with. They have been known to pinch ideas off of Nintendo in the past.

So in my view the Wii is a true next generation console it may not be as fast as the others but that isn?t the design philosophy behind it.

It?s the games that make the console. If the Wii delivers the game play that it promises then it will be awesome!

I will also be buying a PS3 once the price drops because it will also be a fantastic machine. But its not out until about March time next year so its not time to get excited about it.

08-11-06, 03:00 PM
"Oooooh look at us with our fancy pants weather-forecasting, low power using console... look, LOOK god damn you, look at us, over here, waving in the corner!! What's that you say? Do we have HDTV support, well, strictly speaking, errr no... but wait - did you see our innovative wand controller?"

At the end of the day the thing has a few things going for it...
1. Gameplay will be fun
2. Unique controller for sword fighting, golf, baseball, driving etc
3. Price
4. Environmentally friendly power usage

In response to those things you can say;
1. Gameplay will be fun on the other consoles
2. The PS2 had pressure sensitive buttons, while this was an improvement over a standard on/off button, it does not a next gen console make
3. Prices will all fall in line eventually - and with the Wii reputed to have more optional extra controllers etc than you can shake a wand controller at, it bumps the price of the unit up too if you ask me.
4. Don't be a homo - the toyota prius is gay, energy savings light bulbs are gay and so is the idea of having a cool running, carbon neutral games console.

08-11-06, 04:55 PM
lol The low power consumption thing is so that you can leave the bugger on and let it download stuff for you etc. It also allows the console to run cooler so that bigger heatsinks and fans are not needed, thus making the console smaller and cheaper to produce.

What most people look at when buying a games console it how many gadgets does it come with and how how fast is it? Whereas what they should be asking is, am I going to have fun playing this thing?

Comparing a completly new and different input interface to pressure sensitive buttons is :roll: to the extream lol A large % of XBox, XBox360 and no doubt PS3 games are 3rd or 1st person shooters and this format does not fit well with the thumbstick joysticks. On a PC you have a mouse which is great for these games. You can quickly aim and fire. Using the thumbsticks is shockingly bad and quite frankly makes playing such games on these consoles a chore. Now think how they will play with the Wii remote, point shoot dead!:thumb:

Then think of all the fatties out there. Only their thumbs are getting a workout on other consoles. On the Wii, games could be designed to get you up and about and make you fit whilst playing a game:D

The Wii is not the fastest of the new consoles but I reckon it will be the most fun to play. Also I do believe that Sony are currently pinching the Wii remote concept so Sony obviously think that its a damn fine idea;)

The main selling point of the Wii is that its a Nintendo console and it will come with all the great games from Nintendo that other consoles just won't have. Nintendo don't only make great consoles, they make great games as well:D

08-11-06, 05:02 PM
but surely the wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(y) is just pinching these ideas for controllers off someone else ?? you can already get golf clubs and bats for the ps2, and who can forget the snowboard ??

08-11-06, 05:36 PM
Also, what about the PS2 eyetoy and the Xbox360 Vision camera. They allow you to jump around like a maniac playing games that could in theory help you get fit or the light guns for the PS2 etc, they are point and shoot(ok I dont know of any 1st person shooters where they are used, but they could be.)

personally if I could, I would buy them all, but only because I like my gadgets!!! lol :D

08-11-06, 05:39 PM
Also, what about the PS2 eyetoy and the Xbox360 Vision camera. They allow you to jump around like a maniac playing games that could in theory help you get fit or the light guns for the PS2 etc, they are point and shoot(ok I dont know of any 1st person shooters where they are used, but they could be.)

personally if I could, I would buy them all, but only because I like my gadgets!!! lol :D

time crisis !!

08-11-06, 06:07 PM
Time Crisis rocks!

08-11-06, 06:18 PM
bidding on ebay for time crisis 2+3 plus 2 guns

08-11-06, 09:27 PM
They where just pointers. The Wii remote knows where it is in 3D space. So if you turn it on its side (not pointing at the screen) it knows its on its side. Hold it longways and it can act like a steering wheel. In any sport where you use a bat you can hold it how you would do if you where normally playing the game for real. The same goes for swords. For guns you point and shoot so you point it at the screen when its being used as a gun. Get it?

09-11-06, 08:47 AM
yes we've all seen the footage of it on the TV Dar, but i still don't think its as special as everyone makes out it will be.

Yes its a clever gadget, and a unique selling point (until the others produce something that does the same job, or aftermarket items become available) but its simply not next generation.

