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17-10-06, 09:37 AM
Just seen this (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=410539&in_page_id=1770) on another forum (I don't willingly read the Daily Mail lol)

Apparently they reckon SPECS cameras don't work if you change lanes? I thought they did, I'm certain I remember reading some blurb on various other sites that said they camera can still recognise you if you move across the road... and if that was the case, why bother using them on motorways (where they seem to be most common round here), as people are always changing lanes? :confused:

17-10-06, 09:46 AM
http://www.engadget.com/2006/10/16/uk-drivers-change-lanes-to-outsmart-specs-speeding-cameras/ (http://www.engadget.com/2006/10/16/uk-drivers-change-lanes-to-outsmart-specs-speeding-cameras/)

similar to that then lol...

also got this from a good friend.
Legend ha salways had it that (and here's the clue), like Traffic Master it cannot see you if you're not in the same lane… this is true of Traffic Mast because it deliberately looks at only 3-4 (I forget) characters so they reduce risk of mis-Iding folk by assuming you must be in the same lane… a guy I know who was involved in the original consultation for SPECS assured me this was true for SPECS also, never trusted it, I'll set Tim on it, he's willing to tailgate trucks to get through without being seen…
Worth noting however that on long runs they often have many camera's and take the average between different ones, so you may run out of lanes!
If you're playing on the edge its worth changing to reduce the risk though, IMHO! ;-)

17-10-06, 09:57 AM
I really hate speed cameras and road calming measures. They all make driving on the road more danerous.

Gatsos = Slam on your breaks.
SPECS = Change lanes more
Speed bumps = knackered suspension and/or damage to low cars

Then there are those narrow bits they put in so you can only fit one car through, so your facing on comming traffic. Around our way they have taken a perfectly good road and built bits that stick out in the road with a bollard on. So you have to drive close to on comming traffic to get through, if there is a lorry coming the other way it gets really tight.

Its a fecking joke!

17-10-06, 10:40 AM
Same thing near my place - off a roundabout on a route towards an industrial estate after 100 yards there is a traffic calming thing to allow one lane only to pass at any given time. Priority is given to the traffic leaving the roundabout. 200 yards further and there is another one, again with priority given to the roundabout leavers - which is fine, except the second on is on a sweeping bend and there is a hedge that obscures your view.

you dont know the second traffic calming is there till you're right on top of it, and the cars sneaking through on your side of the road dont know you're coming either. It's got massive skid marks leading up to it already. Hasn't made it safer - more dangerous if anything.

17-10-06, 08:22 PM
Cold ash has similar useless calming measures, namely big bollards with one direction having priority, and the other giving way. Its a joke at rush hour, as theres very rarely a gap, and Cold Ash ends up with a longer traffic jam than the M25!


17-10-06, 10:22 PM
That's good knowing that info, but I personally don't have the guts to try it. lol