View Full Version : razor flip phones are ****!

Ricky G
21-09-06, 12:41 AM
i hate my mums razor flip phone! i ran out of credit so nicked my mum's phone to send the gf a message and i cant get it off the predictive txt! it never actualy writes anything i want it to say yet my mum keeps sayin how good it is cos she can write the txt realy fast with it! random as **** i know but rant over now:mad:

21-09-06, 12:58 AM
Yeh they are pretty poo phones lol

Me mate has been thru 3-4 of them now, due to snapping and freezing on him


21-09-06, 01:22 AM
Oh i wish id have known this before i got mine im stuck with a razr V3X as i cant afford to get another one, had it replaced as it freezes and play alsorts of interesting games with itself and is just generally annoying and the replacement plays the same games only not as often, stil want rid tho cos its crap lol, theres my rant too hehe!!!

21-09-06, 01:25 AM
press the # button

21-09-06, 01:32 AM
lollollol....or hold it maybe, thats wat my k800i is anyway ;)!


21-09-06, 01:34 AM
ive got a moroloa slvr and thats what it is on that and my mates pebl so i assume its the same on all motorolas

21-09-06, 01:42 AM
Yeh all motorolas are jus poo, ive always stuck with sony ericsson or nokia!


21-09-06, 01:44 AM
oi im very pleased with my slvr. had no problems at all

21-09-06, 02:00 AM
oh u were referring to the # thing lol, thort you meant that you were having problems with urs aswell. Still i wudnt buy a motorola!


21-09-06, 09:41 AM
Moral of the story... never buy a motorola.

I've always had nokia except for one siemens, recently upgraded to a sony ericsson and would never go back.

Nokia's are for babies :D

21-09-06, 10:30 AM
Hahahah yeh!


21-09-06, 12:58 PM

I've had one of these for 2 years, its great as its been run over, submerged and generally abused and still works. If it gets nicked (which it won't) it'll be ?20 to replace. Its got an ace torch, ideal for finding things in a dark Nova (we all know how rubbish the interior lights are) and the battery lasts for a week. The Toyota Hi lux of phones.

21-09-06, 01:11 PM
You will never find a better phone than "your own" phone.

You know exactly what all the little bits do that you need to use, and how to make it do them. As soon as you try and use someone else's phone, you're stuffed as its rarely anything like you would expect it to be if you were using your own phone.

As a general rule, i would suggest sticking with the same manufacturer you've been used to when you upgrade, unless there is something truely spectacular offered by the competition that you cant get on the current range by your manufacturer. This way, you only have minor software upgrades to figure out, rather than a whole new operating system.

PS. I know plenty of people with Razr phones, and the only problems that are worth mentioning are the batteries refusing to hold a charge after about 10 months.

// end rant.

21-09-06, 02:06 PM
PS. I know plenty of people with Razr phones, and the only problems that are worth mentioning are the batteries refusing to hold a charge after about 10 months.

// end rant.

Everyone should always always run your phone completely flat before charging.

Otherwise its your own fault if you fall of a cliff and need to phone for help but the battery will only last long enough for you to say.. "I've fallen off a cliff"

craig green
21-09-06, 02:45 PM
Razors cant cope with the file sizes from Nokias when bluetoothing either.


21-09-06, 06:07 PM
my v3i has been fine although i do agree the batteries are sh1t blue tooth i fine to far better than my mates samsung d600. always had nokia's before but I like the way Motorola give the data cable with the Phone unlike nokias "we'd like you to spend even more money with us" approach

21-09-06, 08:41 PM
I always had Sharp phones, they were awesome, and like wisewood said, its easier to get to grips with a software upgrade rather than a whole new OS.

Then i got the flappy one with the screen that rotated 180 degrees, and it kept breaking, went through 3 phones!

Getting a Nokia nest time.

22-09-06, 09:58 AM
I'm not a phone