View Full Version : Not even in Italy!

29-10-06, 10:46 PM
Just watching the Italian job remake here, I knew they'd ruined it, I mean it's a Hollywood film now.. but come on!

What a pi$$take lol

Sorry but without Michael Cane it's nothing, even with that hot blonde bird lol

Ricky G
29-10-06, 10:53 PM
i agree its no way near as good as the 1st one but then again i love the original mini too so thats probably part of the reason why i hate the second film. altho it is a good story line. well not too bad anyway.

29-10-06, 10:56 PM
Just caught the last 15 minutes of it, damnit. Didn't look that great though :)

29-10-06, 11:00 PM
Yeah no crap Fiat police cars in this one or comedy moments either :(

Agreed on original Mini mate, the Morris Cooper is amazing, not a big fan of the new one, looks too much like a toy imo!

Although they do have some uses, we're currently fitting a supercharger from an S Works onto a Racing Puma engine for my mates MK5 Fiesta.

Should be interesting :)

30-10-06, 12:19 AM
to be honest I quite like it, yeah it corney but most films are nowadays,

imo it's sweet as

30-10-06, 08:37 AM
Its as soul-less as the Nick cage remake of gone in 60 seconds. They should take a good film, leave it alone, and remake a rubbish film that no ones ever heard of and make it better; not take a clever film and dumb it down completely for an unappreciative, hard-to-explain-anything-to Yank audience.

30-10-06, 08:53 AM
Yup, and the same goes for the music world - surely, when remaking a movie/song, why oh why take one that's generally thought to be good in the first place? Why not remake the rubbish ones?!

Incidentally, saw an old Mini last weekend with a window sticker: "I'd rather push my Mini than drive a BMW" lol

30-10-06, 09:55 AM
I watched it... never seen it before.
The original is awesome but i thought this one was pretty good.
They'd have done better to call it something different though.

30-10-06, 10:58 AM
its not ment to be a remake is it? i though it was sequal?
its alright but its not the original

31-10-06, 04:34 PM
its not a remake, its a bunch of theves useing the Italian job idea for there job...

Lozzie C
31-10-06, 04:47 PM
I don't like the ending of the first one- it's so frustrating how you don't know what happens! I was watching the DVD version of it and the director said they had a few different endings and chose that one so that they could make a sequal if they wanted to. But what actually happens???

Oh and by the way the new Mini's aren't anywhere near bad- my Mum's on her second one and it's a little beast! For her first one she didn't want a Cooper S because she didn't like the whirring noise it made (ie. the supercharger)! She is funny!:roll:


31-10-06, 04:50 PM
i like the newer version, maybe even more so than the original im afraid.

31-10-06, 09:11 PM
point no.1 Michael Caine is in the new one, for a fleeting moment he is on the big screen telly that belongs to the baddy.

point no.2 There is one & only one bit from the original & best film that annoys the hell out of me. When they are in convoy in the sewer (which was near coventry) they didn't have passengers or even dummys in the cars, but they have passengers in before & after.