View Full Version : wiper

11-02-01, 05:15 PM
i made a single wiper conversion with the guide on nova web but when i put the arm on that conects the gold t bar and the motor under the bonnet and turn it on the arm popos off any ideascos i been with no wiper since ocober.also how much do u tink a 1.3sr in white full respray smooth tailgate alloys colour codede full exhaust single wiper lots of other littlemods is worth?any ideas it need a little bit of work but i though id put it up for 1300 think this is reasonable

11-02-01, 05:20 PM
right i can bet you shortend the t piece by 10mm? well try doing another one by about 7/8mm what happens is the t peice moves and knocks the bulkhead you can take the mechanisim out completly and use sumthing poked through the wiper hole witha hammer to knock the bulkhead back enough to clear (make sure you stick sum paint on the hammerd areas to prevent rust)

you havent had a wiper scince oct? have u still been driving it in rain?

fucking nutter!

11-02-01, 05:39 PM
yeah i been driving it the rain its quite funny

12-02-01, 11:01 AM
Mine did the exact same thing !! bloody guide says 10mm, when it should be about 7 or 8 mm !!!