View Full Version : Nova Security

16-05-06, 08:48 PM
I know a determined thief will take your car if they really want it, but what measures do you guys and girls take to stop your Nova being pinched? I have a Stoplok steering wheel lock, any other low cost solutions would be welcome!

16-05-06, 08:58 PM
the locks are made from cheese, get rid of them. the boot is easy, take out the lock and fill with fibreglass paste, sand, paint. done and also look better. then u can fit a solinoid (?20-ish) get the wire one not the central locking type tho. As for the doors - could be expensive, im planning to weld or glue a small dished plate behind the hole where the lock was and skim with filler, then hoping i can match the paint quite well. Also theres the hazard light switch 'mod' on Topbuzz i think. cant beat a good alarm though - try saving.


16-05-06, 09:04 PM
Is that one of the bars that goes thru the wheel? Apparently they're pretty easy to get open, and can be used to lever the wheel and break the steering lock...

Low cost solutions... get and install an alarm, even if its just a cheap one, but try to find one with a battery backup within the alarm. Delock the doors, and plate round the locks inside to prevent someone sticking a coat hanger down the window seal. Also, remove the interior door pins too. Wire in a hidden kill switch, or something you can remove when parked that will isolate the electrics without being easily replaced.

Don't leave anything on view when you park the car, hide audio equipment in stealth shelves, always remove your radio etc.

Cheapest security mod would be to not visually make the car attractive to thieves ;)

General Baxter
16-05-06, 09:04 PM
the boot is easy, take out the lock and fill with fibreglass paste, sand, paint. done and also look better.

and 3 weeks all the fibreglass falls out leaving a big hole where you can open the bootlol

use a bit of metal and smooth it over :thumb:

shazzi novavan
16-05-06, 09:30 PM
the bass ----terds who broke into my van last year, did not get past my immob, best mod i did me thinks lol, i now have it belled up too!!! not giving them a second chance!! :mad: rrrrrraaaaarrrrrrrr

craig green
16-05-06, 10:04 PM
I'm quite happy using a krooklock alongside the clifford with delocked doors.

Only a pro with lots of time & cover would bother persuing a car with a krooklock etc. (round here) anyway.


Ste L
16-05-06, 10:13 PM
me and riggy will be sorting a thorough guide for security for a nova soon, after what happened to both out yours,

basically will be a list of tip's and other little tricks that will be a good idea

General Baxter
16-05-06, 10:34 PM
Cheapest security mod would be to not visually make the car attractive to thieves ;)

i disagree there, they always seem to take old ****ters and std looking cars, how many of them have alarms and imob, but that erm body kitted saxo WILL have an alarm and imob!

ooo you could allways buy a ?3 red blinking LED :thumb:

16-05-06, 10:44 PM
My saloon (std) never once got touched, but the hatch (bodykit) did a few times.

Although the only thing the Celica seems to attract is fcuking car park dents :mad:

16-05-06, 11:00 PM
one simple security option at no cost is............. remove the ht lead from coil to dizzy cap lol. and get a cat 2 immobiliser as its a good start to build up later

Welsh Dan
16-05-06, 11:16 PM
A friend of mine always takes the rotor arm out of his astra when he goes to work...

Something that hasn't been mentioned in this thread yet, is that security film you stick to the inside of the windows, it wont keep a determined person out, but it holds the window together once its broken, and helps to stop getting glass fragments everywhere.

Rather than to de-lock completely, which suggests to me that the owner of the car thinks it might be worth nicking or contains something worth nicking, is it possible to wire up the remote central locking, plate it up so that a slimjim won't work, and have the locks present, but disconnected?

16-05-06, 11:27 PM
when my old nova was broken into the locks were all present and standard but the b*****d who broke in cut the rear side window seal and pulled it out complete so an immobiliser to stop the thief taking the car is good but obviously you need sensors inside the car with an alarm because there is no way you can stop anyone from doing this anytime.

my new nova is now prepared for this with plenty of sensors lol

16-05-06, 11:34 PM
.........my novas on bricks - try nickin that! also alarm and immobiliser also got a central locking kit to fit next week, want to de handle and de lock my boot also, but qikly what solinoids would everyone reckomend? dont spose i could get some links, greatly appreciate:cool:

16-05-06, 11:37 PM
My car got broken into about 3 months ago,

I had a Disklok which are very very difficult to get out of and I thank for me still having my car quite cheap aswell now for the protection and detereant they offer,

Now I also have Solex locks which I put in deadlock all the time, alarm & immobiliser, and a delocked smoothed boot,

Essay warning:
I also now have a crazy setup in my boot which I have deemed safe enough the house the large amount of ICE thats in it, On the weekend I visited b&q and bought 3 large padlocks and 5 metres of the thickest chain they sell went home and drilled and cut 8 holes each about 1inch square in the tops of my rear seats on the metal bit under the rear lining and bracketed the seperate parts of the seats together, I then wrapped the chain up in insulation tape so if doesnt rattle and interwined it through the holes in the seats, I then padlocked each part of the chain to the drivers side and passenger side rear suspension turrets where there is space to fit the chain through and to be able to lock it tightly, I then bought some 30mm screw in bracket things with a circle at the top and screwed 4 in my mdf parcel shelf 2 in my false floor and then wrapped it around the girder thingy just below the boot and padlocked it tightly in the middle, Now my back seats cannot be put down or the parcel shelf cannot be lifted up nor can the false floor be moved to get at my amps, A bit crazy I know but if you have some ICE it could be a cheap and easy way to protect it!!