It's like saying that the NES was next generation because of the gun, or the SNES was next generation because of the scope - or the Atari 2600 was next generation because of the analogue wheel controllers ... it's all cobblers.

The 360 is next gen speed for now, but how much more ooomph can they squeeze out of it? i'm betting not much. The PS3 will be around for a long time in my opinion, because in terms of processing power - and its ability to multi-task as a result, it will become an entertainment hub, making it truely next generation as it becomes the only unit you need in your home beside you tv.

SO there.


09-11-06, 12:10 PM
making it truely next generation as it becomes the only unit you need in your home beside you tv.

SO there.


I still think the best all rounder is the chipped original xbox. It's a games console, a linux workstation, media center, web browser and you can use a usb keyboard and mouse with the right software. Ok, so it doesn't have an HD-DVD or Blu-Ray, but it can still play movies in HD if you use the component video out, it's just that it's ugly as sin!!

I think if you think about it, any new console is "next Gen" as they all basically try to improve on the previous consoles from each manufacturer, so the Wii is the next gen nintendo, the 360 next gen microsoft etc.

I personally would say that next gen is a holodeck or something ;) lol

09-11-06, 12:33 PM
lol @ holodeck

like star trek, or like the bad holograms in star wars and in total recall (tennis instruction)

09-11-06, 12:43 PM
Used to love the HoloDuke's and jet packs... anyone remember them?

09-11-06, 02:42 PM
Oh wisewooden one. It seems that you equate making the next console faster is the ONLY way to make it next generation. I however don't.

The CELL chip is exciting but I wouldn't put money on it being around for a long time. Its the same type of hype that was given to the RISC chips and look where they are now. The problem with making a system faster is that it will need more power to run it, thus it gets hotter and you need more heatsinks and fans to cool it down(It gets expensive and bigger in an age that things should be getting smaller). Not only that but the games will also become more expensive to produce because the content has to be that much more detailed and polished. Which costs more. This cost will then get passed on to the games buyer. The PS3 is a next gen console, not just because of its processing power but due to the fact that its got lots of extra features in there as well that haven't been seen on consoles in the past.

This also apply's to the Wii. Its faster that the previous consoles, but more importantly its got lots of extra features not seen in previous consoles. The Wii remote is just a small part of what is new.

Also all systems can multitask - Thats what threading is all about.

paul james
09-11-06, 03:30 PM
All that talk of games being too expensive to make is bollocks as far as im concerned. Gaming is more popular than film, and the cheapest films cost millions, and blockbusters cost hundreds of millions, and no games dont cost anywhere near that, yet dvds dont cost ?50 do they. While games are more expensive to make, more people buy them now so it doesnt make a difference.

The problem with the Wii is what else does it have apart from the controller?. Its unique now, not as amazingly revolutionary as people make it out to be though. But people will get used to the controller and wont give it a second thought after a short time. Its games that sell a console, and judging by Nintendos generally rubbish support of Gamecube, they need to do a lot more. Most of the best Cube stuff was just rehashes of N64 games with nothing new in them. The best game on Cube was resident evil 4, and that came out on ps2 a short time after.

And while people say graphics dont matter, just wait untill developers start getting the most power out of ps3 and 360, and wii games still just look like gamecube games. I can see the Wii having nothing but cartoony kids games, and you wont see any cool adult themed games like Metal Gear Solid, grand theft auto, grand turismo etc, as the hardware cant do them justice and developers wont bother releasing them on wii

09-11-06, 04:11 PM
lol Oh dear!
Go and do some research :roll: and the wording was 'more expensive'

paul james
09-11-06, 05:19 PM
Who says all PS3 and xbox 360 games have to cost a fortune to develop?
Developers can release cartoony simple looking games on those consoles too, as they have that choice avaliable. The Wii doesnt have that option, it cant do advanced graphics. Infact developers could end up spending just as much money trying to squeeze out all the potential of the Wii, when they can afford to code quickly on the other two consoles that are powerful enough to do Wii quality graphics with ease.

This is the problem with Wii, its not an all-round console, its limited, Fine if you love nintendos franchises, but if you dont like games such as Zelda or Mario Party you wont have a lot of games to choose from. While this might not happen, it certainly did with gamecube, and Nintendo need to start paying developers to make exclusive games for the Wii that cover all the genres.

