View Full Version : Ffs....

10-08-06, 12:21 PM
BBC News - Terror alerts ground flights (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4778575.stm)

Looks like the terrorists up to their old tricks again. This really p*sses me off, as they seem to think its fine to massacre thousands of civilians in Europe and America, yet if an allied missile hits a supposed "civlian" building in their country and kills a handful of supposed "civilians" then they're the first ones to get on TV wailing and screeching about the evil west killing innocent people.

Its amamzing how having "Allah" on your side gives you an excuse to get away with literal murder :roll:

Personally, I'm quite liking the Israeli approach at the moment - if they fire at us, then fire back and more fool anyone who happens to get in the way!


10-08-06, 12:36 PM
I think they are british nationals so may not look to Allah for guidence.

10-08-06, 01:39 PM
oh dear jack, you of all people should understand that "they" will actually kill people........
By causing mass hysteria with airports and a country of people then "they" win by causing inconvienence without the need to kill.... im sure they dont actually "want" to kill people to get their point across but its a means to an end and you have to knock a few off to get real fear afterwards.
Im not defending the terrorists but at the same time the UK media and people need a damn good slap. hell we coped quite nicely with the gents from over the irish sea in the 70's 80's and 90's.

10-08-06, 02:09 PM
im sure they dont actually "want" to kill people to get their point across but its a means to an end and you have to knock a few off to get real fear afterwards.
If they didn't want to kill people, why do they release videos and commit acts that involve them killing "infidels"? Ok, you could argue that acts like this are keeping them in the public eye, but have they not figured out that killing plane loads of people only serves for the subjected government to either invade their own country or spend its days making life difficult for people of the same religion/nationality/origin who live within the target country? Theyr'e merely giving us an excuse to give them a hard time!

Consider Hezbollah - they've purposefully placed their mortars and missile launchers in heavily populated areas in Lebanon, in an attempt to use the surrounding civilians as a human shield. So the Israelis then take the heat when, inevitably, those civilians are injured.

10-08-06, 03:04 PM
thankfully hezbollah are killing their own though and not making little trips out to here and the us to do silly things....
This is a hell of a mine field to discuss tbh as there is always a wrong path to take lol

10-08-06, 03:40 PM
This is a hell of a mine field to discuss tbh as there is always a wrong path to take lol

Quite right there ! And just as Jack says, it only gives us more reason to treat thier people like s**t if they live here !

10-08-06, 04:37 PM
Apparently Hezbollah's sole reason for being is to destroy Israel, or rid the world of the Israelis; something along those lines.

So, a nice bunch then!

10-08-06, 06:18 PM
Apparently Hezbollah's sole reason for being is to destroy Israel, or rid the world of the Israelis; something along those lines.

So, a nice bunch then!

atleast once their "job" is done then technically they will shut down and be nice people lol.

10-08-06, 07:36 PM
im fuked off with this bearded lot aswell, i agree with stuart in that they know exactly how to hurt the country, simply make out your going to bomb people and the media reacts like a scalded cat, personally they could blow 20 planes/buses/cars etc up, id still go about my daily routine

and if hezbollah/israel think its bad in there gaff's they should try drinking in my local !!

10-08-06, 08:47 PM
these lateset "attacks" imo are jus to get blair an bush in the medias an publics good books..

as theyve been gettin a hard time in the papers the past wile..this lastest unfoiling of attacks are just to try an justify there bombing/slauter of the innocent people abroad..

as its a bit more than a coincadince(sp)

after all..bush an blair are only after two things(well one really) power witch is avaible from ownin the oil resourses..

10-08-06, 09:03 PM
"theres no profit in peace, so when got to fight some more "
enough said

10-08-06, 10:15 PM

I think this thread should be locked before the CIA/MI6 storm Kevs house and confiscate his server and then start targetting nova owners!

this topic is one of those threads that can get easily out of control because everyone has an opinion and in their eyes only they are right.

It just depends on what side youre on.

I find it scarey that 80% of wars in the world are linked in some way to religion - belief is a dangerous thing.

And how you communicat that belief is even more dangerous - and in this country can get you into a lot of bother!

