View Full Version : Quickest way to remove driveshafts

14-08-06, 07:09 PM
As above.
Is the haynes manual method the quickest/easiest
Remove bottom ball joint, remove them from the hub, and then lever them out the box?

Ive heard about just pulling them out the box tho with a swift pull,Lol
By undoing the entire hub iirc.

General Baxter
14-08-06, 07:16 PM
undo the bottom ball joint,
lower the joint off the strut,
PULL like ****

all tho i got a big bar i just put between the shaft and the box and just pull and it pops out lol

14-08-06, 07:25 PM
Hows that going to work tho?
The strut will still hold the hub so you cant move it to get the shaft out the hub?
Can you? Lol,Hmm

14-08-06, 07:27 PM
yer mate i was like this! what i done was undone the part of the steering (ball joint?) and suspension (2 bottom bolts) undo the big baolt holding the shaft to the hub aswell. id undo that bolt while the car is still on the floor! with wheels on etc! move the hub around to get it out of the hub then give it a few sharp pulls. and off it comes. thats how i did mine any way that was my first time so i could have made more work for my self but it worked so meh! but yer just give it sharp pulls!

14-08-06, 07:30 PM
Ye thats what i was thinking of doing, so you should then be able swivel the hub to get the shaft out, and then just pull it out the box.
Its more work, but seems the easiest way, no messing with screwdrivers etc trying lever them out.

14-08-06, 07:37 PM
yer if i ever need to remove shafts again id do it the same way by undoing shock, ball joint etc. just cause i know it works and to be honest it doesnt take long, its only 4 bolts altogether! try it that way! i didnt know what i was doing when i done mine so you should be right!

14-08-06, 07:41 PM
take wheel off, undo the bottom ball joint bolts, then give it some tugging. If it desnt come out like that then your ****ed as it means hammer an chisel time.

Oh an then undo it from the hub ect...

14-08-06, 07:42 PM
nar all ya need to do is undo the 2 large nuts on the cv joints then lift the car up on 2 jacks undo the 2 botton ball joints there 13 mm remove the ball joint from the hub best way is bit off oil few taps from hammer and a large bar then all ya need to do is rotate the wheel back wards in the wheel arch toward the back off car take the cv joint out off the hub give the shaft a few tugs and it shouls just drop out then reverse the proces did it on my brothers xe other day only took about 20 - 25 mins max to take it appart and get it back together


14-08-06, 08:00 PM
Ok, i'll give it a go when i remove them, probably tomorrow night or wednesday ready for the new engine :)


15-08-06, 08:55 AM
as everyone else said! undo wheel, ball joint, then put a crow bar where the shafts go into the box, a little wiggle then out they pop!

Ste L
15-08-06, 10:26 AM
i've never uesd anything to pop shafts out, all i do is give them a pull and they alway pop out, never had one problem yet

Lee H
15-08-06, 10:46 AM
Problem you might have is one i'm suffering at the moment though, can't get the outer CV out of the hub, its jammed solid. Battered it with a lump hammer and everything to the point the threads are wrecked but its still stuck in there solid!!

15-08-06, 11:07 AM
i find undoing the bottom ball joint and locking the steering right over gives you enough movement to get it out the hub end then i prefere to release the circlip to get it out the other end as they slide out a piece of piss this way.

15-08-06, 03:38 PM
Before you even start to do any of that, Loosen the Hub Nut first or you'll be stuck :)

Then do what eveybody else says, i've pulled a shaft out and left the cv in the gear box before now. So has riggy tut tut lol


15-08-06, 05:00 PM

I'll remove the shafts completely as the engine is coming upwards out the top :)