View Full Version : what will fit my 13" wheels??

19-02-01, 04:07 PM
what slightly better brakes will fit my 13" standard wheels. i have the older brakes and a mk2 rest of the car. i know that mantaB pads fit the older calipers, will the manta calipers and discs fit?? or anyother suggestions please. Cheers cambridge (im not in a situation where i can afford new bigger wheels!!)

19-02-01, 07:34 PM
try smearing them in dog shit and giving them a nice polish up with autoglym.. :D

Only jokin!

SR ones probly fit

19-02-01, 10:44 PM
Try nova GTE with vented discs, they rnt much betta, but a little

20-02-01, 12:16 AM
they will fit?

20-02-01, 01:17 AM
Probably not, but it depends how wide your 13" wheels are.

The GTE disks are the same diameter as the standard ones, but are 10mm thicker, hence the calliper is 10mm wider than standard. Well, it's the pad holding frame that is longer, to be more accurate.
They should be ok with 13" diameter, as the rest of the calliper is the same size as standard ones, but like I say, check the width of your wheels, as they might not take the extra width. (always a problem lol)

You could try callipers off of a Cav. I've got ones off of a MKII 2.0 litre, and using GTE disks.
The pistons are a larger diameter than the standard callipers ones, and my breaks now work miles better than they did standard.
It's hard to tell though, as my brakes where a little shafted before I fitted these brakes, so I'm not sure if they are better, simply because they now work!

I don't know if you could fit a more powerful servo and larger master cylinder. If you can, you might be able to use this with your standard brakes?