10-08-06, 10:19 PM
I find it scarey that 80% of war
Name me one (fairly recent anyway) that isn't!

10-08-06, 10:20 PM
ade i think you'll find its morelike 95-99% are related to religion ;)

anyway. kids if we can have a grown up discussion then all will be fine with this thread.... leave racism at the door please

10-08-06, 10:22 PM
anyway. kids if we can have a grown up discussion then all will be fine with this thread.... leave racism at the door please
+1... this thread isn't designed to be a racist rant!

10-08-06, 10:44 PM
if anyones interested I found this which is a bit of an eyeopener.

Gives an unbiased history of the conflict in Israel/lebanon and just goes to show how distorted the (US) media can be...


Its long (over an hour) but is frightening when you thing that "news" isnt all that it is...

11-08-06, 03:48 PM
its true the media and government scaremongering have a lot to answer for..

however one thing that really p**s me of is that when the government get intelligence on some attack and raid these communities the members get all defensive and say 'its police victimisation, human rights, blah blah blah...' when really they are just trying to protect THEIR country as a whole!!!


11-08-06, 06:25 PM
ive plucked this from another forum..it lists all what has been hit with bombs etc..

I have been following this eagerly from Day 1 and it still never fails to amaze me what atrocities happen yet little or no action is being taken.

The bombs are being transported from USA via Prestwick in Scotland then onto Israel. It is a complete joke that this is allowed to continue but then again it would be hypocritical of UK/USA to condemn Israel considering then have done pretty much the same thing in Iraq. The UN is a totally useless organisation if it can't call for a ceasefire when the overwhelming majority want it but USA, UK and Israel veto it. They have screwed up so many times in the past most recently Dhafour.

Anyway back to the conflict - This is no doubt a mission against the people of Lebanon, they may use the excuse of trying to rescue the captured soldiers but how does bombing actually achieve that? They are razing the country to the ground when it was a terrorist organisation with only one or two members in the Lebanese parliament who actually committed the crimes. Lets put it in the perspective of this country.....If the IRA captured 2 British Soldiers on the border would the Army, RAF and Navy start bombing Dublin and other border towns in order to retrieve them? Of course they wouldn't!

Israel has a right to defend itself however the actions taken are not defence in any sense of the word but instead these are WAR CRIMES, they have flaunted so many UN Resolutions and Geneva Convention rulings. Israel has one of the most sophisticated weapons technologies in the world with precision guided bombs, fighter jets and tanks and they call Hezbullah cowardly? What do they want them to do, stand out in the middle of a field and fire their AK-47s at an incoming F-15? Iraq and Afghanistan has proven that no matter how many troops you put onto the ground, it is almost impossible to fight against the insurgent type tactics but Israel is going to continue with this course of action. It has given warning to the people of South Lebanon to leave their homes (how they are meant to do that is beyond me as Israel has bombed roads, bridges and petrol stations and also convoys of civilians, Red Cross ambulances too) and that anyone still left there belongs to Hezbullah.

Below is a list of some of the infrastructure destroyed by Israel:

Beirut International
Qaleiat domestic
Rayak military
Other transport
Lighthouse, Beirut
Bridges: 62
Fuel stations: 22
Overpasses: 72
Dams: 3
Roads: 600km
Private homes: 5,000
Tissue paper factory, Bekaa
Bottle factory, Bekaa
Milk Factory
Other businesses: 150
Jiyeh power plant
Sibline power station
Sewage plant, Dair al-Zahrani

The bombing of one of the power plants has actually caused one of the largest environmental crisis in the Mediterranean as thousands of gallons of oil run into the sea and a cleanup will cost millions and millions of pounds.

Looking through all the targets it really is so plain to see that the Israelis have no respect for civilian life and have an agenda to simply destroy the country and wreak havoc. If Hezbullah rockets only have a range of ~30miles why are they bombing Beirut which is about 60miles to the border?

