View Full Version : Who knows the owner of this nova.

06-09-06, 02:56 PM
Hy everybody.

I'm searching for the owner of this nova. I know his real name because I met him 2004 in billing. We changes phone numbers but my phone was stolen a couple of years later so I lost his number.

So if somebody know him, please let me know.







craig green
06-09-06, 02:58 PM
Good pics
Nasty car.

06-09-06, 03:42 PM
Nasty like evil or nasty like terrible?

I have got a lot more. Soon they will be visible at www.corsa-a.de (http://www.corsa-a.de) but that isn't the reason why i posted it. This car inspired me to put 18" wheels on my nova. I need to talk to the owner about some technical things. Also i wan't to know if everything iss all right with him.

Jim Mcrae
06-09-06, 03:49 PM
Nasty like evil or nasty like terrible?

I have got a lot more. Soon they will be visible at www.corsa-a.de (http://www.corsa-a.de) but that isn't the reason why i posted it. This car inspired me to put 18" wheels on my nova. I need to talk to the owner about some technical things. Also i wan't to know if everything iss all right with him.

Alrite buddy, sorry dunno who the bloke is, the nova aint to my taste but admire the work gone in to it. The site looks good. Anyway of changing the lingo though????:confused:

06-09-06, 04:00 PM
Dude its a German site.. Use altavista to translate or something.

I know the car, can't remember the guys name though. Beany, wasn't it 2003?

Ste L
06-09-06, 05:10 PM
i know the car, just cant think of the owners name

06-09-06, 05:54 PM
Bought an exhaust off him years ago, think his name was kev so cant be to hard to track down lol

06-09-06, 08:15 PM
His name was Gavin, thats not the problem. But does anybody know how to get contact? Email, phone, fax, drumming, whatever! ;)

craig green
06-09-06, 08:41 PM
Nasty like evil or nasty like terrible?

I meant terrible! I'm a purist & hate these kinda things, but have to say it looks exceptionally well presented & finished. Its actually growing on me the more I look at it but I certainly shant be building anything like that in a hurry.

I recall it being featured in Redline?

Lee H
07-09-06, 09:12 AM
Name was Gavin Renshaw. Car has been featured a few times in various guises but think i remember it being broken eventually.

07-09-06, 11:20 AM
Thats him Lee, i actually quite liked the car when it was silver. It was red before that and featured along side Paul Neals white nova which was absolutely slammed on softstars. Bit of a nova legend that, think it was featured 3 times.

Wonder what he's up to these days?


Lee H
07-09-06, 11:27 AM
Seen same name mentioned on the TOTB stuff in the magazines driving an Evo so probably same person.

07-09-06, 03:35 PM
i think this Nova is really nice...not too sure bout the front bumper tho..
Does anyone know what wheels they are?? as i have them on my Corsa from when i brought it and ive not been able to find out where to get spare from??

30-10-06, 10:03 PM
@ Lee = Last time we had contact he told me that he would like to sell the nova to buy a Evo, so it might be him.

So everybody knows this guy but nobody has a contact information... Thats bad... :(

Oh and Lee, by the way. Was that your car?

31-10-06, 07:07 PM
@ Lee = Last time we had contact he told me that he would like to sell the nova to buy a Evo, so it might be him.

So everybody knows this guy but nobody has a contact information... Thats bad... :(

Oh and Lee, by the way. Was that your car?

Thats a different lee, He uses Migweb, and has since reshelled that red car after a smash, and is currently fixing the new shell after another. Top balls out bloke :thumb:


01-11-06, 05:40 PM
I met him at billing 2002, we talked a lot but lost contact.