View Full Version : Being sick suck's

13-07-06, 11:57 AM
Well ive not realy been very active on NL of late,main reasons are work and other things like being busy with the band im in..

Anyway folks i now have 4-6 weeks where i have to sit around at home and loose money (selfemployed)

Over six months or so ago i whent to the doctors as i had sore heals/tendons up the back of my ancles,they diagnosed it as tendonitus *sp well i haad also spoted this small bump in my groine (no jokes about it being my cock lol) and thought i will ask about this as well,well i was told it was god dam hernia,great i thought,as in my job your always lifting heavy stuff etc.

Well on tuesday i finaly whent in to have it operated on,and all i can say is thank god its done now,but feck dose it hurt!! they have to cut you open place a gorse behind your stomatch muscles then cut a clean edge on the muscle and stich that back together then stich up your outer flesh etc..
Im swalon brused and in a lot of pain,but ive got some mega strength drugs for it lol.

sorry to bore you all with this,but i will be alot ore active over my time off work.

So how is everyone els?
Do we still have all the usual gang active?


13-07-06, 12:05 PM
Oh Scott, thats gotta hurt mate!

Yeah the usual suspects are still active plus a few newbies lol lol

13-07-06, 12:33 PM
Dont be such a Ghey parker!!

Get back to work!!

Nah seriously mate, sorry to hear your unwell!!
Hows the valver going BTW?? Been a while since ive spoke to you!

13-07-06, 01:57 PM
Oi watch it barlow lol

lol valver..oh yeah forgot thats the slang for my nova..

Well its sat in the drive with cobbwebs all over it,she aint moved after i poped the gear box about 6weeks back,i have one to go in but couldnt spend the cash as i knew i would need it while im off now..

But im hoping to get my finger out(when im better and back to work) and get it all sorted an on road for trax. :thumb:


13-07-06, 02:00 PM
Awesome!! Well my valvers being broken, bought a DC5 integra type R, Not me, So for sale, and im going to be buying a Certain LET Nova to rebuild and have back on the road for PV next year hopefully!

If i dont go to iraq, ill be at trax too, might catch up then!! What did u give for your box BTW? I have a spare F20 see!!

13-07-06, 02:02 PM
Wonder why its been so quiet :D

My brother had a hernia operation same time as Gazza had his.
My mom managed to get a signed photograph for him. My brother was only 10... he was over the moon.

Cant think why?

13-07-06, 06:58 PM
what type of music does your band play scott

do you have a web site

13-07-06, 08:12 PM
what type of music does your band play scott

do you have a web site

Indie/grunge/rock-pop/punk lol just a good selection of just about all types, mainly due to the fact that the four us all like veryed types and bands,makes for some fun when wer writing stuff i'll tell you..

Well we have done a very rough demo,we got it made by a mate who's doing mieda at college so it's very amature and not mixed that well,wer all not happy with it as a represantation of are music,and after most are friends and family that heard us play live at are first live gig the other week said we wer far better then the demo,we all thought this are self but hey it was a free slot of studio time to record are stuff on cd..

I shell set up another post with the recordings on,but as i say there not as good as when we play live(and also we need a singer,my mates voice is crap lol)


13-07-06, 08:34 PM
i haad also spoted this small bump in my groine


that would be your cock :p

13-07-06, 08:56 PM
:roll: look mr stu next time i see i'll stick it in you! :D lol

13-07-06, 09:10 PM
that would be your cock :p

Beat me to it MoFo!

13-07-06, 09:13 PM
will i even notice?

13-07-06, 09:16 PM
will i even notice?

Handbags and sh1t now! lol lol PMSL

13-07-06, 09:17 PM
will i even notice?

Depends on the size of cock your used to Stu?

13-07-06, 09:24 PM
if im used to yours, hes gonna rip me appart

13-07-06, 09:34 PM
i doubt it. The fat end of a baseball bat was struggling to make a watertight seal!

13-07-06, 10:07 PM
You could both keep your gaynees to msn pleaselol

Ste L
14-07-06, 01:14 AM
Do we still have all the usual gang active?


yes, im still here :thumb:

14-07-06, 04:30 PM
lol glad to hear your on the mend scotty lad

welcome back aswell :thumb:

14-07-06, 04:52 PM
lol glad to hear your on the mend scotty lad

welcome back aswell :thumb:

lol on the mend my ass,these stiches are pulling like a gAnStA in a brothel mate,i felt better with the ****ing hernia!!!:mad:


15-07-06, 02:22 PM
Dont look at these pics if your sqwiemish lol

They said i might get some bruesing but...:(


This ones nice......not lol



15-07-06, 02:51 PM
Hope you get well soon. :)

15-07-06, 03:05 PM
Sorry to hear about your problems Scott, and even more sorry to have now seen your scrotum lol

I hope the pain goes away soon. Must be a bitch being stuck in the house. I know how bored I get when I'm off work for only a couple of days, 4-6 weeks would be horrible.

15-07-06, 03:18 PM
Not very nice is itlol The swelling that is..

Yeah i feel better already now i rested for few days cheers.


15-07-06, 05:14 PM
P.S I'm not squeemish. I help cut dogs testicles off for a living. ;)

15-07-06, 05:40 PM
P.S I'm not squeemish. I help cut dogs testicles off for a living. ;)

good job he didnt go private and ask you to have a look then lol lol

looks painful mate, hope you get well soon !!

15-07-06, 06:13 PM
P.S I'm not squeemish. I help cut dogs testicles off for a living. ;)

15-07-06, 08:50 PM

We also do other stuff! Like remove eyes and saw bones in half and stick them back together again. I love my job. :D

15-07-06, 08:56 PM
lovley...my mate is into stage thing with animals,lets hope he dont read this...lol


20-07-06, 08:24 PM
Holy **** your sack is huge dude. lol. Hope you get better soon though mate.
I had an op a few month ago, had part of my bowel removed, not nice. Heres a pic of my gash a few days after op. Again, DONT look if squirmish


20-07-06, 09:55 PM
Holy **** your sack is huge dude. lol. Hope you get better soon though mate.
I had an op a few month ago, had part of my bowel removed, not nice. Heres a pic of my gash a few days after op. Again, DONT look if squirmish



20-07-06, 10:27 PM
lol - looks like someone installed a zip

20-07-06, 10:46 PM
I think the most disturbing thing about those pictures what is Bottlethrody has decided to with one of them.

F***ing Weirdo lol

21-07-06, 08:53 PM
Your lying if say you dont giggle when you look at it though lol

21-07-06, 11:24 PM
Well it is the happiest sack I've seen in a long time, even if it does look like it's had a good kicking.