09-11-06, 05:21 PM
the kids got a point - i hate the "nintendo franchise"

09-11-06, 05:49 PM
As said before DO SOME RESEARCH!
I've seen a ?10 difference in the price of XBox360(and PS3 prediced prices) games and the Wii launch titles. Also I think you will find that the Wii is not limited to cartoony graphics:roll:. Your just spouting rubbish at the mo.

Im not a massive Nintendo fan. As said before I have all the consoles! except the XBox360 because after playing on it I found the thing nothing new other than slightly fancier graphics. All I wanted to know was who else was getting a Wii when I started this thread and I have had to defend what will be a great console because of people saying ohhhh it's not going to be as good as the PS3. Its certainly not as powerful as the PS3 but the games make the console not the other way around.

I don't mind having a debate on the consoles. The Wii may flop, it may fly. The PS3 has a massive backing as far as branding is concerned, but as mentioned before ?550 maybe a little steep for most. So this is another advantage for the Wii. The PS3 will do well but im sure, Its got Sony's marketing muscle behind it.

The only thing I agree with you on is that the GameCube didn't get very good support from 3rd party developers. The Wii on the otherhand looks to be getting decent support certainly UBiSoft have about 6 or 7 titles for launch.

paul james
09-11-06, 06:21 PM
I dont need to do any research at all

Not all Xbox 360 games are ?50 at all, some are launched at ?30, and you can get them even cheaper online. Im sure the games will fall in price quickly too, youll see more and more xbox games released at ?40 rrp. This exact thing happend last time around, PS2 games were being sold at ?50 even ?60 when it first came out in some stores.

The thing is not everyone can afford to buy all three consoles. So for a lot of people the Xbox 360 will be a far better option. Its not much more expenive than Wii now, and will probably get a price cut to make it even closer to the price of Wii soon. The Wii just wont cut it as peoples only console, for example you like racing games - wii will have mario kart, but if you want a proper simulation like Forza or Gran Turismo youll be out of luck.

Basically The Wii should have had the new controller AND improved processors. While PS3 and 360 are sold at a loss to give you improved technology, Nintendo purposly made the Wii underpowered so they could make a big profit on each console aswell as the games. You might think faster processors just make prettier graphics, but it also lets them create far bigger worlds to play in, with more characters etc, some games on ps3 and 360 just wont be possible to make on Wii.

09-11-06, 07:17 PM
Yes you do because you talk very little sense.

I was refering to decent games. If was talking about any ole game then Id choose the FREE games you get with the Wii:roll: Current new releases for XBox360, games are RRP ?49.99. The Wii releases are RRP @ ?39.99.

The XBox360 retails for ?300 thats only ?60 double the price Of a Wii and is ?120 more expensive!!

Basically The Wii should have had the new controller AND improved processors. While PS3 and 360 are sold at a loss to give you improved technology, Nintendo purposly made the Wii underpowered so they could make a big profit on each console aswell as the games. You might think faster processors just make prettier graphics, but it also lets them create far bigger worlds to play in, with more characters etc, some games on ps3 and 360 just wont be possible to make on Wii.

On this point you couldn't be more wrong if you tryed and makes me think your just taking the pi$$. Sony & Microsoft selling there consoles at a loss? at ?300 & ?550 but Nintendo are are selling at a massive profit at ?180 lol

You obviously know nothing about how computers work or how games are programmed. To come up with the 'faster processors make bigger worlds' comment, and i've lost intrest in trying to point out why your other point is also bloody wrong:thumb:

09-11-06, 07:21 PM
The problem here is purely down to Nintendo.

They have so far failed to market its product properly, therefore people like yourself, paul, are drawing conclusions from previous consoles, which is utter madness in the electronics industry, especially Nintendo, who, after all, were the grandparents of home consoles!

And because of this, hardly anyone has heard of it, and people continue to buy Gates/Sony machines, because they are rammed down our throats!

Conclusion? Xbox managed to get us to buy a technically much more inferior machine to the PS3 by bombarding us with adverts, and giving it to us early. The PS3 wont need much pushing as its reputation preceeds it, plus the added time Sony has had studying the Xbox, will basically blow it out of the water. Look out for about 2 or 3 generations of 360 while the PS3 will probably hardly change in its lifetime.

Yes, the PS3 is awesome, but you can basically compare it to a Wii like you compare a Bugatti Veyron to a Lotus Elise. One is a hell of a lot more powerful, has a lot more features, is cutting edge technology and is terrifically expensive. But i defy you not to agree that the Elise is as much fun to drive.

