View Full Version : Another GF problems thread

02-10-06, 07:31 PM
Yeh, girlfriend ended it today, after 2 years, bit hurt, but im ok! Lol

Guess i got more time/money to spend on the nova now anyway.

Just need something to take my mind off it, anyone got any ideas?


02-10-06, 07:41 PM
go and get pished - pull some bird for some fun (nothing serious)

then go and wash the car and get out there

02-10-06, 07:43 PM
go and get pished - pull some bird for some fun (nothing serious)

then go and wash the car and get out there

Good idea mate ill probably go down pub tonight, i get on with the bar lady well, well, seemed to the other night anyway. Just absolutely gutted! After all the arguements we have i would of thought i would of been glad. I dunno, what a waste of time that was!lol

Ricky G
02-10-06, 07:44 PM
this will sound harsh but im so glad its not me typing that message for once! there isnt no easy option tho mate! ask yourself something tho......was you a dick to her or was you the nice bloke that just got pushed aside! if she was with you for 2 years u cant be that bad unless your rich as fook?? just dont go drinkin and driving, i been there and done that and nearly killed myself in the process!
another thing.....how old are you?
there is so much talent about and im forever puttin my eye balls back in my head so just get out there and play the field! again that isnt an easy option cos wether u admit it or not you will be gutted and not wanting other birds! make sure its definatly over (her words not yours) then go and shag some one (preferably a women not a bloke) she will be gutted and will want you back! mind you this thread could go on forever with advice but the most important thing is just dont be a dick about it cos life realy does get better!!!!

02-10-06, 07:45 PM
The Streets - A Grand Dont Come For Free.... EXCELLENT jsut been dumped album :beer: then get on with things

02-10-06, 07:48 PM
this will sound harsh but im so glad its not me typing that message for once! there isnt no easy option tho mate! ask yourself something tho......was you a dick to her or was you the nice bloke that just got pushed aside! if she was with you for 2 years u cant be that bad unless your rich as fook?? just dont go drinkin and driving, i been there and done that and nearly killed myself in the process!
another thing.....how old are you?
there is so much talent about and im forever puttin my eye balls back in my head so just get out there and play the field! again that isnt an easy option cos wether u admit it or not you will be gutted and not wanting other birds! make sure its definatly over (her words not yours) then go and shag some one (preferably a women not a bloke) she will be gutted and will want you back! mind you this thread could go on forever with advice but the most important thing is just dont be a dick about it cos life realy does get better!!!!

You seem to have a pretty good idea of life mate, i cant drive so i cant drink and drive (mind you wouldnt be the first if i did) and im 17, i earn more than my age group (250 a week, gets me by) However i do feel like a penis for starting this thread, theres just no one decent enough to talk to about this sort of thing, obvioulsy there is on here:)

Ricky G
02-10-06, 07:58 PM
trust me mate drag up some of my old threads and you will see what a gimp i was when writing about my life! just say whatever you feelin buddy! my life is already starting to get better! i have a new job and money coming in, my girl is sorting her attitude problem out and we are getting on better! i have a possible home to go to (not 100% tho)
the problem is they seem to be able to walk away so fookin easily its annoyin! just dont fall at her feet coz then she got you by the balls mate and she will **** with ya head! its what women do!

02-10-06, 07:59 PM
I'd spend a bit more time with my mates and enjoy doing things you've always done with them, be it drinking or some other hobby. You might need to have some time alone to take your mind off it, think Gran Turismo 4 endurance races, or immense police chases on San Andreas!. That, or a decent book if your the literary type. Just something you can do alone and immerse yourself in with a reasonably productive end. Just don't do what I see my mates do and really hit the bottle hard / cane the gear for no reason other than self pity. It leaves you out of pocket with nothing to show (or think about). Chin up though mate, you're 17, you WILL have loads more opportunties to meet girls!

Ricky G
02-10-06, 08:00 PM
also i can add that it wasnt even a month ago since my last gimpy thread and already im smiling! life is what you make it so get out there and make it better!

02-10-06, 08:04 PM
Wow, im amazed at the comments you guys are giving, ive seen your threads Ricky, and ive seen the comments that were thrown back at you, out of order.

Danny cheers for helpfulness and support mate, im not the reading type unless its educational and somehow connects to and thing motor-vehicle orrentated, but still, i suppose i could find something to read.

Your all making me feel a lot better already, although it will take months, as it does, to be tottaly over it, you lot have helped and i'd like to say thanks to you all, greatly appreciated.

Well i just got out the shower and im gonna head off out with a few of my close mates, they wont be supprised it ended thoughlol

Ill catch up with you all tonight, thanks once again everyone, have a good evening.



02-10-06, 08:07 PM
just dont fall at her feet coz then she got you by the balls mate and she will **** with ya head! its what women do!

I agree with that. If you pleed and beg for her back (if she was that amazing) then she will fcuk with your head. And use you no doubt, making you think that you have a chance at getting back with her. (This works with men and women)
Just, one thing you'll regret, and most men won't appriciate me for saying this (not that they do already lol), make sure that you have a couple of days atleast before you go out and start making a move on new ladyeez. Otherwise you'll mess with your own head cuz you didn't give yourself enough time to get over her. Trust me. From a sentimental point of veiw on relationships.
And if you don't wanna take that advice, then go off and sh*g randoms. Best way to find out if your over an ex, when you think you're ready, is to sleep with a new person and not feel guilty afterwards. ;)

Just if you wanted a female point of veiw.:D

Ricky G
02-10-06, 08:16 PM
i have to be honest when i saw the name "untaimed girl" i gulped and thought oh dear she's gonna have me by the balls now for slagging off women! lol but hey an honest women is great! and yeh blokes are just as bad so im not getting sexist! give him a month and if she hasnt asked him back by then he will be on here happy as larry saying he didnt know what the fuss was about! it took me a month and i was over my girl but then she begged for me to get back with her.....and me being me i thought what have i got to lose!

