View Full Version : Operation 'Steal my own car'!

26-07-06, 08:16 PM
OK, so the girlfriends mother gets into rent arrears with the council due to spunking all her money up the wall at Bingo. So the friendly folk at the council come out and changed the locks on the garage with my Nova, 3 sets of wheels, a Tailgate, and all the PVG stuff such as a banner, a gazeebo and some other stuff.

I phone the counncil, and they say they will be happy to let me in the garage to get it all out, but one of their reps has to come and let me in, only between the hours of 9 and 4.30 on a working day. 'But im not at home at all during these time's' i protest feebly! ... 'Tough ****' was the general reply...

Llandow is a week on Monday.. Oh poo!

So here are my options.... Get a locksmith out of hours (which will be expensive.) Drill the lock out.. (bill from council will be expensive) or try to pick the lock!

Im about to go out and try and pick the lock... wish me luck.....

26-07-06, 08:33 PM
smash the **** out it, then claim some chavs tried to break in

26-07-06, 08:35 PM
Good luck - Im with Phil, top idea. Then say you've also had stuff nicked. Or not.

26-07-06, 08:44 PM
ORRRRRR how about pay the arrears yourself... and then get the keys back etc...

yes its a crap answer but its bound to be cheaper than losing a days work/getting a locksmith out etc lol

26-07-06, 08:48 PM
nope! i agree with phil lol

General Baxter
26-07-06, 08:50 PM
book a holiday off work?

still get paid then

26-07-06, 09:40 PM
Self employed unfortunately, and if i back out on a day over the next few weeks, the contract will become decidedly shakey!

If i smash the **** out of the lock and claim stuff is stolen, they will be wanting a crime reference number, which means ill be digging myself a big hole!

Cant pick the bugger despite the interesting looking picking tools i fabricated using some allen keys, a hammer and a lot of heat from a mini blow torch lol

The Mrs is going to try to bargain with them tomorrow. if that doesnt work, im getting the hammer out!

26-07-06, 10:18 PM
Tell them there's a load of illegal immigrants hiding in there. They'll open that garage door faster than you can say "possible terrorists" to shower them with benefits and free holidays paid for by the taxpayer.

26-07-06, 10:41 PM
Garages are always getting smashed round here, so it wouldnt make any difference if it happened here! I say you just beat the f*ck out of the door, or simply remove it somehow, take the door, and all stuff in there, (i say take the door as it may come in handy Lol) as long as there is no proof or cctv around whos gonna know?

26-07-06, 11:30 PM
Duno if u know much bout garage doors, but u could remove the thing sumhow, like off the hinges.

Can u not go there at lunchtime, or being self employed, cant you take half hour off whenever you want, or go with phils idea


26-07-06, 11:38 PM
bet a fairground pikey he cant get in that garage door without damaging it, should only cost a fiver !!!

26-07-06, 11:41 PM
i get cheap garage doors fitted etc, even electric ones, so if u lived round here, u could bash it in, get ur stuff, then ill get my mums mnate to fit brand new one, know1 will ever kno lol


27-07-06, 12:29 PM
If your other half drives, rope the padlock to the back of her motor and rip the forking doors offs!! Happens all the time in wolvo, thats how a neighbours brand new Evo 8 went walkies and was found at dover last weekend!! PMSL

As technically the council have obtained property via possible deception, they should have informed you and gave you the opportunity to get your stuff prior to locking you out!

27-07-06, 12:36 PM
Do you know how the lock works? should be asy to break in to..

Even if you do have to report it to get crime ref, the police wont do anything, and if they find you prints, doesnt prove anything, as it (was) your garage.
My rented garage lock is ****e (hence why i added my own hasp and shackle) it just needs to be pulled firmly and it pops open.

27-07-06, 12:46 PM
Why dont you get a mate to pretend to be you.
If they ask for id get him to give them your errr "library card"????

27-07-06, 12:54 PM
Petrol steel saw, cut the lock off and add your own in its place :thumb:

27-07-06, 01:03 PM
Right I've just remembered something.

Our garage door got jammed from the inside so we sent my little bro onto the roof. He removed some tiles and climbed down into the garage with a screwdriver and removed the lock mechanism... job done

If anyone asks what your doing tell them your making sure the tiles are safe with the storms we've been having.

27-07-06, 05:57 PM
what about if youe "lent" the mother-in-law the money to pay her arrears ?? perfectly legal and if she doesnt pahold her daughter to ransom......................

General Baxter
27-07-06, 06:19 PM
what about if youe "lent" the mother-in-law the money to pay her arrears ??

but thats no fun lol

27-07-06, 07:04 PM
ha yeh anything like my "mother-in-law" she would take the money spend it on the rent do exactly the same thing the following week and then tell everyone what a sh1t you are coz you wont pay the rent for her and that you never do anything to help her out.

If its a steel door a hacksaw blade down the sides at the bottom should sort out the locking bars.

27-07-06, 10:21 PM
im PMSL at all these suggestions lol

Fortunately, some bust body from the council came round this evening to unlock it, and shes locking it back up tomorrow morning. My poor nova is now sat on my trailer out the back of a mates house, wondering where the roof over ith head went :-(

27-07-06, 11:36 PM
Aww bless it. Glad to here its been rescued.

28-07-06, 12:25 AM
Tell them you left the car in there. When they eventually come to unlock it a second time round, ask them where the fcuk your car is.

31-07-06, 01:36 PM
Tell them you left the car in there. When they eventually come to unlock it a second time round, ask them where the fcuk your car is.

Nice one :thumb: