View Full Version : OK to reuse Clutch witch has been contaminated with oil ?

24-09-06, 08:44 PM
Due to a leaky crank oil seal the clutch in my LET is contaminated with oil (not much i don't think ?) its brand new and covered about 30 miles, i know the flywheel & cover assembly will clean up ok but was wondering about the friction plate, will this clean up or will i need to replace it (hope not) ?

Cheers, Rich

24-09-06, 09:25 PM
warm it up (a lot) with a blow torch :D

24-09-06, 09:53 PM
Was thinking of that, do it a bit on disc brake pads at work & there always ok even if there absolutly covered !!, but wasn't too sure on a clutch.
Don't really wanna fork out on another clutch (can you get the discs seperatly ?) and don't wanna have to take it to bits again if its still slipping !!


24-09-06, 09:57 PM
you can usually get the friction disc seperately.. esp if its something like an AP etc.

24-09-06, 10:10 PM
Got the clutch kit from AutoSprint in Birmingham, cost me ?230 so can see the friction plate costing ?100+ ?
Might just try & clean it up, maybe not ideal but it'll save me a bit off cash if it works, would rather waste an afternoon swapping clutchs than ?100 !!


24-09-06, 11:31 PM
I would say just slip the clutch a lot untill its all worn off the surface:)

Welsh Dan
25-09-06, 12:07 AM
Would a degreaser such as trichloroethylene damage it?

25-09-06, 10:27 AM
Soak in coca-cola over night and it'll be fine! Did that on a paddle clutch in the past and was then spot on!

25-09-06, 11:00 AM
Soak in coca-cola over night and it'll be fine! Did that on a paddle clutch in the past and was then spot on!

Coca-cola Issome deadly stuff if it can damage paint and remove oil... whats it doing to ya stomach lol:tard:

25-09-06, 06:16 PM
trike is deadly **** , its been band from our work for making people infertille lol

Welsh Dan
25-09-06, 06:19 PM
Yeah I know how nasty trike is. Unfortunately I know it tastes sweet. lol

26-09-06, 12:02 AM

Welsh Dan
26-09-06, 12:54 AM

Trichloroethylene (http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts19.html)

Its a very good solvent, but hazardous to your health.