02-10-06, 08:25 PM
Untaimed Girl = the resident novaload agony aunt!!

take in all this advice and move on bud - its not worth getting your head messed up over - remember you still have your mates and a bit more money to spend on the car now too

chin up bud and as the famous monty python crew once said - "always look on the bright side of life!!"

02-10-06, 08:37 PM
Relationships are bollocks any way. I've been single since I came out of my 2 year live together effort.

02-10-06, 08:54 PM
I discovered that, the second i realised relationships shouldnt be taken seriously, suddenly it all made sense.

IMO its all about how easy it is to be with someone. If your in a relationship where you worry about him/her going out with mates and vice versa, or you constantly argue, or you have to have 'time apart' then theres something wrong. Ive been chewed up and spat out more times than i can remember, and ive done my own fair share of bastidness as well, but when i met hayles, something clicked and suddenly it all made sense.

I dont call her during the day, and we very rarely text unless its to pick something up from the shop. We've never argued in 3 years, we let each other do what the hell we want and we dont think for even a second that any funny business is going on. And when i said i wanted a PS3 for christmas, she said yes, and that means the most lol lol

When i think back about all the sh1t i put myself through with women, it really does become clear that all that sh1t is actually training.

Put her down to experience mate, and dont go looking either cos you always find the wrongens.

craig green
02-10-06, 09:26 PM
I'll keep it short n sweet.

Basically I was in a serious relationship for 4 & a half yrs. When it all fell apart I thought it was the end of the world, I got really depressed & usewd to feel really lonely, even though all my best mates were around me all the time, I figured that it was going to hurt & someone told me that you never get over it, it just gets easier. How true.
I also saw on telly once, something about how it takes about 3 quarters of the time you were together with someone to get over them. Again very true. However there is light at the end of the tunnel. Just take it steady & take the rough with the smooth. You will have days when you are on top of the world laughing & joking & then another day it will seem like the end of the world. All part of the ups & downs.

I kept telling myself that I'm not the 1st to go through it & certainly wont be the last...

I'm with my current girlfriend for over 2 yrs now.....

Ricky G
02-10-06, 09:31 PM
my bigest problem was the habbit of seing her everyday! i spent so much time with her (and my friends) that it just became normal for us to be together and go see my friends! so when i split with my missus the 1st time it wasnt just weird for me, it was weird for everyone that knew us because it didnt seem right me being out without her being there! anyway look at us all here typin away and he's gone out with his mates to chill and have a laugh! good lad!!!!:thumb:

craig green
02-10-06, 10:11 PM
my bigest problem was the habbit of seing her everyday!

Lucky you.
My ex seemed to vanish off the planet. Within 3 weeks of splittin she had gone on a girly holiday & come back in Love with some geezer from the other end of the country.
Suffice to say she's now living up there & got a 2nd kid on way...

Looks like I got out just in time lol I have to think that dont I?

Ricky G
02-10-06, 10:19 PM
what i meant was i went from sein her everyday to nothing atall!

02-10-06, 10:20 PM
I'm gonna be single forever me...

I'll be 60 driving a nova with 20 cats and a few dogs... lol

Ricky G
02-10-06, 10:23 PM
u say that but....mr right may be just around the corner and sweep you off ya feet! but now i have sudgested that its not gonna happen lol sorry!

02-10-06, 10:23 PM
women are all wired up wrong. some arent even wired and spark randomly :D

02-10-06, 10:25 PM
u say that but....mr right may be just around the corner and sweep you off ya feet! but now i have sudgested that its not gonna happen lol sorry!

Nah theres no such thing a Mr Right. :wtf:

Ricky G
02-10-06, 10:40 PM
any women that sais that obviously hasnt met me yet! lol
i am joking by the way!

Lucky Luke!
02-10-06, 11:13 PM
I wouldn't worry about it, if she's gonna bin ya after 2 years for no good reason, you don't wanna be with her anyways! As for coming on here and moaning about it, i wouldnt worry, the peeps on here are cool and i have much more fun on here than with my real mates, they are okay but sometimes really **** ya off! This forum is good for chatting about anything! Be young, have fun and relax, your probably gonna go through 20 relationships and god knows how many one night stands before finding mrs right, but you know what? thats what makes us who we are, and character building like that is what changes us into the Mr Right that our ideal woman are searching for!

02-10-06, 11:50 PM
Lol glad a made this thread now.

Well i was out, down the local at the bar, talking to the bar lady about it ( we just get on anyway, had previous conversations about it the other day) when i get this text from my gf (or ex whatever) saying she regrets it!!!!:wtf: Anyway i didnt text her back, coudnt be doing with it really.

So whats everyone else been doing today/this evening? Weathers been alright here, spose to raining all weekend but didnt.

Ricky G
02-10-06, 11:53 PM
i was going to clean my car and take **** loads of pics! charged battery's in camera the lot! everytime i went for the bucket the clouds let lose! so it will be tomorrow now! so what ya gonna do bout it then? take her back? or make her eat her words in shame?

02-10-06, 11:56 PM
Umm i dunno mate, havnt really made my mind up on that one what you lot rekon? I mean, i gotta be soppy, i love/d her to bits, but surely if she doesnt wanna be with me then whats the point?