Get it?

paul james
09-11-06, 07:28 PM
Yes you do because you talk very little sense.

I was refering to decent games. If was talking about any ole game then Id choose the FREE games you get with the Wii:roll: Current new releases for XBox360, games are RRP ?49.99. The Wii releases are RRP @ ?39.99.

The XBox360 retails for ?300 thats only ?60 double the price Of a Wii and is ?120 more expensive!!

On this point you couldn't be more wrong if you tryed and makes me think your just taking the pi$$. Sony & Microsoft selling there consoles at a loss? at ?300 & ?550 but Nintendo are are selling at a massive profit at ?180 lol

You obviously know nothing about how computers work or how games are programmed. To come up with the 'faster processors make bigger worlds' comment, and i've lost intrest in trying to point out why your other point is also bloody wrong:thumb:

Im not talking nonsense as you claim, and dont assume that your far more knowledgeable about gaming than i am, because chances are your not. I know how processors work, the wii processor is basically the same as the gamecubes with an increased clock speed, which means its not going to make a very noticeable difference. This will make a difference in games for example, a ps3 game could have a huge level, with hundreds of characters to fight on screen, while the wii simply wont be able to render all that and could perhaps only creat 20 characters to fight. It will make a differnece as to what games can be played on wii.

The free games you get with the wii are rubbish, really, fun for about 5 minutes is really just a demo for the new controller.

The Xbox 360 will drop in price by the time the Wii comes out, so the Wii wont seem as good value for money as it appears at the moment.

Im not completely against the wii at all, but it seems everyone is hailing it as the saviour of gaming, when its not the perfect solution. You can say the ps3/360 have just the same games but with just prettier graphics, but you can also argue the wii has the same old games with a different controller

09-11-06, 07:39 PM
I would like to know how you seem to know so much?
I honestly can't be ****d to post anymore. However the thread has mostly been about people trying to slate the Wii saying its not a next gen console and that the Wii remote is just a lightgun. I have been saying that its alot better than they are suggesting. Which it is! Then you came alot talking bollocks 100% pure.

paul james
09-11-06, 07:46 PM
Im so sorry for being able to see something negative about the Wii. You obviously cant see anything wrong with it, but theres no need to be rude and treat me like an idiot, just because i have a different opinion. And for the record i do know quite about about gaming, i do make myself a living from it.

09-11-06, 08:28 PM
Im not going to defend Dars comments, as they dont need defending. He works for Codemasters, amongst others, whereas I have little understanding of how games are programmed. But from my perspective Paul, these are funny comments coming from someone who makes a living from gaming. Surely you more than most should understand that when you stip away all the frills, when you forget about the graphics, the processing power and everything else, what you are left with is how playable / enjoyable the game is?

Take Mario Kart for example, i remember years ago getting drunk with mates playing it into the early hours, try doing that with gran Turismo. Bordom sets in way before the sun comes up! IMHO, games ARE falling into the trap of being more simulation based than just damn good fun! take most games on the PS2 at present, and you have to take a month off to finish them! So what do you buy if you dont want the big @rse games? You buy the smaller, fun games which you can pick up when you have a spare hour, and have some fun. These are the games that Nintendo are concentrating on, and the market where some people dont want to spend 550 quid just to play a fun game with their family!

Dar hasnt once disputed that the Nintendo isnt as powerful as the 'Big Two', and that games such as gran Turismo wont make it onto the console, and also neiter of us dispute the fact that it will most probably flop due to Nintendo's poor advertising, lacking in public understanding of the 'point' of the console, or the fact that the contoller will be ripped off by either gates or Mr Sony at some point!

But look closer at it, its actually uber cool, and its a shame its not being marketed as well. I will probably buy one because i miss the days where you stay up all night pissed playing video games with your mates. Something ive never done with the PS2.

paul james
09-11-06, 08:46 PM
Yeah the Wii looks cool at the moment (im still annoyed myself its not more powerful for the price, but maybe i expect too much). But Nintendo really need to change their attitude to third party developers for the Wii to succeed past the inital enthusiasm for the controller. Unlike Sony and Microsoft Nintendo dont pay developers to ensure they get exclusive games, and dont really own many 1st party developers either now. They should be making sure they have quality extra games to give people a choice from the franchises nintendo themselves stick to, rather than just simply hoping that developers stick with them, as that strategy doesnt work.

