View Full Version : Emergancy!!! PV06 and engine has just let go HELP!!

Mark Beeson
02-06-06, 07:06 PM
Hi everyone I want to pick your brains.
Just taken my car for a drive. Noticed smoke coming from the exhaust.Got it home and on idle it smokes a bit. Rev it to 5K smokes more then let of the revs and when it gets to around 1.5k it billows out white smoke around 3 foot long. Back onto idle smokes a bit.
The smoke is a nasty smelling acrid white smoke.
The car should be on the PV stand on sunday and I wanted to run it up the strip into the 12's lol yeah rite
Any ideas?? - These are mine
1.Head gasket
2.Head cracked
3.Turbo seals gone
There didnt seem to be much water pressure when I took the cap off if it helps.
No loss of power
Nova C20 LET EDS phase 2
Going out now but any suggestions

02-06-06, 07:27 PM
do you get boost?

02-06-06, 07:28 PM
Doesn't sound good !
Is it using water ? the fact that theres not much pressure in the header points to the headgasket i'd say ?
Have you checked the compresion ?
What ever it is it sounds like your gonna have a busy night !!

Good luck, shame if the car doesn' make it there !!


geoff H
02-06-06, 07:33 PM
Is it white smoke or bluey white, from what you describe white smoke from the headgasket going wouldn't smell as its just water vapour, it sounds more like turbo seals.


Lee H
02-06-06, 10:21 PM
Sounds like turbo seals to me as well.

Compression test to try and rule out the headgasket maybe?

02-06-06, 10:30 PM
a mate of mines R5 Turbo had the exact same symptons, so much smoke we couldnt see the car! It turned out to be turbo seal mate if thats any help to ya??

Rick Draper
02-06-06, 11:03 PM

Mark Beeson
03-06-06, 09:37 AM
Cheers boys it happened last night on way home. I was in a rush to get out to a wedding anyway so not had a chance to check anything.
Going to do a comp test today with the water tank pressurised.
Why does it always happen just before a big show????
White smoke no signs of blue smoke - gutted

03-06-06, 12:31 PM
Gutted mate, couldnt have happened at a worst time could it really. Hope its not too bad mate.

Mark Beeson
04-06-06, 11:19 PM
had to happen one day.
Heads of with no real defo signs of the gasket problem so going to get the head checked over anyway. Few pitting marks on both the head and the pistons and the bores are looking quite good all things considered
Bought a new cometic gasket today as well