View Full Version : Any ideas

02-03-01, 09:45 AM
The other night I ways racing my mate, I went thought 1st gear to 2nd like a dream. As I went in to 3rd the revs started to die, I came out of 3rd, and then back in and it was ok.

Could this be I am changing gear to quick for the car to keep up?

Clutch needs adjusting?

Or the fact that it needs tuning very badly?

Or something else?? Any ideas??

It is getting set up at the end of the month on the rollers. Just waiting to find the best deal on a cam kit. Anyone knows of any, give me a shout.



dan69_gsi@hotmail.com :p

02-03-01, 04:53 PM
r u sure u didnt put it in 5th instead of 3rd?!?!

shifting quickly wont make the revs die.
if the cluth needed adjusting u would be able to tell all the time when u drive it.

02-03-01, 05:08 PM
deff 3rd.
the clutch seems ok really

dan69_gsi@hotmail.com :p