03-10-06, 09:15 AM
^ bingo

Moping and what not doesn't get you anywhere, tbh if someone wants to leave you then there's not really a lot that you can do about it. At least she didn't cheat on you with a guy she'd only known for 2 weeks, who was 13 years older, looked like a hobbit, had a kid, married but still lived at home with his mum... lol

I'm probably not the best person to advise about relatinoships as I'm just bitter and twisted, and apparently damaged goods lol; but when I broke up with my last one I felt like sh*t and was doing the up and down thing. But I just looked on the bright side and realised that not driving 200 miles each weekend would save me mileage on my car, and money which can be spent on mods. So did the obvious thing and spunked a whole load of money on bits :D Ok yes you could argue that those bits now remind me of her which they do to a certain degree, but I don't spend my time trying to forget about the time I spent with her; it was fun and I wouldn't change it. Well, maybe stopped her from getting a job at the opticians lol

03-10-06, 09:34 AM
And when i said i wanted a PS3 for christmas, she said yes, and that means the most lol lol

They've been put back till April haven't they?
Something to do with the blue lazer technology playing up.

Db1.2 - Suck it up mate and just enjoy yourself. It takes something like this to realise how good life is.

03-10-06, 10:07 AM
Get a Wii
I can add much advice because most of the real good advice has been given alreadylol

women are all wired up wrong. some arent even wired and spark randomly :D

I took every relashionship as a lession and learned from it. But directly afterwards I usually went to the shops with a few ? and bought some new clothes etc and cleared out all the stuff that reminded of the relashionship and put a big fullstop on it and then looked forward. I then usually took up another hobby to fill in the time. After a while you get to know what you do and don't like and when the right one comes along you know you have the right one.

Ricky G
03-10-06, 06:05 PM
so whats the final results then? i very much doubt you have ignored that txt she sent last night but what did you do? i know whenever my girl clicked her fingers i went running! still do infact! and if im being a nosey prick tell me to get lost.........???

03-10-06, 06:22 PM
Ex's suck. Mine made me a paranoid wreck. And I know that when you get a new bf that they still think of their ex. So...you can't win either way.:(:roll:

03-10-06, 07:07 PM
so whats the final results then? i very much doubt you have ignored that txt she sent last night but what did you do? i know whenever my girl clicked her fingers i went running! still do infact! and if im being a nosey prick tell me to get lost.........???

Lol na its fine mate, well i ignored it last night then she text me, ''hey you ok x x x'' (3 kisses was our thing lol) and i text her back saying, ''yeh u?'' then she said something about not being special then i told her im busy, and now im speaking to her on msn, i said ill see her in a couple of days........

03-10-06, 10:53 PM
just dont let her screw with you m8, my X hurt me to hell and back and didnt even know she was doin it when we broke up! i thought it was the end of the world at the time lmao! o how i no different now! Im 20 i split with mine last year, who i was with since i was 15 and i lived with her most of that time as well, so im out making up for lost time now... ur be doin the same soon enough lol

03-10-06, 11:11 PM
my X hurt me to hell and back and didnt even know she was doin it
I would contest that lol

03-10-06, 11:26 PM
I would contest that lol

lol no i mean by calling me to say hi and all that sh*t, it dont help when ur trying to get over a person and they wont leave you alone...

03-10-06, 11:29 PM
I was contesting the not knowing she was doing it bit :D

Snakes with tits! lol

03-10-06, 11:30 PM
Don't be so rude. I prefer the term bitch. lol

03-10-06, 11:36 PM

04-10-06, 09:09 AM
Snakes with tits! lol

I'm actually working towards a breeding programme for snakes with tits.... no I'm not... I'm just being silly.

I am planning on purchasing some new blood lines.. indirectly from america.

04-10-06, 03:26 PM
Lol cool, good luck with that

Oh yeh by the way, apperently my EX gf is already moving on! After 2 years! She meant everything to me.......well, cant forget my lil nova:D

Yeh so that sucks, never mind

04-10-06, 03:28 PM
Throw yourself at your car mate.... it'll all make sense when you have your engine in bits grease all over your face, arms and overalls.

Suddenly you'll realise you true love!

04-10-06, 03:29 PM

So she text's all these guys, then she makes up stupid arguements, then she finish's me and straight after she's in there with some other guy! Something tells me this aint coincidence! What a b*cth!

04-10-06, 03:46 PM

So she text's all these guys, then she makes up stupid arguements, then she finish's me and straight after she's in there with some other guy! Something tells me this aint coincidence! What a b*cth!
Thats exactly what happened to me... the old "oh I just want to be single a while" then the following weekend she's off to a 5* hotel with this guy she works with! Coincidental :roll:

04-10-06, 03:49 PM
Women suck!

04-10-06, 03:50 PM
Women suck!

Men don't usually complain when I suck them. lollollol

04-10-06, 03:51 PM
I certainly wouldnt! Lol!:p

04-10-06, 04:02 PM

So she text's all these guys, then she makes up stupid arguements, then she finish's me and straight after she's in there with some other guy! Something tells me this aint coincidence! What a b*cth!

get her shot:thumb:

04-10-06, 04:06 PM
Men don't usually complain when I suck them. lollollol

I would have quite happily put my nova on the fact that you'd post something along those lines you dirty girl!


04-10-06, 04:08 PM
I would have quite happily put my nova on the fact that you'd post something along those lines you dirty girl!


Me dirty? Never. :wtf: lol

04-10-06, 04:12 PM
Me dirty? Never. :wtf: lol

And anyways.... golden rule... you should never assume someone is good at something until you've seen the quality of their work.

