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View Full Version : Removing underseal

18-10-06, 10:36 PM
How is this best done kids? I was going to use a heatgun/scraper.

Some of you may recall my 1st post where I showed pics of my floor and it's many holes!

Well i removed the fuel tank and lines etc tonight (not done brake lines yet) and I'm gona wed in (well my dad is lol) new steel in all 4 footwells, as drivers is away too, ony the drivers rear is ok (for now)

Was going to use maybe 1mm chequer plate, (paint body coloured like rest of inside) I have some lying around, it may be 2mm actually.. Will be handy for grip in the footwells also i thought.

Is it necessary to replace the box section under the footwells? These don't seem to be up to much in the area of crash safety strength etc

I aim to rid all the drain plug things from the floor lol

But I need me underseal off so I can examine the rest! Seems OK so far, Plus my fuel tank looks like new lol

Any help appreciated!

Welsh Dan
18-10-06, 10:41 PM
Angle grinder with a heavy duty wire brush?

18-10-06, 10:56 PM
Angle grinder with a heavy duty wire brush?

Man! :wtf: that sounds like a fcuk on!

Speaking from experience Ace?

18-10-06, 10:57 PM
on my wheel arches which was about 3mm thick I used a heat gun and scraper for most of it then used one of those wire brush drill bits (a big round wheel one, a small pokey one and one thats in a sort of cone) and went at it full pelt.

Wear a respirator/dust mask and eye protection though - it gets v messy!

18-10-06, 11:01 PM
on my wheel arches which was about 3mm thick I used a heat gun and scraper for most of it then used one of those wire brush drill bits (a big round wheel one, a small pokey one and one thats in a sort of cone) and went at it full pelt.

Wear a respirator/dust mask and eye protection though - it gets v messy!

Ah I think they're called flap wheels. i have some, I used them to trim back the arches on my other car lol

I'll give it a bash, cheers lads :thumb:

Anyone have any idea if i can eliminate the box section from the underside of footwells then?

Welsh Dan
18-10-06, 11:01 PM
Not experience from that specific task no, more of an educated guess.

18-10-06, 11:04 PM
Not experience from that specific task no, more of an educated guess.
Education and Nova's don't go together lol

Excluding the 'qualifications' thread!

Some clued up individuals in this here community!

Wonder if Starbug had underseal? :D

18-10-06, 11:52 PM
not really a flap wheel as such (which is sand paper on a wheel) - more like a round wore brush 0 used mainly for removing rust from gates etc...

B&Q do them about ?7 and they last for ages!

if in footwells you mean inside the car then theres another post re this but iirc hammer and chisel and then heat gun...

18-10-06, 11:59 PM
not really a flap wheel as such (which is sand paper on a wheel) - more like a round wore brush 0 used mainly for removing rust from gates etc...

B&Q do them about ?7 and they last for ages!

if in footwells you mean inside the car then theres another post re this but iirc hammer and chisel and then heat gun...

Ha ha I call them all flap wheels dude, I got some of those ones you spek of also :tard::thumb:

Already removed from inner footwells, thats when this whole charade started!

If I never removed carpet, sound deadening, it wouldn't have been until she was next on a 4 poster that I would have noticed probs!

19-10-06, 11:12 AM
when i did it mate i used a paint scraper and a hair dryer for the tuff bits then for all the like black crapy stuff still stuck 2 the floor i just used t cut 2 soften it up scraped it off then give the floor a big rub so it came up like glass well thats how i did it any way lol

19-10-06, 11:21 AM
Plenty of elbow grease!! ha ADE how you get on with them fuel lines??