View Full Version : which hybrid turbo?not sure what to look for....

28-09-06, 05:57 PM
hello! im lookin for a hybrid turbo for the nova (c20let) the standard 1 on my car is smokey(a little) so just lookin into some hybrids! what ones should i look for thers loads of different ones, t3, t4, t28 etc etc......what would be best for my car?the engine is pretty much standard just large intercooler, cool thermo, dump valve, induction kit.

anyone help me out here?


28-09-06, 06:57 PM
maybe get one of those hybrid KKK's that are slightly better than std. seeing as your engine is near enough std

otherwise if you want say a T3 etc you will need a new exhaust manifold due to the fantastically gay GM one having the exhaust turbo housing as part of the manifold

28-09-06, 08:49 PM
cool ok mate, i will probly just get a standard 1 unless i find a manifold to go with the t3 i was lookin at, if you see any standard ones let me know please:)

thanks for the reply stuart

craig green
29-09-06, 09:40 AM
If you genuinely want a newly reconned reliable turbo then you would be best advised to see what Turbo dynamics or Universal turbo's can offer.
You will get a warranty & an outlined spec whereas if we look out for one for you, it'll be a lottery.

29-09-06, 10:45 AM
^^^ agreed there. atleast a recon you will know its been done rather than taking someones word for it

30-09-06, 12:35 AM
ye good point but i have already took someones word for it and sent the money off for another standard 1, will see how this goes.

thanks for the replys.
