View Full Version : Which CR box for 1.3SR

21-04-06, 05:53 PM
OK guys, I'm looking for a definative answer to this question, I've spoken to loads of people about this and get different answers every time. It's all starting to annoy me now.

I have a 1300SR engine and want to upgrade to F##CR box. Which box should I get? I have found a number of F13, F15 and F16 Close ratio boxes to buy but I'm not sure which is best and will fit my engine. If F16 will fit my car that would be great as there is one I can buy not to far away.

Cheers guys

21-04-06, 06:05 PM
F13CR, with a 4.18FD(if you can find what)
For acceleration.

21-04-06, 06:46 PM
do not fit an F16 you will need to do the big block cv joint mess about lol.

as said F13Cr (or even F10 CR in the F13 casing to clear any clutch issues)

21-04-06, 06:57 PM
What clutch issues would arise from fitting an F13CR?

Are there any problems with fitting an F15CR box? Now that the F16 is out of the question the F15 is the easiest for me to get hold of.

21-04-06, 07:00 PM
an F15 is ok, but you cant change the FD very easily thats all. oh and no clutch access pannel...
ive got an F13cr cluster with 4.29fd in an F15 case lol.

the clutch issues are where the F10 is designed for the 1.0- 1.4 non sri engines and the F13 cna clear all clutches you fit so its a bit more versitile.
but its only the casings that are the difference

21-04-06, 08:11 PM
F10 was designed for 190mm clutch, the F13 has room for a 200mm version.