17-05-06, 01:01 AM
Thanks for your help people, I think a security guide (perhaps with pics for instaling simple bits would be an awesome idea. Its not too ghetto around Bognor, mainly just scrotes who want to pinch an easy car. Luckily its a 5 door so loses some theft appeal! The film sounds like a good idea, as does the HT cable as it will make most people give up!

17-05-06, 11:29 AM
Wire in a hidden kill switch

I've got a kill switch......................attached to a .22 air rifle sitting in my bedroom which overlooks my car!

Get a cctv setup, pish cheap! I've got 3 cameras linked to a tv in my bedroom and in the front room, alarm + immob (anti shock, anti jack and anti hijack- my hocky stick!!), 3 locking posts and chain up the gates a night!

Last time my SR got nicked they got around a cat2 alarm & immob (which had actually been removed from car when police recovered it!) and they took a blow torch to my disk lock and cut it in half, along with the steering wheel! All for a set of ?800 alloys and some 6x9s! :mad:

I take no chances at all now!:thumb:

17-05-06, 01:19 PM
If there is a security guide, could we perhaps put links to where you can get the best value items? One thing I didnt notice last night was the Solex deadlocks - where can you get these from SuperNova?

17-05-06, 01:44 PM
normally see a few sets on eBay?

17-05-06, 01:48 PM
Here you go mate 35 pounds brand new or you can pick up a set on ebay for 10-20 pounds,

http://www.speeding.co.uk/cgi-bin/sh000099.cgi?REFPAGE=http%3a%2f%2fwww%2espeeding%2 eco%2euk%2facatalog%2fsearch%2ehtml&WD=an221&PREVQUERY=PAGE%3dSEARCH%26SS%3dAN221%26TB%3dA%26AC TION%3dSearch&PN=Car_Accessories_Solex__Door_Locks_174%2ehtml%23 a2902#a2902

Hope this helps

17-05-06, 03:39 PM
another quite simple idead is to

run a set of wires from your horn to a swith and the to an ignition live and hide the switch , idea being when you park your car up turn off ignition and turn switch on , if any little scrout wants to take your car then , the moment the ignition comes live , then the horn is on full blast , should make the ****ers ditch it or do one anyhow :thumb:

18-05-06, 04:49 PM
Solex locks aren't all that, if the twoc-er can't get his screwdriver IN the lock he'll go ROUND it. Thats how mine got broken into the second time, and ended up with a big hole next to the lock :(

18-05-06, 05:36 PM
a very cheap way is to get the ?34.99 sparkrite alarm from argos. it took me 2 1/2 hours to fit. it goes of on electrical pulse so as soon as your boot/interior light goes on, headlights, ignition turns on it sets the alarm off. mine hasnt done a faulse alarm yet either. (it also has a cheasy beep when you activate or disalarm it lol ) also if its a mk 2 take your hazard switch with you!

18-05-06, 05:41 PM
Thats how most alarms work, voltage drop. Unfortunately it only works if they come in by opening the door - suffice to say most people can get round them very easily :(

18-05-06, 06:00 PM
i never leave anything on show and my sub and amp are bolted down so they would have to open the boot/door to get to anything or to knick the car lol not the best security in the world but helps me sleep at night lol

19-05-06, 09:46 AM
Sounds a bit basic, but i reckon the best immobiliser you can have is a simple switch in the + wire to the fuel pump. You can hide it where ever you like and no one will ever know.

No fuel means they aint driving it anywhere.

Lee H
19-05-06, 10:40 AM
Clifford alarm and immobiliser with 3 immobiliser circuits on mine including one wireless one. Also have no door pins and the car just has two seats and a cage in so nothing on show to nick.

19-05-06, 02:24 PM
Worst case scenario with glass film is, if you roll it and get trapped in the car and say there is an engine fire, you won't be able to smash the glass to get out, or the fire brigade smash it to get in.

The Simps
19-05-06, 11:57 PM
In think the easy cheap mods are as people have already said:-

- Kill Switch (very easy to fit)
- If you have remote central locking and your locks still in place, disconnected the bar that goes to them.
- Steering lock or gear lever lock (deters petty thieves)
- Don't leave anything on display.

If someone wants to get into the car they will. Cutting the rear window sill is easy and I've had it done. Can't beat a decent alarm and immobilser tho. Will take them x10 longer to get the car started and roll away.


20-05-06, 08:07 PM
Buy a snap-off steering wheel. They'll see no wheel and go and try someone elses car.