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View Full Version : Head gasket or Head

21-04-06, 07:56 PM
Ok i need some advice people. my 2ltr nova is loosing water (about a litre a week) and loosing oil to (about a pint a week) ive pressure tested all the cylinders and the results are all good. I think the headgasket has gone between a water way and oil way. but preformance is ok. and some one told me its probably the head cos they rot??????? any ideas. its an 89 c20xe engine. with a dizzy.

21-04-06, 07:58 PM
Could be a porous head, if its a GM head.

21-04-06, 08:22 PM
how do i tell if its a GM head?

21-04-06, 08:23 PM
also its using water but not alot of oil.