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View Full Version : Nova GTE shafts

01-10-06, 09:47 PM
Ill be doing the c16se conversion soon, but i remember someone saying that the GTE shafts have 22 splines, but the conversion is into an ''expression''. So was wondering, should i change the hubs, or can a use the 1.2 shafts in the f13 or should i use GTE shafts with the other cv's?:confused:

Help please Lol

Thank you for viewing:)

02-10-06, 12:58 AM
Keep with your 1.2 shafts.
All hubs are the same.

02-10-06, 06:49 AM
i have some gsi shafts if you want :D

02-10-06, 09:01 AM
Lol no thanks mate, ive got enough of them as it is! Cheers LongLive:thumb:

02-10-06, 09:02 AM
Oh sorry i meant e16se not c16se, the GTE shafts are apperenlty 22spline

Lee H
02-10-06, 09:52 AM
Just use your standard shafts.

02-10-06, 11:18 AM
all nova shafts will go into all nova boxes, its just the inner cv's that are different spline, i.e 22 / 28

edit: not sure on the 1lt ones think they might be different

02-10-06, 05:44 PM
Ok cool, thanks all:thumb: