View Full Version : Toni - One of my 2005 yearling corn snakes

12-07-06, 01:54 PM

12-07-06, 02:02 PM
I want a snake!

12-07-06, 02:12 PM
Nice, i want one!!! :D

12-07-06, 03:00 PM
Oh my gosh - get it away !!!!

12-07-06, 05:04 PM
I breed them each year and sell the babies.
This year so far I have 19 which will all grow up similar to the above.
They get 5ft long so are an excellent starter snake.

12-07-06, 05:27 PM
how much do you sell them for then?

12-07-06, 06:21 PM
How much care do they need? How often do they feed etc?

12-07-06, 06:25 PM
i want a monkey ! do you do mokeys ? lol

12-07-06, 07:38 PM
I used to have one a while, thing was mine grow a lot bigger than 5ft and died a lot earlier than it should have really. Would love another, just not quite yet though.

13-07-06, 01:11 PM
Admin - Please dont give me a bitch slapping... this wasnt intended as a sales pitch

Phil - 5ft is average.. I've just rescued an absolute monster of a corn snake... He's been ear marked for breeding next year ;-)

Draper - There's means and ways to obtain anything ;-)

Gunzi - They are pretty easy to look after. Normally pitched as a beginners snake. They start off on 1 pinky every 4-5 days (about 30p) and move up through the sizes to adult mice every 1-2 weeks.

Last of the SR's - This year they'll be ?30. Petshops sell them for anything between ?45-over a ton. This years proceeds will like every year be spent on the car :-D

This weekend I should hopefully be uploading my partially finished site.
www.mattscornsnakes.co.uk (http://www.mattscornsnakes.co.uk)

The car will be plastered in adverts and I've even had a t-shirt printed with the web site addy across the back. I'm planning on wearing it when I go to Tesco's... a little advertising test.

13-07-06, 01:15 PM
What do i need to keep the snake in?? Tank? Lighting? Heating etc??

13-07-06, 01:44 PM
Easiest thing to do for a tank is have a look in the free ads for someone selling a setup already.

Or if you want new kit there are 2 options.

1st - Buy a fish tank, you can buy purpose built lids or make your own. You need to have some sort of ventilation but these little buggers can escape through anything you can fit a pencil through (when they're babies that is)

2nd - Buy a vivarium, more expensive but will have sliding front doors for easier access.

Heating - you will need a heatpad that covers half foot print of the tank.

Lighting - strip light is the best. Does'nt need to be UV but its best to cage them off to stop the snakes burning themselves.

I can send you a care sheet if you like.
Send me an email with care sheet in the subject line to matts_corn_snakes@yahoo.co.uk

13-07-06, 02:04 PM
Thts quite cool i would love to have one,but would have to wait till i move out,my mum would kill it she hates anything like snkes and spiders,stupid cowlol

Although the only problem i can see arising is me forgeting to feed it an look after it.


13-07-06, 02:05 PM
To be honest.... they can go for a couple of months without eating. lol.

Obviously not the best thing to do but...