I have never been a supporter of Israel but recent years have just made me feel nothing but contempt which isn't to say that I am Anti-Semetic, Anti-Zionist maybe. Israel wants peace but how can it be achieved when they still occupy annexed lands and treat the Palestinians as second class citizens. It smacks of Apartheid and you would think that the Israelis have a very short memory span considering their 20th century history which is both devastating and disgusting. Remember that the Israelis were the first terrorists in this area with bombings starting back in the early 1900's as they fought for their own state, is it justified in that case for the Palestinians to do likewise in order to regain control of Gaza and the West Bank?

11-08-06, 06:49 PM
Thats not strictly true.

Israel are not attacking the Lebanese, they're attacking Hezbollah who are purposefully locating their arms in civilian areas; the Israelis are considering that Hezbollah are therefore killing these civilians by knowingly putting them in the firing line.

Anyway, what would you do if a terrorist organisation from the country next door started randomly firing rockets into your country and kidnapped your soldiers? Admittedly yes its a chicken and egg situation but you can't expect Israel to sit back and let Hezbollah carry on doing what its doing - remember, as said previously, Hezbollah's sole aim is to destroy the nation of Israel. How can you reason with an enemy that won't rest until you and your country is all but decimated?

AFAIK the US vetoed the original call for ceasefire, but since have called for another resolution for peace (which has been rejected by Lebanon and Syria) - so its not entirely right to blame the US for the failure in ceasefire talks. Also, the UK didn't veto the resolution but abstained instead (along with 3 other countries).

Beirut has been targeted - but not yet fired upon - because Hezbollah have threatened to attack Jerusalem, and I believe already hit Tel Aviv. Remember out there its still very much and eye for an eye and all that.

Iran are also currently supplying Hezbollah with arms, whilst Tehran funds the organization. Smacks of Korea a little, if you replace the USSR with Iran...

12-08-06, 07:37 PM
hell we coped quite nicely with the gents from over the irish sea in the 70's 80's and 90's.


Anyway, **** them all. I say just kill them all and let God deal with them. I mean seriously, this is something thats never going to get any better. Just beccause some idiots have demented notions about something that rubs someone else up the wrong way does NOT mean that other countries should involve their selves. If 2 countrys want to go to war, let tem. Survival of the Fittest. Its the way it was before there was right back at the start, and its natural. **** them all!!

13-08-06, 10:13 AM
wasnt having a "nasty" stab at you chaps :p by all accounts they were gentlemen terrorists when messing about over here...... eg theyd calla threat in, shut london down piss people off but not nessecaraly kill anyone randomly...

13-08-06, 12:01 PM
Until religion is wiped out this kind of thing will continue to happen. Religion has no place any more, but only for the stupid who have no mind of their own.

That is the root of all evil, until it is all sorted many other problems will arise from it.

13-08-06, 08:50 PM
^^ I agree totally, 9 out of 10 conflicts nowadays are always down to peoples beliefs and there religion, but unfortunately, i dont think ill ever see the day when religions are got rid of, too many people about that are wlling to do anything for their "gods of choice" such as suicide bombers etc,

13-08-06, 09:03 PM
only real recent non religion war that i can think of(well ok conflict) was the faulklands... we will have our land back, thank you :p lol

13-08-06, 09:15 PM
Pah, i could say the same thing there Stu. Ireland and England going to war wasn't all about Religion, it was about foreigners coming over, raping, killing and stealing our land.

As i said, being from a place thats seen more than its fair share of war, **** them all. Let God deal with it.

13-08-06, 09:20 PM
Pah, i could say the same thing there Stu. Ireland and England going to war wasn't all about Religion, it was about foreigners coming over, raping, killing and stealing our land.

As i said, being from a place thats seen more than its fair share of war, **** them all. Let God deal with it.

very true dod...

tho im kinda flucked off with them usin some irish airports to refuel the planes carrying captives an arms etc...

keep it on your own soil!!!!:mad:

14-08-06, 12:02 PM
I wasn't aware of that but i will say this, since the cease fire, and most of the folk in NI will agree, there isn't as much hatrid between Catholics and Protestants as ther used to be. Ireland has flureshed since then, we're the 2nd richest Country in the world, we have the second highest home ownership in the world and my home town is the fastesd growing town in Europe. All since the cease fire to I may add. Extremests from either end of the scale, i have no time for.

Terrorism? What a joke.