View Full Version : Single Wiper Laws

Damian Coull
15-05-02, 12:00 AM
I have to say I think single wipers do not look gay or homosexual parked centrally. I cannot understand how a wiper could possibly look GAY, no matter where its parked unless its parked up your ass or maybe if it was pink with yellow flowers on it.

Opinions vary, I personally think it looks good in the middle. I also happen to think the Kingdom front bumper for example is disgusting, others love it.

Thats why modifying cars is so great because everyones cars can be so different.

It is not illegal to have your wiper parked centrally, as long as the sweep of the blade covers 70% of your screen.

Grant, if you want to see how this is done, give us a bell and you can see how I modified the mechanism.

Over and out.

15-05-02, 09:54 AM
Either this weekend or next, i'll be fitting a single wiper (pug 306 rear arm with 19" blade .

Just wondering, before i fit it and its too late, are there any laws on central placement at all ? EG Height, Sweep etc etc, as i know what tits old bill can be like on a bad day about stuff like that .

Cheers .

Vauxhall Nova - Defined in Spain


15-05-02, 10:16 AM
erm u can get a fixed penlty 4 parking it central

15-05-02, 11:11 AM
I got a 306 rear wiper arm on mine, looks well sweet, dont know what blade to fit tho :( so its got a standard 306 rear blade, and it fouls the windscreen rubber a lil

a car that works properly?- think Im daydreaming...

15-05-02, 12:07 PM
Centre parking
a) is illegal
b) looks gay.

hope that helps.

15-05-02, 12:18 PM
I didn't ask for opinions, i asked for laws and rules them, opinions vary from person to person, thats just your view .

Vauxhall Nova - Defined in Spain


15-05-02, 01:35 PM
single wiper centre parking looks homosexual......ha ha ha ha

sepatown my daimeys!!

15-05-02, 04:55 PM
I did give you the law:its illegal.
I gave you my opinion for no extra charge.

Must sweep 70% of screen to b legal.

15-05-02, 05:27 PM
Mine parks in the middle and passed MOT if ur wondering Grant? Also got pulled the other week, he had a good look at the car, didnt say nething bout the wiper, just that my No. Plate wasnt lit up.

If it has tits or wheels it'l giv u probs!:)

15-05-02, 10:54 PM
Some Mercs have single wipers so if its illegal then Mercedes are breaking the law. Fit it - a good mod (not gay) - like freak says 70% screen must be visible. Be ready for change in visibility though cos u lose part of yer visibility on the drivers side if yer window gets messy (the bit that is usually cleared when the blade runs vertical against the edge of the glass on the drivers side) and av heard the sweep takes longer to clear the rain off yer window so keep yer distance in bad weather. I bought this rainex stuff the other day and since applying it to me windows I havnt actually used my windscreen wipers yet! (raining like shite up here aswell!) - rain just falls of yer windows - amazin stuff!

16-05-02, 12:00 AM
centrally parked is illegal so i've heard, the highest you're allowed is 45 degrees


16-05-02, 01:13 AM
i think centre parking looks much better. If u have done the t piece mod then side parking wont be flat on the bottom of the screen and then it looks GAY

16-05-02, 09:26 AM
I much prefer the centre parking aswell, i didnt expect such an immature response though, its woeful .

ADE - the mercs wipers are never centrally parked, they rest on the bottom left of the windscreen as you look out from inside and when you activate it, it jumps around while sweeping ! My old man had one on his old CLK, was quality .

DAMIAN - Im gettin hold of a 306 rear wiper, with modified linkage, so its just a case of attachin it all to existing w. motor \ ball joint i think . I might give you a shout, will let u know nearer time, nice one mate .

LOCKYS NOVA - Cheers, i was a bit concerned about the MOT seeing as i got one looming just around the corner .

Vauxhall Nova - Defined in Spain


16-05-02, 11:20 AM
Dont understand why it is illegal. If its due to imparing vision when dry what about them vw bug vans or other older cars with split windows? Providing its installed correctly its hardly gonna come flying off at speed and impail someone? Maybe worth calling someone who knows about that kinda stuff (dunno who though) just to be 100% safe. Anyone got a PC plod law book?


16-05-02, 11:34 AM
I dont mind centrally parked wipers as long as they keep themselves to themselves and dont try to force their opinions on me or touch me in anyway. I hate it when to of them are together in public holding hands though it makes me sick and I would never let my kids play with one. but honestly they dont bother me ...some of my best mates are centrally parked wipers.

(ps I was laughing at the theory of gay wipers in my previous post)

sepatown my daimeys!!

16-05-02, 01:00 PM

20-05-02, 06:47 PM
Mine has passed 2 MOT's with it parked centrally and the bloke who did it just said that it looked nice!