View Full Version : Anybody go paintballin besides me?

16-06-06, 02:56 PM
Check this out


16-06-06, 05:58 PM
I wouldn't say I go paint balling but have been known to partake in a game or 2 but I've never seen anything like that. It just looks positively evil.

80 Rounds Per Second! No wonder they've used what looks like a toilet header tank to contain the rounds in.

16-06-06, 06:19 PM
Actually what's even more amazing is that there were 1515 guests viewing that thread at the same time as me!

In some of the earllier posts in the same thread they were sounding pretty chuffed about having over 100 guests.

16-06-06, 11:59 PM
80 Rounds Per Second! No wonder they've used what looks like a toilet header tank to contain the rounds in.

80....rounds..per second?!?!?!?!?!?! per minute sounds fast enough! but seconds? i would have to see it to believe it, how do you count stuff like that anyway? i mean if its that fast, you cant count it surely?

17-06-06, 09:55 AM
Theres a machine, like a speed camera, that measures velocity of the paintballs (there are limits so that you don't get "injured") and it can also measure cyclic rate. A human prob can't pull the trigger fast enough to reach the 80 rate, (thats 20 trigger pulls per second.....)

General Baxter
17-06-06, 10:03 AM
its called a chronograph ;)

why not just make it fully auto via removing the stop bolt from the trigger to the air valve

17-06-06, 10:43 AM
Is that gun in the photograph fully automatic or semi-automatic? The way to work out how many rounds per minute would be to fire the entire magazine, time it and then do the maths of how many rounds were fired in that time to work it out. I'd imagine 80 rounds per second is wishful thinking, but then there are 4 guns to needlessly and inaccurately spray ammunition everywhere. I once had a pair of semi automatic BB guns and in the post-matrix halcyon days, my mates and me tried a BB gun in each hand; we couldn't hit a thing!! The guy with bitch tits in the pic is probably a failed army recruit living out his combat fantasies from his mums house to the paintball field. Take one look at his (oh-so-scary) mask and ill fitting, mis matched 'army' clothes to see what I mean.

17-06-06, 01:45 PM
Dannyb, the guy is actually a member of the most successful paintball team in north america, as opposed to you, who is just a member

Baxter, that would make the marker pointless, because full auto is banned in tournament (?)

17-06-06, 02:14 PM

you couldnt exactly run for cover with that ****er though could you lol

17-06-06, 05:36 PM
[quote=RJM25R]Dannyb, the guy is actually a member of the most successful paintball team in north america, as opposed to you, who is just a member[quote]

Was the member thing supposed to be an insult RJM25R?

17-06-06, 05:48 PM
yup auto-fire is not allowed in tournaments also trigger bounce had to be cured too if you have it.

used to play quite a bit!
saw team halo play quite a few times an the americans could fire incredibly fast can't remember how many per second though!
mate has an autoc0cker with e-grip that's fairly rapid

17-06-06, 06:49 PM
dannyb, sorry if subtle humour is over your head. You made an observation, I retorted.

17-06-06, 10:18 PM
Thats fine RJM, but surely an Englishman is allowed a light dig at a slightly over weight American, it shouldn'r have to resort to saying I'm a c**k mate! Yes he is good at something but come on, its not like he's your mate (sorry if he is); we all have our specialtys (I for instance am not only a member, Im a trainee teacher and work for PACSO, a charity for disabled kids in the final stages of terminal illnesses). And yes its an impressive piece of machinery he's made.

17-06-06, 10:40 PM
?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????

18-06-06, 08:24 AM
I remmber seening the World Championship Paint Ball thinnig as It was at the Rugby Club up the Road from me. And i thought they where fireing them fast but 80 per Second would not like to be on the reciving end of that!

18-06-06, 12:25 PM
i got hit a few times and that hurt enough, getting hit 80 times in a second would kill!!

18-06-06, 05:26 PM
iv still never been paint balling, will have to go soon though.

that is one big beast, i wouldnt want that to be pointed at me!