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View Full Version : Spring Is In The Air

16-02-01, 09:46 PM
a mate of mine sold his nova an bought a corsa (i know what a wally) he sent for -60 springs an they sent -30's so he kept them an sent for another set of -60's so will the 30's fit a nova if they do he said i can av em fingers crossed :-/

16-02-01, 11:23 PM
yes they will but if there for a gsi or simmiler they will be uprated a bit to much and may be a bit bumpy
same design ov spring though

Micky@novaload.net :)

17-02-01, 08:34 PM
they are off a corsa turbo diesel i fitted the back ones today an its dropped about 1.5 inches on the arch (14 inch wheels looks superb)but the front is the same it has not moved i read the article about letting them settle but should i see a difference in the front as thats were the weight is, the back springs are the same but the front have 3 rings very close at the top but same height as the ones that come off though??. The old springs are very stiff but the new ones are easy to compress any ideas anyone (micky or ste help) X-(

18-02-01, 10:48 AM
The new ones will be more progressive, so they will feel softer when you compress them, until you reach a point where they will be rock hard. Springs do settle, but not that much, so after a few miles you should have a pretty good idea of how low they will be.

Whoopass! :D