View Full Version : 1.6 Conversion- What Do I Need?

07-10-06, 12:42 PM
Hi all, im going to change my 1.4 SR to a 1.6 GTE

I have the engine which is being re-built as we speak and a 1.6 ECU, i know i need a gearbox as the SR one will not fit (is this right?)

do i need to change anything else? Thanks

General Baxter
07-10-06, 01:00 PM
fuel tank and lines, fuel pump, you will need an injection loom for it!

07-10-06, 03:58 PM
It depends what box your 1600 came with.
Probably an F13, so the Sr box wont fit as the Sr box is probably a f10.

08-10-06, 09:59 AM
Won't he need drive-shafts and hubs aswell if he's using the F13.?

08-10-06, 10:28 AM
pretty sure all nova driveshafts are the same (apart from the 1ltrs)

08-10-06, 12:34 PM
Hubs and shafts are the same.
I have the same hubs, shafts, cv's as my 1200 came with(f10 box), and im now using a f15cr box.