View Full Version : twin40 jetting, come on you pro's

27-06-06, 04:46 PM
right this is a long shot but i really need some help. jetting my carbs but it doesnt seem to want to have it

engine spec:
14nv block
1300 head
piper 285 cam
4-1 manifold and magnex system

right if someone has a similar setup and knows what jeting they have it would be really helpful to have a base to work on. i read a post by womble-sri he said he could give out info on what he used so if you read this womble please can you help:)


27-06-06, 05:29 PM
phone a RR/fastroadandrace on ebay......

womble sri
28-06-06, 11:21 AM
cant remember what mine are now ive got it written down somewere but as stu said fastroadcars or eurocarb should be able to tell you to your exact spec

28-06-06, 11:40 PM
Well eurocarb told me what to use, and to be honest as far as i understand it was way out. I have looked at a Dave Andrews website who is supposed to know LOTS about setting carbs up and his calculations make eurocarbs setup really really rich, which makes sense as when i had it set up with the jets in it didnt run right at all, and i actually made a better job of it myself.

Womble if you can find out what jets you had in that would be great as a starting point for me :)
