View Full Version : Electric Superchargers !?

18-09-06, 06:15 PM
Right, Before anyone comments, i know these things are rubbish hairdriers...

But can anyone provide some calculations to proove that they don't work (stu ? lol)


It says it's got a 40,000RPM Impellor, sounds impressive lol:thumb:

I'm not looking for peoples views on the subject, just some hard Evidence as to why they really can't be a benefit !

18-09-06, 06:23 PM
i remember seeing on a forum somewhere where someone did actually work it out and above 2500rpm they are mearly an obstruction

18-09-06, 06:55 PM
doesnt really matter how fast it rotates, 40'000 does make it sound like it could flow enough for a 4000bhp jet engine lol.

^^ at 2500rpm thats engine speed i take it? As above that its probably sucking in more air than the crappy little fan can supply anyway hence the obstruction.

18-09-06, 06:58 PM
I bought a mag (fast car i think) a long time ago with one of this, and they used it on an MR2 (not sure if turbo, probably not) and they tested it on a rolling road and it actually decreased the BHP by like 7!!!:confused::tard:

18-09-06, 07:02 PM
Where is stu when you need him !

18-09-06, 07:14 PM
Them's the babys you want. Elventy million BHP here we come:D

18-09-06, 08:36 PM
I bought a mag (fast car i think) a long time ago with one of this, and they used it on an MR2 (not sure if turbo, probably not) and they tested it on a rolling road and it actually decreased the BHP by like 7!!!:confused::tard:
Yeah but how many Max Pooer stickers did they have on it? lol

TBH I would take anything Max Pooer say with a pinch of salt, especially their RR results.

18-09-06, 08:55 PM
ok, a 1.6Litre engine running with max throttle at 2500rpm needs to pull in
2500/2=1250*1.6 = 2000Litres a minute or 33 litres a second. now a compressor fan running a 2" diameter pipe would need about a couple of horsepower to run any decent qty of air, and be the size of a telly.
The way these thingys work is at tickover or at part throttle/low revs, the fan fiddles the sensor with a bit of air pressure, thus over fuelling the motor thus having the same effect as those things on ebay that cost ?5.

19-09-06, 08:57 AM
sorry was out yesterday lol

as a rule of thumb when reading compressor maps for turbos you assume that for every 10bhp you desire you need 1lb of air flow.... so from that assumption 150bhp neds 15lb's of air per min flowed into it....

anyhooooooo those electric FI dont work as theya re piss poor designs. Where i work we are developing essentially an electrically driven intake side of a turbo so it does actually give a performance increase... quite in impressive one too, but it only works at the low end of the rev range to fill in for lairy cams etc. It pulls circa 300Amps for a few seconds so thats a bit of a guide to these toss thigns you see on the net lol

19-09-06, 09:07 AM
Wonder if the LED PC fans from ebuyer give bigger gain due to having the LEDs in them...

womble sri
19-09-06, 08:20 PM
the best model is the flip paint one with the glitter and the jap-style fans