04-10-06, 04:16 PM
And anyways.... golden rule... you should never assume someone is good at something until you've seen the quality of their work.

Very true

04-10-06, 04:19 PM
You wouldnt drop your car off at a bodyshop that you know nothing about!

04-10-06, 04:23 PM
You wouldnt drop your car off at a bodyshop that you know nothing about!

Lol umm i think im gonna have to find out more about that bodyshop up the road then!

04-10-06, 04:25 PM
I would always ask if I can pop up and see a little of their work unless your getting it super super cheap on the side.

04-10-06, 04:30 PM
Well, within the same week (October) that my ex dumped me he'd already slept with someone else. Gutted me totally.
Then in March, I got phone calls saying he's made a mistake. I was like...well I'm with someone else now...bye. So she'll regret trying to move on so quickly. Don't worry about it hun.

04-10-06, 04:32 PM
From reading this thread ive kind of understood relationships are pointless:tard:

04-10-06, 04:40 PM
From reading this thread ive kind of understood relationships are pointless:tard:

Which is exactly what I said in the beggining!! lol

Listen to bex. She speaks sense! :thumb:

04-10-06, 04:47 PM
Men don't usually complain when I suck them. lollollol

lmfao bex lol

04-10-06, 04:48 PM
From reading this thread ive kind of understood relationships are pointless:tard:

Not pointless mate... just sometimes they dont work out the way they're supposed to.... there will be plenty of people on here who really are with "the one" (not Neo from the Matrix.)

04-10-06, 04:49 PM
I second that. Not all relationships are pointless. I just see it as they make me more prepared for the next one, until I find Mr Right.:)

04-10-06, 04:52 PM

Plus your thinking now that you've wasted the last 2 years of your life but thats not true.... you've learnt a lot of things by being in that relationship that you wont realise, you'll probably apply them to the next one and the one after.

People change as well... what can be amazing at the start can be boring and dull at the end. Doesnt make it a complete waste of time though.

Ricky G
04-10-06, 06:07 PM
I second that. Not all relationships are pointless. I just see it as they make me more prepared for the next one, until I find Mr Right.:)
i told you im mr rightlol

**** i havent read all this as havent been on for 2 days! well mate it happend to me too! my gf split with me and started going out with someone else three days later! it proper ****ed me up! i chased him and tried running him over the lot! he always got away tho as i eat too many burgers!lol
but i did get back with her a month later (dont know why)
im out of ideas now as to what you can do! take it from me you dont wanna go back to her now! i did and if im honest its kind of ****! we arent realy going anywhere and some other girls are taking interest and its not easy to refuse!
you seem like a decent enough lad so have a laugh and shag everything that moves! and make sure its femalelol
oh and shrink wrap up mate dont want creatures or funny **** crawling over ya knoblol

04-10-06, 06:17 PM
i told you im mr rightlol

**** i havent read all this as havent been on for 2 days! well mate it happend to me too! my gf split with me and started going out with someone else three days later! it proper ****ed me up! i chased him and tried running him over the lot! he always got away tho as i eat too many burgers!lol
but i did get back with her a month later (dont know why)
im out of ideas now as to what you can do! take it from me you dont wanna go back to her now! i did and if im honest its kind of ****! we arent realy going anywhere and some other girls are taking interest and its not easy to refuse!
you seem like a decent enough lad so have a laugh and shag everything that moves! and make sure its femalelol
oh and shrink wrap up mate dont want creatures or funny **** crawling over ya knoblol

Lol i never make love without a glove! My mate shags all sorts of people! And i know for a fact hes got something!

05-10-06, 09:58 AM
Eughhh dirty.

05-10-06, 01:08 PM
ive always believed that theres someone out there for someone, wether theyve met them yet or not, and most wont ever find each other

sounds a bit sissy, lol, but oh well, if youve split up for whatever reason, then you obviously wasnt a match, if you look, you wont find, let them find you, in the mean time lad, sh&g anything with a pulse! lol

05-10-06, 10:29 PM
DOH, starting to miss her! Dunno whether to give it another go or what really!:tard:

Ricky G
05-10-06, 10:32 PM
is she wanting you back then? what about the other bloke?

05-10-06, 10:34 PM
Dunno really! Its all messed up, i really dont know what i want, i think, i need another girl to take my mind off it, usually works!:p

05-10-06, 10:36 PM
I'm a big believer in once somethings over its over...

It will never be the same and you split up for a reason in the first place else you would of never split up!!

Be strong and don't go crawling back. There will be someone else out there for you.

Ricky G
05-10-06, 10:38 PM
not atall! i shagged my girlfriends mate (they had stopped talking) and when i was with her it just wasnt right! i would be thinkin of what my girl was doin instead of actualy paying any attention to the new girl! so she got all upset as i wernt interested and it just got complicated! but if it works for you go for it!

05-10-06, 10:38 PM
Break Up's are never easy to get over but i'm sure you will be fine mate, Take care


05-10-06, 10:38 PM
I'm a big believer in once somethings over its over...

It will never be the same and you split up for a reason in the first place else you would of never split up!!

Be strong and don't go crawling back. There will be someone else out there for you.

But i only want her:(

Really sucks:(

Ricky G
05-10-06, 10:41 PM
its funny (not laughing at you) coz i am sitting here and feel like everything u say is exactly what happend to me when i split with my girl for the 1st time! we been together 3 years now and to be honest we are on the verge of breaking up for good! ask yourself this.....will you be with her when your 50? the answer is no! im a hipercrit (cant spell) cos i went back but now i feel i have wasted so much time just for it to all go tits up!

