View Full Version : digi dash question thingy..

20-09-06, 06:55 PM
hey! I have a digi dash but i dont want to install the whole thing... I was thinking about taking the rev counter out and mounting it somewhere on the dash.. How difficult do ya think this would be and where can i get a wire graph? thanx all. :thumb:

20-09-06, 07:17 PM
I reckon thatd be pretty darm impossible for a kick-off

its a sealed unit so no real way of separating the rev-guage from the unit......

20-09-06, 09:55 PM
you could hacksaw the dash in half maybe, then mount it behind a panel with just the rev counter on display ??

just a thought

20-09-06, 11:37 PM
well i have a custom made centre unit and im able to mod it in what eva way i need to.... the rev counter on the unit has its own section... im gonna have a go and ill let ya no how i get on

21-09-06, 10:17 AM
can you not buy a digital rev counter from somewhere like demon tweeks ??