View Full Version : V6 brakes quick question

01-06-06, 10:06 PM
Do you need a bigger master cylinder when fitting V6 brakes?

I have just fitted some (288mm redrilled discs and V6 - non turbo calipers) I need to wear them in a bit as the pads were worn into a bit of an angle.

They don't kick in as early in the peddal press as the originals, is that normal?

And I have bled them once but the calipers were dry before fitting, will I need to bleed them again?

OK so a few questions really then!:)

01-06-06, 10:17 PM
im using the standard corsa one on my turbo brakes, they still brake the same you just need to press them harder.

01-06-06, 10:30 PM
Spose it kind of makes braking more controlable if there's a greater range of foot pressure. Which is good coz I still havn't done my camber since lowering.lol

02-06-06, 12:34 AM
What is a remote servo and would it be worth getting one or does it depend on the size?

02-06-06, 12:48 AM
Yup, a "long" pedal is normal, as the caliper piston is much larger than the standard nova one, so it takes more fluid to move caliper.

You dont usually get that on Turbo brakes, as they have smaller pistons than V6 calipers, and so dont need as much pedal.

You could try adjusting the bar up behind the dash, just make sure you dont adjust it so much that the brakes are on all the time tho.

But its normal on v6 calipers on novas.

02-06-06, 12:22 PM
Thanks I was hoping it would be that. Do you think it would be worth getting a bigger servo and/or braided lines?

I've seen in other posts its not worth getting a bigger master cylinder.

02-06-06, 12:47 PM
Bigger master cylinder could help, as it will push more fluid.

Bigger servo would just make braking easier, it wouldn't increase the braking force.

02-06-06, 12:50 PM
finally its sunk in about servos lol.

the longer pedal travel does NOT give you a more progressive brake, if anything its made worse as you only have the bottom inch or so of travel to do the braking in lol.

02-06-06, 04:41 PM
ok its probably coz the pads arn't bedded in properly. how long before it's safe to stop fully with the brakes without risking warping the discs?

I did about 1h of progressive stopping starting and cooling today.

02-06-06, 07:38 PM
i bedded mine in round donnington track an set them on fire lmfao an i havent warped them

02-06-06, 07:53 PM
/\ lol
I've slightly warped mine just driving normally, not track driving etc.
I remember a quick phase of braking hard and then stopped at my house forgot about letting them cool down, and now the discs bind slightly at one point of a wheel revolution. Lol