View Full Version : water/coolent bottle cap blown off

23-04-06, 05:39 PM
well at least i think it has:confused: filled it up bout 4 days ago, me and me bro just got my bonnet open as the cable is nearly broke or somthing, well opened it and realised that my screw on cap for the water/coolant bottle has dissapeared! could it have blown it self off? as i actually remember screwing it back on last time pretty tight. and the bonnet hasnt been openable for a while so....

also had a race on a private road last night with a punto, and my engine got a hammerng cause the punto seemed quicker than i thought but we were level untill his started having black smoke out the zorst when he put it in forthlol

so would a hard thrash of done it?

cheers, lew

also can i drive without it, i'v been driving without it on but not sure how long for.

General Baxter
23-04-06, 05:41 PM
i don't think you can drive with out one as there pressurized

23-04-06, 05:43 PM
oooh great! gotta track one down now!

Welsh Dan
23-04-06, 06:04 PM
Should be 10 a penny at the local srappie :thumb:

23-04-06, 06:07 PM
Or two to a pocket!

23-04-06, 06:13 PM
Hmm, i doubt it could "fall" off. Unless its a loose fit, but they are normally pretty tight.
Maybe Headgasket is on the way out and pressuring the coolant system, the excess pressure is exiting via the easiest route(cap on tank)

And ye as Baxter says, the coolant system is pressurised.

23-04-06, 06:18 PM
just buy a new one from a motorfactor.. cost feck all

23-04-06, 06:26 PM
superglu the fecker on next time! lol

23-04-06, 06:36 PM
think its fords that blow them off every 5 mins not know novas to do it though

23-04-06, 09:18 PM
will one from a cav fit, i think it should, if so i can get one tommorow for nout.

oh well if the head gasket is on its way out it just means i'll have to get cracking on a different engine.

iv never heard of this happening before.