05-10-06, 10:47 PM
But i only want her:(

Really sucks:(

I know it hurts right now but you'll be better off in the long run.

I'm still not over my ex... yes I'll admit it.. I thought he was the one I was going to marry. And I'm the one that started the splitting up...

But I know I'm better off now.

05-10-06, 10:47 PM
Feel like sh*t, i hate it:mad:

Ricky G
05-10-06, 10:49 PM
have a good cry and a hug from ya mum! i did! im still a big mummy's boy realy so i always run to her for things like this! i got all this coming too cos im sure my girls about to split with me!

05-10-06, 10:58 PM
have a good cry and a hug from ya mum! i did! im still a big mummy's boy realy so i always run to her for things like this! i got all this coming too cos im sure my girls about to split with me!

Well, ill give you as much support as you gave me and more mate:)

If only you lived closer, we could of had a good old sl*gging conversation over a nice cool beer:thumb:

05-10-06, 11:02 PM
Keep your chin up boyo.

Thinks will sort themselves out they always do.

I've had a **** time recently. Men, my best mate ****ing me over... who is now my ex best mate... He's just been sent to prison!!

Us nova kids stick together eh? ;)

05-10-06, 11:06 PM
Keep your chin up boyo.

Thinks will sort themselves out they always do.

I've had a **** time recently. Men, my best mate ****ing me over... who is now my ex best mate... He's just been sent to prison!!

Us nova kids stick together eh? ;)


Ricky G
05-10-06, 11:26 PM
yep it is a shame we dont live closer! a cold beer sounds lovely right now (red square for me)
im kind of used to it now tho she does it every 5 mins! still messes ya head up tho! well anyway nova's are the way forward! i got big big plans which will probly amount to nothing but i want to try and make them work for once! as for women....ill just take each day as it comes!:thumb:

05-10-06, 11:34 PM
Feel like sh*t, i hate it:mad:
Been there, done that, got the tshirt... it'll hurt for a long time, but as has been said previously, take it on the chin and learn frrom it... use what you've learnt to make yourself and your next relationship even stronger :thumb:

Ricky G
05-10-06, 11:53 PM
where are you from then mate? is wiltshire down by bath??

06-10-06, 12:06 AM
IIRC he's approx 10 miles south of bath, as the crow flies

06-10-06, 03:49 AM
my mate has split up with his gf at the moment, and hes not taking it at all well, all because she cheated when she went to greece, its got so bad, another mate is being done for gbh (not her, the lad she cheated with) hes got me involved, and the police are involved, im there for him, cuz hes my bets mate and id do anything for him, but ive been trying to tell him to just let go, move on, go clubbing at broadstreet (the capital of night clubbing!) and fack what he can, but he doesnt want to, he wants her, hes crazy about her, in the 3 yrs they were together, he never cheated, never lied and never looked at another woman, thats commitment!

but as i say to him, it obviously wasnt to be, otherwise she wouldnt of done it, still must hurt though!

go get your mates together, and go get slaughtered, just dont drink and drive, and dont be fooled in eating a kebab afterwards, lol!

06-10-06, 07:08 AM
It does hurt. And you'll feel like nobody wants you, or cares about you, or needs you etc. But as soon as you're mind is on someone else you'll be fine.
I thought I would be with my ex forever, even though I was only young, but I was in hope for it. But I did what Ricky said and thought, "Can I see myself with him when I'm 50?" The answer was no and it went downhill from there.
I found that when I was single I payed far more attention then I had done to my friends, and realised they were the more important ones. So focus on going out with your mates for a bit. And you'll meet someone along the way.
Just remember everyone in your life is there to teach you something. (My Philosophy anyway) :)

06-10-06, 07:09 AM
Things always have a way of working out, trust me. My ex really ****ed with my head when we were together, i was with her for 5 years on and off (many arguments). When we finally split i thought my world had caved in and did some silly things. But a few months later i met another girl totally out of the blue and another 5 or so years on we have been married for 3 years. Things are great. You just have to put it down to experiance and move on

06-10-06, 09:54 AM
This can sometimes work.... I'm sure I should be a psychologist (or an English teacher lol)

Do something that you wouldn't have thought of doing when you were with her. Either something exciting or dangerous.. or just something different. You can then attribute doing that thing with moving on.

ie... go and do a bungie jump... As you jump off the platform just think that as your falling down thats your relationship ending... as your bouncing back up thats the time after your relationship.

Other examples... climbing wall, rally driving day (as a passenger ;)) or even something as simple as taking up Karate or archery or any other hobby.

You could even go and get a tattoo ;)

06-10-06, 03:49 PM
Tattooing and piercing are a good way to make a new start.
Like if she never wanted you to get a clown tattooed on your arm (lame example I know), but you really wanted it done. Go do it. It will really help. It'll kinda be a fcuk you sign. lol

06-10-06, 03:50 PM
Yep... nothing like a bit of pain to clear out the misery.

06-10-06, 07:04 PM
How about sleeping with your best mates mum ?

That normally works lol

06-10-06, 07:05 PM
Na too plump for me

However his sister is HOT!!!

Ricky G
06-10-06, 07:11 PM
at the moment me and my girlfriend of 3 years are breaking up (again) and today i had a realy bad morning and got warned at work for bad attitude! this just happend to be by a total headcase that would eat me up and spit me back out without thinkin about it! anyway this afternoon i had to work with him again and he made me laugh so much my side's were hurting! i completely forgot about all the **** that was going on and went home happy as larry! so basicly just go out with a mate or anyone that will make you laugh till your sides hurt like me! or watch a lee evans dvd that allways works!

