View Full Version : C16se- Tuning *look*

11-06-06, 08:42 PM

Just brought a C16SE engine for my Nova, Just wondering what sort of power i could bring from tuning it... And please as tempting as it is please dont say get a 2.0 etc...

I was thinking along the lines of:
> Twin Weber's
> Cam
> 4-2-1 Manifold,
> Chipped ECU

Is this all possible?? What size weber's would run best? 40's 45's etc..
What sort of BHP could be reached with this engine?
is there anthing i missed?

Any help Greatly apriciated...
Mad-Dog Nova

11-06-06, 09:03 PM
i believe jim and iirc dan are running 150bhp from there 1.6 T40's. which is nice, but about 120-130bhp is more the norm with that set up. T45 are way too big btw. and chipped ecu and carbs dont mix.


11-06-06, 09:25 PM
and why would you chip the ecu with carbs? lol.

the 1400 guide on my sig link is kinda relevant to the 1600 too.

11-06-06, 09:51 PM
Ok, so ditch the idea of a chip (thanks for the input stu on that subject -why dya think i put the post up in the first place :confused: )

So twin 40's are now on my shopping list!!

What about the exhaust manifold?? which is best 4-1? or 4-2-1?

Is it worth a getting a Cam? if so what do i look for?

Any other engine mod's i should take into consideration...
How is 150BHP achivable... 120-130bhp sounds fine but 150 would be sweet... i need the information.

Thanks for the info guy's keep it coming!! :thumb:

11-06-06, 10:00 PM
a good condition bottom end (rebore etc if nessecary)
arp rod bolts
a PROPERLY ported head + bigger valves (look at a blyndenstein one etc)
285 cam MIN, i recomend a kent AST2 or piper BP300 (dont worry about idle etc as a PROPER setup will see you right)
T40's are good, but you can also get kick ass results from the GTE inlet with mappable ECU.... but its cost and effort lol.

any tubular exhaust will be fine

11-06-06, 10:11 PM
Take it you mean Bill Blydenstein for the head work?

Will i need larger piston's etc if that work is done? and where can i get these from??

Does anyone have a contact number, email, website for Bill Blydenstein??

11-06-06, 10:16 PM
Ivor Searle do head work on his behalf now. they are based in soham. do a yell seach. But they/he isnt the be all and end all of porting etc...

if you want larger pistons take the block to a good engineering workshop and get them to sort it all for you

12-06-06, 12:24 AM
Definently get a performance cam to get the most out the t40s etc.