View Full Version : severe battery draining on 1.2

23-10-06, 07:19 PM
basically, when i try start my nova, something drains the battery, ive put a new alternator and battery on, its charging fine etc etc, just its gettin drained sooo much when trying to start that there isnt enough power to kick it up, could this be the starter itself or somethin else? any help appreciated

23-10-06, 08:33 PM
Could be a dead starter, only way to tell for sure is to try another

23-10-06, 09:24 PM
Do you get a Click when you turn the key?

23-10-06, 11:51 PM
no i get it turning over really really slowly until there aint enough power in the battery any more to turn it, but every now n agen itll start first time, but the majority of the time this happens

24-10-06, 12:41 AM
Sounds like the same problem i was having.
I changed the starter motor 4 times,Lol.
Its fine now tho after swapping the motor to a known newish one, cleaning all the contacts up, sanding the g/box where the starter bolts to it to get a good earth connection.

You would have to have a mega drain(leaving headlights on) to drain the battery almost entirely flat.

If you have a multimeter check your getting 12v at the starter solenoid wire when you turn the key.

24-10-06, 10:16 AM
to see if your getting a drain put a meter between the +ive contact and the cable that bolts to it - if theres current youve got drain