View Full Version : I have a new "HANG OUT"

19-10-06, 06:36 PM
They have computers
They have Alcohol
They have Food
They have a **** off big t.v

Only thing I cant see is a bed.... otherwise I'd move in.

I'm down at the David Lloyd Gym don't you know.

Gf is in the gym and I'm exercising my fingers till she's finished getting all sweaty.

19-10-06, 06:40 PM
I was expecting this to be a thread about these chaps, not really sure why tbh!!



19-10-06, 06:41 PM
Cheeky bugger... thats my weekend hang out.

I forgot to mention all the FIT BIRDS.

19-10-06, 07:20 PM
i take it you have a massive right arm bicep

19-10-06, 07:28 PM
I alternate between right and left.

19-10-06, 08:36 PM
our local gym has a running club, they turn up, pay money, put on a hi-viz vest & go outside & run round the streets for a while
What is it they say about a fool & their money?????????
In the summer they sit outside on exercise bikes..................

19-10-06, 08:39 PM
^ lollollol

19-10-06, 09:21 PM
Funny you should mention that Matt cus i bought a set of weights today! I was gonna join the gym but this way i can do my macho thing at home:D

19-10-06, 09:26 PM
Our local sports centre has mirrors infront of the treadmills. So I don't go on them as I don't particularly want to see my bits wobble everywhere...lol

20-10-06, 12:42 AM
So I don't go on them as I don't particularly want to see my bits wobble everywhere...lol

Spot the typo.

20-10-06, 06:51 AM
Spot the typo.
:wtf: as in parts of my body...

20-10-06, 09:46 AM

20-10-06, 09:51 AM
She'd knock herself out!

20-10-06, 09:52 AM
Panda eyes!!

20-10-06, 10:22 AM
LMAO... like **** to joining a gympayin 2 get fit.. do it at home its cheaper..

but for any1 hu has seen me.. gyms just aint my thing lmao

20-10-06, 10:29 AM
lol i bought some weights a few years ago, and hardly ever used them. Also when the missus moved in she brought with her a rowing machine, which we hardly ever used...

If you join the gym you're paying for it, so might as well use it. Thats my theory anyway. I usually go before work, just do 20-30 minutes exercise on a cross-trainer and a bit of weights, but nothing much. Just doing that 5 times per week before work is making a huge difference.

20-10-06, 10:46 AM
lol i bought some weights a few years ago, and hardly ever used them. Also when the missus moved in she brought with her a rowing machine, which we hardly ever used...

If you join the gym you're paying for it, so might as well use it. Thats my theory anyway. I usually go before work, just do 20-30 minutes exercise on a cross-trainer and a bit of weights, but nothing much. Just doing that 5 times per week before work is making a huge difference.

I have a rowing machine and exercise bike. The bike is ok but dusty ;) and the rowing machine is the ****est thing I've ever brought for 60 notes

I'm working for a gym and leisure centre management company and I still dont go to the gym. Would get it for free as well.

20-10-06, 10:48 AM
i go to the gym because if i was trying to do it at home i wouldnt be motivated, atleast when i get to the gym i think i might aswell have a work out

20-10-06, 11:00 AM
Also - by going to the gym before work, i get ready for work there, using their showers etc, which saves us money on the gas (less heating of water needed), electricity (less light for the bathroom), and water (less washing/showering at home).

All things considered, i reckon my gym membership ACTUALLY costs me about a tenner a month - and if i visit 20 times per month, each morning before work, thats only ?0.50 per visit - which is superb value to keep me in better shape.

20-10-06, 11:49 AM
I work out at home when I can be ****d! Its free.

20-10-06, 12:03 PM
feet under the sofa doing sit-ups while hollyoaks is on etc.

20-10-06, 12:07 PM
The gym on the airstation here is fantastic. Two full size sports halls, full size pool, massive fitness suite... I pay less in a year than what most people pay in one month to use the local Canon's gym!

20-10-06, 12:13 PM
feet under the sofa doing sit-ups while hollyoaks is on etc.

Nah navy seals thingy. lol

20-10-06, 05:15 PM
lol, i have some weights here at home, but i dont use them, they just look good in my bedroom!

i go the gym, but its a cheapy gym with no lasses, its just a weights gym, i prefer it, i can concentrate! lol

20-10-06, 05:45 PM
to much money to burn david loyds is 75 a month in leicester just go to a blood sweat and saw dust gym:thumb: lol

22-10-06, 12:27 PM
isn't the lloyds gym next door to the burger king?

22-10-06, 12:28 PM
why do people need a machine to row???
I row with my kids all the time & I don't need a machine.

22-10-06, 02:00 PM
im a david lloyds man myself! love it, clean & fresh! well worth the extra expence!

22-10-06, 08:59 PM
I climb ladders all day at work, so im buggered if im excercising at home or the gym as well!!

22-10-06, 09:11 PM
yeh but your only a streak of p*55 anyways lol lol lol .

Sod the working out, last time i did any fitness stuff was ooooooo over 15 yrs ago on my last week of school. Easiest option is to get a decent hard working job :p lol . I dont think i need to trim down or beef up, i am happy as i am and i still eat for a small minority (read as average size village before anyone says it :tard: )

22-10-06, 09:24 PM
i still eat for a small minority (read as average size village before anyone says it :tard: )

No, i read it as your tape worm. How is he anyway? In training for Wydean this year? lol

22-10-06, 09:28 PM
sure is, we have been lucky last 2 years with a dry rally, gotta keep the old chap in trim incase its pouring down or snowy this year to fend off the cold weather. You boys aint been out when its real bad weather yet, far more fun from a spectating point of view but gotta be dedicated lolol

22-10-06, 09:56 PM
Im hard as nails me, the only thing to beat me last time was the dire need for a ****, and no leaves on the trees to give me any cover lol, so im bringing a plastic bag this year lol lol

And i wasnt getting my **** out with Stu lurking around!