View Full Version : is there any simple reason??? (mk2 too mk1 front)

shy witness
25-07-06, 08:50 PM
i woz out in the garage there for a few minutes and just happened totry n set a mk 1 sr grille onto my half stripped nova which is a mk 2

the thing is that it didnt seam 2 line up very well at quick glance

there woz a bit of a gap at the bonnet.....and it kind of sat out a wee bit

is this a problem anyone else has encountered???? or is it maybe just a case the the slam panel is bent a wee bit or something like that

i just want to know before hand as i'm intending on putting a mk 1 fornt on my mk 2 nova..

are there any other for-seeable problems that i might also encounter along the way


25-07-06, 10:00 PM
i think you'll find mk1 front ends were far from perfect - large gaps ahoy, just make sure there even both sides and you ll be ok!



26-07-06, 08:42 AM
its more the connecting lugs in the slam panel. theyre different on mk 1's so you will need to make new ones. also the luights on both cars are diff sizes so may have gaps...

26-07-06, 11:02 PM
Did you have the Mk2 bumper on when you fitted the grille?