06-10-06, 07:17 PM
or watch a lee evans dvd that allways works!

My mates repeat the words so much its not even funny anymore Lol, as for the whole splitting up thing with me im fine so its all good, if only i could drive so i could actually use my nova!lol

07-10-06, 12:01 AM
Tattooing and piercing are a good way to make a new start.
Like if she never wanted you to get a clown tattooed on your arm (lame example I know), but you really wanted it done. Go do it. It will really help. It'll kinda be a fcuk you sign. lol

lol, i did something similar, but not as permanant as a tatoo. My ex hated VW's and i always wanted a jetta but she said they were crap and she'd never get in it. So when we split when she shagged someone in a nightclub (classy bird) i bought an 8v GTi Jetta, and about a month later i pulled up beside her and her new bf at the lights, and they were in a fiesta 'Popular Plus' :D

I dont care if she didnt see me, i dont care how sad it sounds, but the feeling i got when i blew him into the weeds was the most satisfying feeling ever!

07-10-06, 10:41 AM
i bought an 8v GTi Jetta, and about a month after trawling the streets and waiting at the end of here street i finally pulled up beside her and her new bf at the lights, and they were in a fiesta 'Popular Plus' :D

I hope she didnt see me (part of my community stalking order) feeling i got when i blew him was the most satisfying feeling ever!


08-10-06, 09:49 PM
wouldn't worry to much about it. When I was in my late teens I had a few relationships that went tits up for no apparent reason. However 10 years on it makes interesting reading on friends reunited that most of them have got at-least 2 or 3 kids not done a thing with their lives and are boasting about moving into 4 bedroom house (they actually forget to mention its a 4 bedroom council house that they are only renting on a rough estate in Birkenhead) (no offense to anyone in council houses but its just the way my ex is trying to make out shes buying the place.

Whilst me? I'm living in a nice little cottage (only rented) with its open fires nice area my dog's my nova and the gf of 6 years whose got a nice bright diamond ring on her finger after we got engaged on Saturday.

So I know I'm happier Ive been through the heart ache and found happier times on the other side.

Lucky Luke!
08-10-06, 10:40 PM
Tattooing and piercing are a good way to make a new start.

This is why i have my lip and middle of my ear pierced and a tat on my forearm!

09-10-06, 12:59 AM
This is why i have my lip and middle of my ear pierced and a tat on my forearm!

wonder how many times this guy has been dumped!!!lol


09-10-06, 01:06 AM
That just looks sooo disgusting and yet i cant stop staring at the photo lol!!!

09-10-06, 10:20 AM
ive seen badly modified cars... but a badly modified face?? so very very very wrong!

09-10-06, 12:24 PM
Thats grose.......

09-10-06, 12:31 PM
makes you feel better tho...

Welsh Dan
09-10-06, 12:36 PM
Go chase him with a magnet :p.

09-10-06, 02:29 PM
I think its a woman isnt it?

I haven't got beer goggles on by the way.

09-10-06, 02:30 PM
Dunno really! Looks like pinhead for healraiser...........

Welsh Dan
09-10-06, 02:31 PM
Looks like Nigel from red dwarf series 8.

09-10-06, 02:31 PM

09-10-06, 02:48 PM
I think I remmeber seeing that guy somewhere (If it's the guy I'm thinking about), and he was really really hot. Before all the piercings, tattoo's etc. In the navy, doing really well for himself. Then he split with his wife...and decided to take a "new road".....I wouldn't go that extreme though.

09-10-06, 03:20 PM
Is blue highlights your limit alex?

09-10-06, 03:45 PM
No No!!! I'd quite happily get my tongue and other various parts pierced if Jack didn't like them. When me and my ex broke up my friend pushed me to get my nipple done, which I'd always wanted done.
And I'd like a few tattoo's, if I can find the balls to go get them done :p

09-10-06, 04:05 PM
Just borrow jacks balls :D

Tattoo's are ok... it doesnt hurt too much and I really am a big softy.

09-10-06, 04:09 PM
They say after a while that the tattooed area goes numb. So should be ok :D

09-10-06, 04:15 PM
Just feels like scratching.

I had my t-shirt squeezed into a ball tight enough to make my nuckles go white. lol

09-10-06, 04:20 PM
Ive been wanting a tattoo all week but dunno what to get really, its there for life so i gotta like it

09-10-06, 04:23 PM
Go down there and have a look through their piles and piles of examples... pick a few out. Take photo's with your camera phone and have a think about it.

09-10-06, 04:37 PM
I always liked the Beckham style writing crap, but:

A - what will it say?
B - where will i have it?

My mates got MOTHER written down his arm like it, and we never ever stopped ripping him for that, if i seen him tonight we'd comment on it and he's had it for nearly a year! I dont wanna be like that!

09-10-06, 04:39 PM
I have Matt on my shoulder and I think people think I'm gay when I go swimming.

09-10-06, 04:53 PM
I have Matt on my shoulder and I think people think I'm gay when I go swimming.


09-10-06, 04:54 PM
I think a cover up may be on the cards at some time in the future.

09-10-06, 04:59 PM
This is a good site (http://www.tattoojohnny.com)
If you wanna look at the image or save it, press the "Print screen" button above your Insert key on the keyboard. Paste it into paint.

