View Full Version : Who believes in...

02-11-06, 12:57 PM

Seen as halloween has just gone, and every year it seems to get more and more popular. Just wondering if anyone does believe in the supernatural and paranormal, or if most people buy into it as an excuse to p*ss about for an evening lol

As for me, I'm reserving my opinions for now :D

02-11-06, 01:47 PM
i watch all the ghost programs and stuff so that i can answer it in a scientific way and argue with the missus over it, im not going to say i do or dont, havent seen one so couldnt say, its like people saying were alone in the universe :eek:

02-11-06, 02:26 PM
hmmmm, i never did untill i was staying at this old hotel in the middle of nowhere when working away once. the woman behind the bar showed us some photos on our last night and there was definatly the figure of someone sat in the corner, there were also them light orb type thingys all over the pics

however my belief in burgo over-rides any of this

02-11-06, 02:36 PM
When there's something strange... in your neighbourhood... who ya gonna call?

02-11-06, 02:53 PM
i would also offer up as evidence that i have been in many a pub at ungodly hours where spirits have come and gone frequently

02-11-06, 03:08 PM
i would also offer up as evidence that i have been in many a pub at ungodly hours where spirits have come and gone frequently

normally past your tonsils?

02-11-06, 03:12 PM
there were also them light orb type thingys all over the pics
I'm always greatly amused by "ghost hunters" going nuts over what is just atmospheric dust or moisture reflecting light into a camera lense. A fine example is Most Haunted lol

02-11-06, 03:19 PM
you mean most haunted fixed !!

lies, all lies

02-11-06, 03:49 PM
Its entertaining to watch derek Achora become posessed by an evil spirit.

I think i do a good impression while passing my bowels.

02-11-06, 04:08 PM
Its entertaining to watch derek Achora become posessed by an evil spirit.
Alex and myself watched the one of them doing Bodmin Gaol at the weekend. Derek Acorah bimbling around moaning loudly and kicking tables over is one of the funniest things I've ever seen lol

Hasn't Ceiran, the parapsychologist or whatever he is, gone out saying Derek is a fake? I'm sure I remember him saying how he supplying Derek with "names" of "spirits" before the show was filmed in each location, a couple of which were anagrams of his name - such as Rik Eedles = Derek Lies, and Kreed Kafer = Derek faker. Owned! lol

02-11-06, 07:20 PM
I always thought most haunted involved the night vision camera man having a peacock feather to tickle gail porter at the moment most likely to cause her to scream even more....
But I would be prepared to stand up in court to state that I definately saw a ghost one night about 20 years ago. I was driving towards a favourite fast bend (where a girl I new from school had died recently), and as i sped up and went onto the opposite lane to take a 'racing line' there was a figure stood in the road in front of me and I hit it doing about 90. the car was undamaged and the figure disappeared, but I never took the bend at anything like fast at night again.

02-11-06, 07:30 PM
No its all a load of rubbish. There have been test done on areas that are so called haunted, and there is always a larger than normal magnetic field. So it was re-produced in a lab and when the person being tested so to speak was experiencing the same level of field as where the "ghost" were they experienced seeing things that werent there and having a overwhelming sense of not being alone. Basically a long story short but you get the idea.

I have seen and heard things that shouldnt be there, what could probably be described as "ghosts" but these were are silly hours in the night/morning and thus have been very tired and no in the right frame of mind to start with.

02-11-06, 08:23 PM
I'm sure I remember reading about scientists who'd managed to make inanimate objects move by using massive magnetic forces, as if moved by a poltergeist.

I'm with Phil on this one

02-11-06, 08:46 PM
Also the magnetic field will interfere with equipment. Its people making something out of nothing tbh. They want to see some thing / believe in something so bad they see it in everyday objects. Same can be said for UFO's 99% of sightings can be linked to something, a space phenonmenon or uncle jimmy thats strapped himself to 50 million helium ballons.

Its a nice idea that aliens are visiting us, but it isnt happening.

02-11-06, 08:59 PM
Are you sure? I think I married an alien....you should see the length of her tounge:eek: :D

02-11-06, 09:48 PM
Its a nice idea that aliens are visiting us, but it isnt happening.

Agreed, it would be narrow minded to say that we're not alone due to the number of solar sytems in the number of galaxies in the universe, but we're not being visited, thats for sure. What the US airforce fly around in is another thing altogether though. i firmly believe there are flying saucers out there, but they aint alien!

I watched an interesting programe about the remains of an ancient monestary where people were hearing the ghostly sound of monks singing, and they discovered a very high magnetic field in the area which was doing something to the particular material which was in the walls which seemed to play around with peoples brains. very odd stuff!

02-11-06, 10:51 PM
well the most haunted they did in derby tea rooms tat was repeated a few months ago i know was fake, because less than 3 months before my old man re-wired the whole place !!!

and yes im very realibly informed (by pogo) that she read in national enquerey (sp) that big derek is a fake !!!

02-11-06, 11:03 PM
Yeah, the Daily Mirror (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/tm_objectid=16303507&method=full&siteid=94762&headline=spooky-truth--name_page.html) exposed him as fake. Although google "Derek Acorah Fake" and you get a plethora of results :D