View Full Version : Fuel guage

22-06-06, 08:39 AM
Yesterday, I could see my fuel guage dropping into the red as I drove, then it went back up to the normal position. Last night it wasn't working at all, until I took some tight bends both left and right. This morning they did not move off of the red at all, even though I put a ?10 of petrol in to see if this helped. Do you guys reckon its the sender or the dash, and what am I looking at to fix it for either one?
Thank you

p.s, I think this has come up recently, but I'm about to let my year 1 class in and I have v little time to search for it!!!

22-06-06, 03:04 PM
See if you can lend a dash of someone, see if the fuel guage works on that.
If its the same as yours, then it will be the sender.

22-06-06, 04:59 PM
or unplug the sender and stick a bit of wire into the two connections , if your gauge the goes up to full its your sender

22-06-06, 06:31 PM
Awesome, thanks for the useful fast response guys. I've played with the sender and it was a dodgy connection. Muchos appreciated