Normally consoles are sold at a loss, and profit is made from the games instead, if Nintendo had done this then they could have made the Wii far more powerful (it doesnt waste processing power on high resolution screenmodes or textures remember) and still sell it for ?180. Making profit on the hardware (as much as ?60 each console according to some leaked information) is evidence that nintendo dont have enough confidence that it will be a success. If they had better processors AND the new controller, then it could completely wiped the floor with the 360 and ps3, but as it stands will most likley be a second console rather than the main one for a lot of people.

10-11-06, 11:11 AM
I stand corrected on consoles initally selling at a loss. They don't do it out of the kindness of their heart though. Apparently the PS3 price is inflated by approx half by the blu-ray drive.

The Wii does run a different and more powerful chip than the GameCube. The GameCube ran the Gekko processor and the Wii will run the Broadway processor. Both are based on PowerPC chips with the Broadway processor being about 3 times more powerful. But then again the CELL & Xenon chips in the PS3 & XBox360 are also based on PowerPC chips as well. They just use them in a different way.

As said before the Wii is not in the same league as the other consoles in pure performance terms. I said this in post #28 of this thread. It has a different design philosophy.

As said before All I wanted was to know if anyone else was getting one, but I guess I know the answer is a big NO lol Everyone will be getting the PS3 and playing the same games they always have just with better graphics.

This is what i've been saying and I tend to agree with Satoru Iwata.

Sony and Microsoft are taking about the same approach for the future by making machines with powerful and sophisticated technology. Nintendo is taking a little bit different approach, and I think this is an interesting contrast. Of course, we are applying advances in technology. But when you use those advances just to boost the processing power, the trade-off is that you increase power consumption, make the machine more expensive and make developing games more expensive. When I look at the balance of that trade-off -- what you gain and what you lose -- I don't think it's good. Nintendo is applying the benefits of advanced technology, but we're using it to make our machines more power-efficient, quieter and faster to start. And we're making a brand-new user interface. I think that way of thinking is the biggest difference

I've mostly been defending the Wii from untruth's like

the Wii is just a gamecube with a new controller

I think the Wii will be a great little, cheap console to play fun and decent games on. Thats it!

I don't care if the XBox360 & PS3 will have more games & better graphic's. I've always found the Nintendo games alot more fun to play. Hence why the N64 stayed out and was used way past when the Playstation & Saturn where put away and why the XBox dosent get used anymore. The main use for the PS2 is as a DVD player in the bedroom and the GameCube is still being used as a games console.

As for the PSP & DS - I love the PSP but it hardly ever leaves the house because its just too big to just chuck in your pocket. To be fair I haven't had much chance to play on the DS because the wife won't stop playing the damn thing.

10-11-06, 11:32 AM
Goldeneye on the N64 was magic....

I saw the PS3 on BBC1 this morning... looks a bit gay really.

10-11-06, 11:44 AM
Goldeneye on the N64 was magic....
Ahhh that brings back memories of weekends at my mates house in the college holidays playing Goldeneye all day

Have to say I prefer Perfect Dark though :D

10-11-06, 01:41 PM
Ahhh that brings back memories of weekends at my mates house in the college holidays playing Goldeneye all day

I rest my case :D

10-11-06, 01:48 PM
I used to be able to complete Time Crisis on hard without losing a life.
Also used to love 4 player split screen Crash team racing.

Decided to sell my ps1 in the end for about ?40

10-11-06, 02:04 PM
I rest my case :D
Come to think of it thats not the only example. We used to spend hours playing ISS98 on the N64, loved it (thats one of the games that made me decide to buy an N64, a killer app), and Wrestlemania 2000 - I've never laughed so much than at the 'sideways crab' action of the characters that had been thrown out the ring trying to walk round it, yet still having to look at the selected opponent... really random but we seriously found it pant-wettingly funny for some odd reason!

On the Playstation, the equivalent games just didn't have the same appeal. My mate had at the time both a playstation (or PS2, can't remember now) and N64, and we tried to games out on there; they just didn't seem as much fun. Might just have been because we were used to the N64 versions, but then even some of the other games we played on the playstation didn't hold the same level of gameplay.

Seemed to be that the Playstation games were more serious games that you'd work harder at; where as the N64 games provided better entertainment value for when your mates were round and you wanted some fun.

I still play some of the old games, I even went to great lengths to get games such as Interstate '76 and Terra Nova working on my modern PC - archaic games by todays standard, but ones I still love to play.

10-11-06, 02:15 PM
interstate 76 !!! now theres a game and a half !!