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View Full Version : some questions about insurance

26-10-06, 07:29 AM
just wondering if i buy a nova with a 2ltr lump in it and it has 1.2 or something else on the log book, does that mean i could get insured on a 1.2 for cheap when in reality its a 2litre?

i know if i crash id be funked but who crashes ;)

26-10-06, 08:10 AM
In theory yes but you may have problems when a MOT'er sees its not a good old 1.2 its a 2.0 and if you run somone over and kill them take plenty of lube in with you because you will be there a while;)

26-10-06, 08:21 AM
If you aren't man enough to pay for insurance then you definately aren't man enough to drive a 2ltr... lol

26-10-06, 09:15 AM
1. There's an insurance forum for insurance questions.
2. Don't be a numpty, the reason you're paying so much for insurance in the first place is because of people not informing the underwriters about stuff.
3. Doesn't matter how good a driver you are, someone else will probably crash into you. And if insurance are involved, they'll probably want to inspect your car too. And believe me, they'll look for any way to get out of paying.
4. Void insurance = no insurance = points and an "uninsured" code on your license = even more expensive insurance in the future.
5. Heck, why bother with insurance at all. Or tax. Wouldn't bother paying for a car either, just go steal one, its much cheaper.

Sorry that was a bit of a rant, but you get my point lol

26-10-06, 10:29 AM
Illegal! I can't believe you've evan had the balls to ask.

26-10-06, 10:41 AM
i know if i crash id be funked but who crashes ;)

You will!
If you can't afford the insurance on an XE because it's too expensive, you clearly shoudn't be driving that car and the likelyhood of your crashing is reflected in your premium.
If you did have an XE'd Nova that you'd spend the best part of ?2000+ on and it was stolen, you'd have a hard time explaining away why the joyriders couldnt't get in the car without marking it but could perform an overnight XE conversion.
And yes, If you are going from a 1.2 to an XE, the XE can be quite a handful.

Ricky G
26-10-06, 12:31 PM
hhmmmmm only ten post's i wonder if jack b is a copper trying to nab naughty lads for not being properly insured. not that im suspicious minded or anything!!!

26-10-06, 12:35 PM
Or just a complete idiot planning on doing a cheapo conversion!!

26-10-06, 12:43 PM
From previous posts:

im planning on getting an insurance friendly 1.0 nova as my first car.

im gonna keep it pretty much standard strip the inside and replace the front bumper.

ive browzed this forum for about a month and ive noticed all the idiot's who come and go, hopefully i dont sound like another be*lend

and the poeple who said anything about insurance im expecting to pay around the 1200-1500 range on my first car, it will be either 1.0l or 1.2 max.
lol :thumb:

26-10-06, 12:45 PM
Contradiction central

Oh and the sounding like a bellend comment take your pic

Stones in glass houses, pot calling kettle etc etc

Ricky G
26-10-06, 12:49 PM
well i know around milton keynes there was a forum going for the cruise that goes on and the police closed it down (so i hear) and i got thinking the other day that the old bill could be going through websites like this trying to nab people. but then as i said im very untrusting and suspicious with everything.

26-10-06, 03:11 PM
I'm very untrusting and suspicious with everything.

Best way IMO

26-10-06, 08:39 PM
for **** sake people ranting like **** im only asking a few questions i havent even got my driveing licence yet. lol

im just wondering how some people have got 2litre lumps in there cars but are only registered as 1.3sr and get away with it.

27-10-06, 01:23 AM
They don't usually get away with it and are found out for one reason or another (accidents, police checks on roadside etc). When a XE conversion has been carried out, most people do the sensible thing and have the log book altered accordingly and tell their insurance company their mods.
If anyone on here has done an sly non insured XE conversion, they are hardly going to tell us how they got away with it!

27-10-06, 01:24 AM
Anyway, seeing as you havent even got a liscence i think an XE nova will be a BIT of a handful for you!!

27-10-06, 02:34 AM
i agree with you , Stu , ive just got my second car (a 16v nova ) it is a serious handfull . i am a van driver tho' with a lot of driving experience . anyone thinking of getting a 16v for a first car . THINK AGAIN . first time in the wet , you will lose it (bigtime) . dont want to put anyone off , but work your way up .

27-10-06, 02:37 AM
oh BTW , im fully legal and insured as a 2.0 16v with all mods . not too bad for me im 26 ..

27-10-06, 02:43 AM
Well TBH i dunno wat im talking about really!! My first car was an XE Nova, and 2nd car was a DC5 type R!!!!! Im only 22!!

But i raced karts from aged 8 so i kinda had an idea of what i was doing!!

27-10-06, 03:06 AM
yea i hear ya Stu' but with your job you can prob' afford the insurance (1st car XE ) .. and actually declare the fact its an 16v XE .

28-10-06, 02:45 PM
oh BTW , im fully legal and insured as a 2.0 16v with all mods . not too bad for me im 26 ..
How much do you pay? I'll be 25 next year and might get myself and XE or LET nova...