Apparently all the tattoo's I want are to "masculine" (according to my friend), so I need to pick something feminine:roll:

09-10-06, 05:09 PM
Cool thanks for that dude:thumb::)

09-10-06, 05:35 PM
Apparently all the tattoo's I want are to "masculine" (according to my friend), so I need to pick something feminine:roll:
A "No Entry" sign above your butt lol

I know what tattoo I want, its just having the time/money/effort to get it done.

09-10-06, 07:04 PM
A "No Entry" sign above your butt lol

I'm not getting that done!! Waste of money.:p

10-10-06, 09:15 AM
Uh oh... I can feel this thread is gonna go blue ;)

10-10-06, 03:33 PM
Uh oh... I can feel this thread is gonna go blue ;)

Go blue?!:confused:

10-10-06, 03:50 PM

10-10-06, 03:53 PM
Blue as in porn, smut, XXX

10-10-06, 03:54 PM
No No!! Don't do all that shizz nizz.:p

10-10-06, 04:01 PM
I'm not getting that done!! Waste of money.:p

This reads like you partake in sex of the anal kind. :D

10-10-06, 04:02 PM
Oh electric blue or whatever sh*t that is!

10-10-06, 04:14 PM
This reads like you partake in sex of the anal kind. :D


10-10-06, 04:17 PM
one up the bum - no harm done :D

10-10-06, 04:18 PM
gosh... how rude!!

10-10-06, 04:18 PM
lol I can feel the love right now.

negative reputation points here we come.

10-10-06, 04:19 PM
I'm not that nasty! :p

10-10-06, 04:20 PM
[quote=Matt2107]lol I can feel the love right now.


aggghhh what??? your into it as well???:eek:

lol lol lol

10-10-06, 04:21 PM
[quote=Matt2107]lol I can feel the love right now.


aggghhh what??? your into it as well???:eek:

lol lol lol

now thats just wrong !!

10-10-06, 04:22 PM
my thoughts exactly

10-10-06, 04:23 PM
oh uh ummmm yeah thats right just there.....

I'm itching my back by the way lol

10-10-06, 04:24 PM
yeah yeah likely story lmfao

10-10-06, 04:25 PM
Anyway... my bums too hairy.

10-10-06, 04:26 PM
Tooooo much information:Dlol

10-10-06, 04:27 PM
im scared - very scared

10-10-06, 04:29 PM
Sorry... i'm in a funny mood.. I am a bit hairy though.

10-10-06, 04:31 PM
lovely... absolutely lovely Matt thanks... now we can all think about your hairy bum...

10-10-06, 04:34 PM
Well if you cant have a laugh at yourself then you'll never be happy in life

10-10-06, 04:36 PM
tis ok...i agree with that ^^^^^
and anyway, its your bum thats hairy not mine lol...

10-10-06, 04:37 PM
prove it lol

10-10-06, 04:37 PM
tis ok... its your bum thats hairy not mine lol...

Now that really would be worrying.

Back on topic a bit d.b hasn't posted for a while... I hope he's not got back with her and is too scared to tell us.

10-10-06, 04:39 PM
:eek: do you think i'm :cuckoo:
not gerring my bum out for you

(ps meet me in 18+) PMSLlol lol

i dont think he has... i'm gonna ask him on msn now

nope he hasn't...

10-10-06, 04:42 PM
lol her face isnt hairy so i dont think her bum is.

10-10-06, 04:42 PM
one up the bum - no harm done :D

one in the pink one in the stink:thumb:

10-10-06, 04:46 PM
I hate the saying
"If the river's red, take the dirt track instead"
There are nicer ways of saying it. lol

10-10-06, 04:49 PM
please can we have anal sex

10-10-06, 04:51 PM
I hate the saying
"If the river's red, take the dirt track instead"
There are nicer ways of saying it. lol

You mean like ''if shes on the blob stick it in her gob''?!?! :p

P.S. i just made that up

10-10-06, 04:55 PM
thats good mate.

Will have to try that :D

10-10-06, 04:55 PM
That's even worse!!!!
I know one of my friends calls is "bum lovin" lol

10-10-06, 05:01 PM
Lol i modified a song!

It must be love....BUUUUUMMMM LOVE
Nothing more nothing less, bum love is the best!

You know the one?!

10-10-06, 05:03 PM
Oh dear. You need a hobby now you're single!!! :p

10-10-06, 05:06 PM
Now that really would be worrying.

Back on topic a bit d.b hasn't posted for a while... I hope he's not got back with her and is too scared to tell us.

Sorry Matt i missed this post, yeh well, i smacked her new bf the other night, she went mental, one of his mates punched me in the eye! And now she's probably thinking about getting the police involved:( hopefully not im sure if i get my second account of gbh/abh ill end up where my mate is, painting fence's for the council!lol Mind you im not proud as he looked a bit gay to be honest, and his mate just had big lips that were made bigger by one of my mates! Yeh was a pretty hectic night, was a laugh though, just seen a few of them walk past the pub with her. Its not a jelousy thing though, more of a respect/pride thing for me. Anyway im getting on fine now, dont think im gonna bother with a relationship for a while, got better things to do, like NL;)

10-10-06, 05:07 PM
Oh dear. You need a hobby now you're single!!! :p

So so true, any ideas? New thread maybe? This ones gone way off tracks! Lol

10-10-06, 05:09 PM
erm... well if you keep beating people then yeah i think you better start enjoying painting fences or litter picking as they will be your new hobbies!!!

10-10-06, 05:12 PM
erm... well if you keep beating people then yeah i think you better start enjoying painting fences or litter picking as they will be your new hobbies!!!

