View Full Version : avatars and signatures..

07-10-06, 01:04 AM
do you have to be an extra special member to be able to get these or something because i can't seem to find how to upload an avatar on here.. :tard:

General Baxter
07-10-06, 01:17 AM
extra special member


i just found that really funny!

yes you have to be a piad memeber to do what your asking

07-10-06, 01:17 AM
You have to be a Premium member.

07-10-06, 04:57 PM
what! you have to pay, i have better things to spend my money on such as the sun beds :D

oh well i'll just have to use my imagination haha

07-10-06, 05:05 PM
Im sure if your dedicated and use the site enough your pay the fee, Like most of these fags lol

07-10-06, 05:19 PM
dont you get enough sun up north then

07-10-06, 06:36 PM
It's only a fiver...

General Baxter
07-10-06, 06:38 PM
yes but for that ?5 you can get a pack of fags and a bottle of white lightning lol

07-10-06, 06:41 PM
Ahhh.. so thats how kids spend their pocket money these days... lol

General Baxter
07-10-06, 06:42 PM
lizzy duke lol

07-10-06, 10:36 PM
yes but for that ?5 you can get a pack of fags and a bottle of white lightning lol

You must smoke some seriously discraceful ciggies mate! :tard:

Benson and hedges doesnt leave you much change from a tenner lol

General Baxter
07-10-06, 10:38 PM
i dont smoke so i dont know how much they cost lol

08-10-06, 09:19 AM
Ahhh.. so thats how kids spend their pocket money these days... lol

you still do lol

08-10-06, 11:49 AM
?5 in atherstone could get you laid, laid out or laid up.
I live in Hinckley because it is posher, it costs ?7.50 round here

General Baxter
08-10-06, 11:56 AM
try Tamworth its ?10 :eek:

08-10-06, 02:11 PM
Oh no, I am not going there... A citizen of Tamworth once got 18 months for beating up a hedgehog with a piece of 4x2 in a shopping precinct.

Also the place is full of people who 'are not Brummies'

09-10-06, 10:20 AM
Oh no, I am not going there... A citizen of Tamworth once got 18 months for beating up a hedgehog with a piece of 4x2 in a shopping precinct.

I found that incredibly amusing... but at the same time I find myself wondering why someone would want to beat up a hedgehog... a badger maybe but not a hedgehog.

09-10-06, 10:38 AM
WHY would anyone want to beat a hedgehog with a piece of wood? Thats just ridiculous. At least a badger is sport, they're f*cking vicous!

Also, "the midlands" should be deleted.

09-10-06, 02:15 PM
I refuse to accept anything north of Cheltenham really exists

09-10-06, 02:20 PM
lmfao. Many "southerners" say things like that. It just shows a lack of adventure imho.

My wife is a north walian, i'm from yorkshire... a guy i worked with in sheffield once said "North Wales... bloody hell thats miles away. Is it further than manchester?"

09-10-06, 02:21 PM
The midlands is pretty grotty... plus its noticably colder.

09-10-06, 02:22 PM
why name your region "the midlands" anyway. Its like calling it "average".

Middle England would have been cool though.

09-10-06, 02:24 PM
I'm not in the midlands. I'm in the south :D
I think the midlands starts after bicester.

09-10-06, 02:30 PM
"The Glorious South"

09-10-06, 02:35 PM
Tomorrow I might be going to Wattisham, then on up to Dishforth. I aim to use the phrase "oo-arr" in at least 95% of conversations and tell everyone because I'm from Somerset I live on a farm. And know the Wurzels. And drink cider...

09-10-06, 02:40 PM
when down south in hertfordshire on my training course (mentioned in another thread) there were a few guys from Bristol there, went to the pub with them one night - one of them was drinking "cider" from a " 'aandle" lol

He was stunned by the prices, but overjoyed when he found they did have proper cider, served in a proper glass with a handle on it.

09-10-06, 02:46 PM
the NORTH starts at the watford gap kinda height.... infact thats where scotland starts :p

all you lot claiming to be from the midlands ARE northeners! deal with it lol.

09-10-06, 02:49 PM
Also, why is there an "east midlands" and a "west midlands" but no north/south midlands.

Is there any rivalry between the east and west side massives?

09-10-06, 03:22 PM
Tomorrow I might be going to Wattisham, then on up to Dishforth. I aim to use the phrase "oo-arr" in at least 95% of conversations and tell everyone because I'm from Somerset I live on a farm. And know the Wurzels. And drink cider...

I reckon thats all a con to ensure that no one wants to visit somerset and drink their cider.

I think I should probably move down that way as I luuuuuuurve cider.

09-10-06, 03:28 PM
cant stand cider. everyone made a big fuss about magners last time i went out with work, saying "go on, try it, doesnt even taste like cider" f*ck off it even smells like cider, so must taste just as rank as all the rest.

Its just "cool" to be drinking a pint of cider with ice in it at the moment, thats all.

09-10-06, 03:43 PM
Magners is fantastic!

09-10-06, 03:47 PM
nope. its a con

09-10-06, 05:41 PM
I never used to like cider, til I started drinking the local stuff. Its not proper cider unless its cloudy with bits in it, and a dead rat floating on the top. Still not a big cider drinker though, especially not the ****e you get in supermarkets.

10-10-06, 09:37 AM
A four pack of strong bow and I'm anyones... and you dont wanna see what happens when I drink K

12-10-06, 01:55 PM

hold your horses, whats this, whats this bombardment of abuse with the midlands? us midlanders are the heart of this country, we keep you nancy northeners and sissy southerners apart

anywhere from oxford, is south, and anywhere from sheffield, is north, imo anyway, if it wasnt for us, you wouldnt have cadburys bourneville, HP, rover, land rover, ldv, jaguar, the whistle, we have more canels than venice, the list is endless!

you northeners can keep your hotpots and you mild, and you sortheners can have your lager shandys, you sissys