View Full Version : quick question

03-07-06, 04:49 PM
this is gona sound a bit thickish, but as i still dont have a clue about all this internet stuff, was wondering what a url is?

im looking into creating my own site so i can host my own pics, ive picked an address, but its saying a need a url!


03-07-06, 04:54 PM
dont worry about it, im 20 and by rights should know but i dont have a forking clue! lol

03-07-06, 04:57 PM
i done a media course at college a few years ago about the internet, as well as half a douzen qualifications in computer graphics using photoshop, autocad, etc, but i havent got a clue how to use them now, yet ive got qualifications to say i can, i want one of those sigs as well, but duno how to make them!

03-07-06, 05:12 PM
You have to be a Premium member to have a sig :thumb:

03-07-06, 09:07 PM
URL = Uniform Resource Locator

Basically means a web address, e.g. http://www.novaload.net is a URL.

03-07-06, 09:24 PM

04-07-06, 12:53 AM
^^ as stated above by Razorjack, just a another name for a web address

04-07-06, 04:19 PM
ive picked my wen address, and the site im setting it up from has recognised it, but its saying its needs a url, even though ive picked one?

04-07-06, 04:40 PM
In what context? Copy and paste the text from the page asking for the URL.