Im not an agressive chav though i promise, i just stand for morals and values, honest to God! Dont think bad of me pweeeease:( Lol

Ricky G
10-10-06, 10:52 PM
i dont think bad of that! afterall i did try and run over the lad that started seing my girlfriend! fooked my seat ibiza splitter in the process! then got out and chased him leaving my car running and door open! however there was no chance of me catching him as i eat a sausage and bacon french stick daily and he's well into fitness and all that bollocks! and that was purely down to dented pride and feeling rather stupid! not something im proud of looking back! still the look on his face when i mounted the kerb.....was a picture!:roll:

11-10-06, 10:06 AM
Im not an agressive chav though i promise, i just stand for morals and values, honest to God! Dont think bad of me pweeeease:( Lol

I don't... but there is no point giving him even more satisfaction as he walks down the street and sees you doing community service... i say, play it cool... get back at him in another way- even if it means pulling his sister (if he has 1)!! lollol

11-10-06, 10:11 AM
db mate... at least you've got it out of your system by administering a little payback... plus it made you feel better which is the best thing.

I doubt she'll get the police involved.

11-10-06, 10:11 AM
even if it means pulling his sister (if he has 1)!! lollol

or his mom

11-10-06, 10:15 AM
Hmmm i wasn't gonna go that low... but since you have anyway... yeah that would really p**s him off!!!

11-10-06, 10:16 AM
Trust me.... my morals know no bounds.

11-10-06, 12:08 PM
lol i laugh in the face of morals - thay only get in the way of a good time

11-10-06, 12:23 PM
Exactly.. the most important thing in life is having fun and enjoying it.

11-10-06, 12:28 PM
^^ as long as its not illegal - or you dont get caught lol

11-10-06, 12:31 PM
lol its not illegal until you get caught.

macc nova
11-10-06, 01:15 PM
^^^ lol

11-10-06, 02:45 PM
Anyone want to sum up the last 10 pages for me? I've not been online so I've missed it all and I cant be ****d reading.... lol

11-10-06, 02:53 PM
Blah blah blah

db hit his gf's new fella.

We all said well done.

11-10-06, 02:53 PM
Oh and welcome back bex.

11-10-06, 10:13 PM
Nice one boyo!! Haha.

11-10-06, 11:25 PM
well ive just read page 1 to 10 and cant be bothered reading anymore ill do it later but everything in the first ten pages is so true.

11-10-06, 11:35 PM


12-10-06, 12:25 AM

So funny, but yet...... it is so so so so true,:tard::(

12-10-06, 06:15 AM



12-10-06, 09:14 AM
no poontang for jack tonight lol lol

12-10-06, 10:07 AM
Ah but if she does that then she's proving him right :D

12-10-06, 11:15 AM
Not tonight Josephine, I have work tomorrow. And I'll be too busy biscuit-racing.

Ricky G
12-10-06, 12:42 PM
i wish i had the choice of having sex or not!!!! nearly a month since the missus spread her legs! must be shagging someone else!!!lol

12-10-06, 02:07 PM
That picture has been doing the rounds for years Jack lol

lol @ Ricky! Sort it out mate... a man shouldn't have to go through what you're going through! You'll explode eventually! lol

12-10-06, 02:21 PM
I reckon he's been indulging in a bit of self gratificiation.

12-10-06, 03:01 PM
Breeny; I know, but the old ones are the best :D

12-10-06, 04:49 PM
i wish i had the choice of having sex or not!!!! nearly a month since the missus spread her legs! must be shagging someone else!!!lol

A month?! Wtf?
That's way too long!!!!:tard:
She's got another man, a sex toy (but tbh they're sh!te), or you're doing something wrong, she's gone celebate or.....meh......I'm outta ideas!!lol

12-10-06, 04:50 PM
a sex toy (but tbh they're sh!te

I thought they were a girls best friend!

12-10-06, 04:52 PM
They might be for some girls. But I bought one from Ann Summers. And it is poo, can't beat the real thing tbh. :D

12-10-06, 04:57 PM
Excuse me whilst I just open the windows to let my ego out

12-10-06, 05:09 PM

13-10-06, 10:02 AM

Cant remember what its like to get a compliment like that.

Ricky G
13-10-06, 12:35 PM
well the truth behind it is we was watching 40 days and 40 nights on the telly! and at the moment my missus keeps moaning about her weight! so i said ill go 40 days and nights without sex IF she does something about her body weight! now that wasnt me being shallow and saying im not happy with her cos it realy didnt bother me but it was affectin our sex life as she wasnt confident anymore! so now i have 9 days to go and i think i am gonna explode!lol
and she has lost a reasonable amount to make her happy anyway (as i said im not botherd if shes fat or not) so all should be good!:thumb:

13-10-06, 01:18 PM
Haha. Classic.

13-10-06, 01:18 PM
Haha. Classic.

13-10-06, 01:19 PM
No doubt you'll be at it all night long in 9 days then.

22-10-06, 10:15 AM
More like 2 seconds, and thats the fag afterwards! ((and yea, i ment fag lol))

Ricky G
22-10-06, 11:12 AM
i dont smoke and this was last week so my balls are unloaded now lol it was more than 2 seconds tho i gave her the full minute and that did include getting undressed lol

22-10-06, 12:12 PM
lol, i thought you would have taken up smoking to pass the time. i dont no how you done it?? i would have passed out as soon as i saw a glimps of flesh lol

Ricky G
23-10-06, 02:07 AM
trust me it wasnt the easiest thing i have ever done and certainly dont want to try again! but fook me how nice it was to dip it in after 40 days!