View Full Version : Leaking fuel..... Help

16-04-06, 01:30 PM
Hi all

Just got my k reg 1.4 luxe carb back on the road after it had been sat in the garage for 20 months. Its been on holiday to Inverness last week and has clocked up 1,000 miles in that time.

Now Ive got 2 problems:

1. The engine seems to be running on fast idle and running cold but I'm sure this is down to a faulty thermostat.

2. The when we got to Carlisle on the way up there was a strong smell of petrol and a small puddle by the tank filler pipe where it meets the tank. I had filled the tank the night before for the 2nd time that week and i didn't notice anything the 1st time. By the time we next stopped the tank was under half full and I checked it again, no smell and no puddle.When we arrived in Inverness same thing no smell or puddle.

We used my car again 2 days later and the fuel level hadn't dropped but we half filled the car. same again next time we stopped there was a small puddle and a slow drip. from then on I didn't fill the tank more than half full till the way home. Same again at the 1st stop them smell of petrol was back and a small puddle but by the time the tank was half empty it had stopped again.

It doesn't look like its from the filler pipe or the pipes to the pump or the return pipe either.

Has anyone got any ideas?

My only thought now is its the tank. Not to bad as its only ?56+vat from my local motor factors but they don't stock the hoses between the tank and the filler pipe and between the tank and the the pump and return pipes and at ?32 each for the tank straps I don't want to have to take the tank off and damage these.

Thanks for any help. Steve

16-04-06, 01:45 PM
Filler pipe looks favorite to me,I,d check it again before buying a new tank.

16-04-06, 01:59 PM
Checked filler pipe and its fine there seems to be a few trickle marks round the flat bit in the edge of the tank thst seem to come from above the flat part.is there a breather pipe or anything on a 1.4 carb?

16-04-06, 04:17 PM
Yes there.s a breather pipe on top of the tank.

16-04-06, 05:14 PM
ok will check that out 1st could be somthing to do with that to as the fuel cap dosnt lock properly either.

16-04-06, 05:53 PM
I have the same problem on my gsi mate, if the breather pipe is of the fabric type, they rub away, and when the tank is full, they leak all over the place, its a tank undone job to replace it to,

17-04-06, 05:10 PM
Thanks for ya help lads. Took the tank off today all the pipes seem OK but the tank is rusted around the seams. So new 1 is on order, going 2 replace the all the connection pipes whilst its in bits. Can anyone recommend any were to get replacements from as i don't fancy using my life savings to get them from vauxhalls?


17-04-06, 08:51 PM
I guess any motor factor would be able to supply the pipes you need, i think u might have to get the filler neck to tank pipe from vauxhall part number 90156361 according to the epc

17-04-06, 09:53 PM
I got some pipe for tank connections last week from vaux (I was desperate!) ?7 odd for 1/2 a metre plus VAT:roll: