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13-01-01, 06:20 PM
hey people im still having trouble sorted it to idel corrdtly by adjusting fuel mixture and idle screw it idles fine but as son as you drive andstop at the lights say it just falls down the revs and cuts out and i have to restart it and its really rough when i do like splutering out the exhaust, i wa told might be diaphragm any1 know if it is and how much to fix it cos im gettting ery pisse doff might just go back to the pierburg????

13-01-01, 07:18 PM
Like I said, its still leakin g air m8. I've had exact same prob!!

14-01-01, 09:30 AM
tell what them webers are a fucking nitemare really arnt they mine used to do the same then cut out then fill the butterflys up with petrol and make a sound like a bath emptying i took the bastard off got arebuld kit and it still done it :(